Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Obama Oil

What are you Americans going to do with your Obama getting all jiggy with this hands in his pants, not just playing with his pet monkey, stroking that hairy ape in pleasure, but now your Bearick has two derricks he is just a pumping on.

What is that? You think I'm talking porn? Why no sir ye bob, baby sister, I'm talking about oil in them there luscious Obama dunes, that black gold, Texas tea, Islam coffee, Muslim date cake, yes we are talking about the crudest of crude, that oil of the desert North African sands, and your Obama has roared just like the lion and said, "It is all mine, mine, mine!"

Exclusively here, I by God's Grace alerted all that Obama had John Kerry over dividing up the Sudan, where Obama gave amnesty to the Muslim butcher in charge there if he turned over south Sudan's rich oil fields to the Obama colonials.
Yes baby sister, this is COLONIAL OIL, not British Petroleum even if they say it does not exist, but Tarbaby Gulf Oil Obama in telling the Chinamen to go home and play with their chopsticks as Obama is taking over the derricks pumping their oil and Obama is doing the long stroke on them deep wells.

See sister, this Libyan thing is about Obama Marxists, FUNDED WITH US BAILOUT MONEY TO EUROPE, having taken over eastern Libya where the oil is, leaving Khadaffi in charge of Tripoli as Obama tries to coup de grace Khadaffi's head from his body.

Now I told you them is some bad hombres over there Obama is stealing oil from for his Soros Rothschild central European cartel. America is going to get blamed for all of this, and they are going to get all the oil............
Problem is baby sister is, China is being leveraged by Brzezinski to be broken up and them Chinamen are just not going to like having their oil stolen from them by Obama colonials.

Now if this was about freedom or even Islam in this Obama Club Meddling, it would be about Iran's southern fields being broken off from the Persian communists for the Arabs in the south, but it isn't about freedom at all, but about Obama rapine as he is re aquiring oil wells to sell oil to Americans impoverishing them and rationing Chinese supply.......

Shhh............don't tell, but the idea folks is to make Russia pump to China, to which Putin will be all pumped out in a short time as Chinese communist needs skyrocket in competition with India.
This then creates friction as Putin will not have any oil money to keep power, only have nukes to ward off Chicoms who will then want his Russian lands and grain farms........and you get a wicked little Obama Eurasian confrontation among the big powers all armed with nukes.

That is the future, and not completely going to work out to Rothschild plans, so let's drop another bit here in what Obama will target next.

Obama has raised hell in Nigeria for their oil. Egypt for there oil control and Suez shipping lanes for oil, taken Sudans' oil by dividing that nation and now deepwater Libya in getting their oil.

Someone looks like they are after oil in a war scenario now don't they?

Biggest prize on the table is Saudi Arabia, and they should be the next target being nuclear armed already, and as the oil is all off to one Libyan side, it will be easy to seize control of that nation for the cartels too..........think of it as cutting them Muslim folks out of their own oil loop, the Saddam Hussein middle man, and just taking all the money, as bribes will not be necessary then, as the European Obama colonials will have the whole pudding.

Now you know all this meddling is going to screw things up right? Russia is just sitting there as Iran is sailing around like it has the Caliph already, flipping Jews the bird..............so what you see here is a situation setting up that America will be forced out in humiliation from the Middle East. Russia will probably have to come in the east to restore some sort of order, get the US supply bases, and America will sit wounded and sullen behind her Atlantic and Pacific ocean walls.

The main points though are vital. Obama has made America the focal point for ire, the Europeans get the oil, China is torqued, Putin is piqued in interest, and the sword of Islam from Rabat to Jakarta is just waiting there to be used on itself in a Mexican stand off in Moscow, Peking and Cairo.

I really would think that leftists would be aghast at what their Obama has done. It is really a pisser of a deal for them in being targets of nuclear terrorism and all those dead Muslims become deader all from Obama meddling.
Obama is thee worst imperialist of the modern age. He is like John Kennedy meddling if Kennedy had survived Dallas without a brain...........because Obama is doing this king of brainless thinking in following orders from the central European cartel in making America surrounded by nuclear Cuban Missile Crisis standoffs.

America is going to be so busy trying to not get torched that the rest of these Eurasian powers are going to be busy just picking up the pieces of their old empires creating the feudal system again which had been stamped out for a generation.

All of this is obvious, and all of this is exclusive here. When they got you looking at Muslim brats calling for freedom, baby sister you better be checking that wet spot in Obama's pants, as he has had derrick implant surgery or his erectile dysfunction, and he is pumping oil, colonial oil, which is going to get America rewarded with a nuclear gusher.

Breathe deep New York, because that ain't Chicago BBQ you is smelling, but nuclear charred human bodies due to your Obama policy.
You are going to die Americans for Muslim oil being awarded to European colonials for their Roman Empire reborn.

Who knew the Marx of the Beast (Yes I mean Marx) is printed in Muslim Oil signed by B. Hussein Obama.

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