For this exclusive, you can thank Ads by Google, a quick click of my mouse Inspired by God not to load a damn advertisement and the Holy Ghost directing my eye to MICROFINANCE.
As readers are aware only this blog focused upon the Obama regime's nefarious plans to enslave the 3rd world to debt, as this blog traced Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro's sadistic plans as a once sociologist who became a banker for the globalist Ford Foundation, under Tim Geithner's old man's direction in Indochina..........to create a syndicate which started out of European finance to lend money to the poverty stricken, which was termed MICROFINANCE.
For those like the lovely Michelle Malkin who was stuck on stupid czars and Rush Limbaugh stuck with his blondeberry in his sticky grip who ignored all of this, by God's Grace I will provide even Ulsterman something he can bite into that liberals can not trash him about, in what if I can link Obama Chicago criminal crimes to Mama Obama, all in one nice White House Insider Deep Tutu package that even that sellout Darrell Issa would be forced with John Boehner to lead away Obama in cuffs over?
Sound impossible? Well Robert Morton of editorial censorship fame, here comes the cow home to be milked.

First, we have Grameen Yunus of Bangladesh who was awarded a doctorate under the liberal Fulbright Scholarship program at Vanderbilt. After being given his degree, he started a "bank" for microfiance in giving money to people who had no money in order to make money off of them.
Now before you tune out in poor folks are not sexy, I will bring in the rich folks of .............well I will let Wikipedia do the quote to lay out the indictment process:
Bankers Ron Grzywinski and Mary Houghton of ShoreBank, a community development bank in Chicago, helped Yunus with the official incorporation of the bank under a grant from the Ford Foundation.
End Quote.
For those who do not know what ShoreBank is or forgot what this blog exclusively exposed, ShoreBank is one of the chief money dry cleaning operations which Barack Hussein Obama was utilizing for his campaigns and it was the bank which was the choice of Chicago gangsters for funding.
Oh that ShoreBank, and that 300 million dollars in Obama counterfeit terrorist funds from the Middle East which Americans got stuck with the bill for in the TARP funds which disappeared into the credit card industry as this is where that money came into America illegally.
So now to review, we have Shorebank setting up Grameen Bank, and by direction, once again Tim Geithner and Stanley Ann Dunham show up with the Ford Foundation.
If you want to add a list of crooks, this microfinance was awarded the Nobel Prize and a World Habitat award.........sounds a great deal like Obama and Carter predatory propaganda again now doesn't it in Nobel Prizes to both and habitat projects for poor folks like they are sheep for the pen.
We are speaking here of billions of dollars on loans to people who do not have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out. This is money which is welfare state enslavement literally in people are selling their souls for what they will never have.
Another Wiki quote:
The Bank today continues to expand across the nation and still provides small loans to the rural poor. By 2006, Grameen Bank branches numbered over 2,100. Its success has inspired similar projects in more than 40 countries around the world and has made World Bank to take an initiative to finance Grameen-type schemes.
The bank gets its funding from different sources, and the main contributors have shifted over time. In the initial years, donor agencies used to provide the bulk of capital at very cheap rates. In the mid-1990s, the bank started to get most of its funding from the central bank of Bangladesh. More recently, Grameen has started bond sales as a source of finance. The bonds are implicitly subsidised as they are guaranteed by the Government of Bangladesh and still they are sold above the bank rate.This is another Ponzie Scheme as this blog warned of in which the money flowing is now backed by the World Bank, which means America is being looted in this for billions which it will not recover, but these Microfinance banks and Obama governments will seized property and soul when these poor people can not pay back the loans.
I spoke of this in Indian in Rothschilds loaning money to Indian farmers so they could purchase hybrid crops, which did not produce in India, so they had the debt and the Rothschilds grabbed up all the land cheap............and then planted that ground into crops to sell to the poor, and in other cases the land was so full of contaminates that the grains were all heavy metal laden and they ended up in other countries.
Do you suppose America was another country full of imported poison grain?
Meanwhile back at the bank, here are some people who agree with what this blog warned of was coming:
Sudhirendar Sharma, a development analyst, claims the Bank has "landed poor communities in a perpetual debt-trap", and that its ultimate benefit goes to the corporations that sell capital goods and infrastructure to the borrowers.
Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, who commented, "There is no difference between usurers [Yunus] and corrupt people."Hasina touches upon one criticism of Grameen Bank: the high rate of interest it demands from those seeking credit. Similar to all microfinance institutes, the interest charged by Grameen Bank is high compared to that of traditional banks, as Grameen's interest (reducing balance basis) on its main credit product is about 20%.
The Mises Institute's Jeffrey Tucker has criticized the Bank,[47] asserting it and others based on the Grameen model are not economically viable and depend on subsidies in order to operate, thus essentially becoming another example of welfare. They disregard Yunus' claims that he is working against subsidized economy, giving borrowers the opportunity to make business. Another source of criticism is that of the Grameen's Sixteen Decisions.
David Roodman[49] and Jonathan Morduch disagreed with a statistic once often cited by Yunus, that “5% of the Grameen borrowers get out of poverty every year.” Reanalyzing the underlying study, they obtained opposite results. But they did not interpret these to imply that lending to women made families poorer. Rather, the negative causality may go the other way: women in richer families may borrow less.
Maulana Ibrahim, a reactionary Imam in Bangladesh attacked the Grameen bank in 1993 for fostering "un-islamic ways", alleging that women were chanting slogans taking a vow not to obey their husbands and not to live in poverty anymore.
In 2008 France 24 broadcasted a documentary of their journey to Bangladesh to find out about real condition of how Grameen Bank is helping poor but found that the bank is not really helping poors but instead poor is becoming more poor if they take microcredit loan from the bank. The documentary available to watch online.
In February 2011, a documentary broadcast by the Swedish public service television channel SVT1 criticized Swedish and Norwegian support of the Grameen Bank. The investigating documentary Uppdrag granskning presented case studies where microloans from the Grameen Bank were linked to exploitation and pressures on poor families to sell their belongings leading to humiliation and ultimately suicides.Ka Ching! Mama Obama banking by Barack jr. out of Chicago criminal money laundering is destroying Muslim families, causing people to murder themselves and yes children, all at loan shark rates of 20% interest, which is being SUBSIDIZED BY YOU THE AMERICAN DONOR.
How's that hopey changey thing treating all you Americans now that Obama has you involved in 3rd world slavery, Ponzie schemes and you now have blood on your hands in people committing suicide over Stanley Ann Dunham from beyond the grave finance.
I warned all of you, and this is the criminal indictment for Barack Hussein Obama as none of this could be going on without Obama and his benefactors.
OK, Lame Cherry broke this story, tied it all up for you Darrell Issa frauds and all of you cute Michelle Malkin types, all which will bring Obama down like a 20 stone rock.
nuff said.
Grameen Bank
Grameen Foundation