Sunday, March 13, 2011

Obama's Civil War Business

I was thinking about filing a lawsuit against the Noble Prize Skanks in Norwegia or whatever leftsa place those international socialists expire in while judging what is peace and what is Barack Carter Arafat.

Who would have thought that for a mere 1 million dollars, these liberals could cost billions of dollars in damage from "Obama Peace". Obama has made quite an industry from under the covers of that investment of a Peace Prize in a burgeoning World Wide Civil War Industry.

So in that, I have a legal point in if you pay some Ted Bundy to not murder people in a Life Prize, and olde Ted goes out and inspires a bunch of Marxist Muslims to murder folks, you then are legally responsible for funding murder.

The Nobel bomb makers, have literally provided comrade money for the Obama fellow travelers all across the Mideast, to which this is all costing the world blood, oil and gold in what will be trillions of dollars.

Nobel is responsible for the Gulf Tar Balls to the dead in Libya. Just look at this quote by Obama experts now in they took a reformed Khadaffi under George W. Bush who was making nice and deals with Nicolas Sarkozy, and .............well look at this Obama brainstorm in turning this loose on the world.

"Gadhafi will not leave, and if he stays in power he will cut all ties to the West and seize Western energy assets," the diplomat said. "He will do his best to hurt the European Union and the United States, and this cannot be tolerated."

Hey Colin Powell, what happened to your Obama on the way to trampling Martin King? Didn't you say Colin that if you break it, you own it?
Colin where are you in this now that Obama has broken Libya, made Khadaffi into a monster who will naturally retaliate, and the Obama answer is go and murder piles of Libyans to keep a lid on his string of Club Meddling Coups?

If you do not get this America, you have an Obama who engages in civil wars, and his solution is to go and murder Momammar Khadaffi and his entire family.

Right now it does not make one bit of difference what Khadaffi has done in his life, because this is the United States of America with George Soros humanitarianism engaging in wholesale murder of people who were minding their own business.

Goodness people, do you no get this in Khadaffi did everything to help elect Obama. Khadaffi called him a Kenyan son, a Muslim protege and gave up all his oil to BP deep drilling, and for that Obama sentences him to be murdered, along with his entire family.

Good news children, George W. Bush had Libya fixed, and Khadaffi so civil that Sarkozy was doing deals with him, and in one Obama swoop, this American regime turned Khadaffi into a caged animal, when he was domesticated.

Connect the dots on this on how heinous Hutatree this all is. Khadaffi was minding his own business as dictator just like Hutatree, and here come these BATF Obama international federal police lying and stirring things up.
Hutatree was supposed to fight so they would be assassinated. I have news in this, that protocols were initiated, because a report surfaced Khadaffi was shot, that someone was paid by Barack Hussein Obama to assassinate Khadaffi to end this weeks ago, and the job was not done.

This is thee most disgusting and reprehensible of regimes. It is on level with Ahmadinejad, Putin and Hu, for there murderous rampages and there sits the American puppy press not reporting what a scoundrel Obama is.........nor apparently figuring out that in their New York City media empires, Obama has made them a nuclear target for retaliation.

You heard these socialist diplomatic murderers in Khadaffi is now a problem, so the solution is to murder him before he retaliates.

Where in that DC hell is John Boehnor, Darrell Issa or these other frauds in the GOP not raising holy hell over this AS THIS MATTERS in Obama has made America a nuclear target with all the safeguards off.
Bush43 warned these Islamists he would vaporize Mecca, and they would be blamed, but Khadaffi and these Africans don't care about any of the threats. The era of Ronald Reagan hitting Khadaffi is over, as his warrior blood is now peaked to martyrdom.
Moammar Khadaffi loves this fight. It is how he came to power in a gamble, and it is how he wants to build his legacy, in he beat the world where Saddam went couscous up.

So it is time in all the billions being raped from Americans, and all the dead bodies by Obama worldwide, that the first step is to sue the Nobel Committee for initiating the Obama civil war business bankrupting the world.
This has led to murders and crimes against humanity.

These Obama folks must be legally made like at Nuremberg to answer for their crimes.
