Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bachmann Turner Boehnerdrive

Without divulging too much, this column will explain Representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota weighing whether to run for President.

Running for President as Democrats have shown, is a way to get chics, accidentally become undocumented occupant of the White House and yes making a hundred million dollars while destroying your marriage as Al Gore proved.
There are numerous reasons to run for President in positive and negative reasons.

I have explained previously in why I did not favor Ms. Bachmann in running as she would split the Sarah Palin vote, which is exactly what Karl Rove desires to install Mormon Romney to lose.

Rep. Bachmann though is not a fool, nor does she have any inclination for destroying any Conservatives as the Boehnerite Rovian Limbaugh leaners do.

What is taking place is Ms. Bachmann is setting the stage for a specific reason, or two reasons in her sights.

The gambit is to increase her name nationally for a national stage. That stage is not Presidential, but in the form of Congressional leadership.

Her first option is to run against that horse faced liberal Obamite Senator, Amy Klobachar who was being led around by Obama in his first days at the Senate.

Ms. Bachmann raised an immense amount of campaign funds already, second to Ron Paul, for whatever reasons she chooses.
That choice is what the real Presidential run is about and that is House leadership.

Rep. Bachmann was shoved under the bus by John Boehner and Eric Cantor. When she polled for a position at leadership, these feudal lords could have cared less as they handed out their favors to cronies, neglecting to notice that it was Michele Bachmann who was the primary reason Boehner even had a majority as it was Ms. Bachmann who was one of the Founders of the Tea Party movement.

For this reason, Michele Bachmann much to the delight of many on the right, is setting the stage to pulverize John Boehner into the Obama abyss he and his stooges deserve.

Consider this in running for President as a stealth candidate in she will assist Sarah Palin in her bid. Having that kind of stage power will only gain her power in the House in the real move in running for Speaker in 2013.
How are the Rovians going to put in more Boehnerisms when the Lady they rejected in Sarah Palin is in the White House, and the chief architect of her victory in Congressional Tea Party leadership block will owe their growing sweep to Sarah Palin.
The trend will be to not deny Mrs. Palin her right hand in Ms. Bachmann as Speaker.

Do not overlook the yeoman's work that Sen. Jim DeMint is conducting for Conservatives, and that will mean Sarah Palin also, in his making a push for Senate leader to oust crooked old Harry Reid.

This blog applauds the tact of Michele Bachmann in playing this masterfully to promote Conservativism across the board while setting the stage to assist a coming Conservative President to attempt to put America back together again.

I do not make any caveats in this that I would promote a President Bachmann. Whoever God chooses, whether it is Herman Cain, Donald Trump or Sarah Palin, I will back the Conservative completely, but I still believe after the learning lesson for Mrs. Palin, that she is coming on track again, and that Michele Bachmann is astutely making a move which is necessary.

My perfect Minnesota world would be for Tim Pawlenty to raise his arsenal of cash and convert it to unseating Amy Klobachar and send her to the Obama glue pasture where she belongs.
I could conclude no better leadership in this, than to have Sarah Palin as President. Marco Rubio as Vice President. Herman Cain as Treasury Secretary. John Lehman as Sec. of State. with Speaker Michele Bachmann of the House with Majority leader Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and Jim DeMint as Senate leader with John Thune as his hammer.

A 2013 White House and Congress thus assembled would bring prosperity, peace and a real bringing the Soldiers home which America is in dire need of in real leadership.

Much of the future of America literally rests upon Michele Bachmann as she is a lynch pin in this and as she goes so will America survive or fail.
