Monday, April 18, 2011

Clairvoyant Bill Birther O'Reilly

Apparently Bill O'Reilly is a swami of the crystal Obama balls, as he happened to let slip in his chest beating for Obama this interesting quote:
"His father lived in Connecticut for several years," O'Reilly answered, adding that "babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents."

The more interesting part in this is FOX scrubbed the quote from their site as reported by World Net Daily.

Ask yourself, with no public information in how is it that Bill O'Reilly had intimate information that while Bearick sr. was at Harvard, he somehow was living in very expensive Connecticut a state away?

This is the same Bearick who was living on an allowance and his first wife attested, senior Obama was sending home money to take care of his cow trade wife.

We can do a rough time line check on this in Obama jr. never lived with the old man ever. We know that Obama sr. left soon after Barry was born for the east coast. So...........the question now starts percolating in just what would an infant be doing filling out Social Security forms for?

Welfare was not the scam it is today in encompassing all facets of life. There was a time when a stigma was attached to it and a foreign national applying for a son is not something which would be normal, especially since the kid was 5000 miles away in the middle of an ocean.

Reality is in the time line that Stan Ann divorced Obama sr. about the time Obama jr. was two years old. That would mean Obama sr. rushed off to Harvard and within a short time frame would have been registering this kid.........which once again if he wanted custody, it would be a great deal better if this baby was not carrying American identification and Obama sr. relied on the British Nationality Act of 1948 as was first reported here.

For the record, babies born in America in 1961 like Obama jr. were not registered ever by their parents for Social Security numbers. If they obtained one by the age of 10 it was a rarity. The fact is most children wouldn't even have one for their first jobs as teenagers as much of that summer job stuff was just shrugged off.

This brings us back to the O'Reilly slip which FOX under Rupert Murdoch found so immense that they scrubbed the page of any reference to what O'Reilly was nattering on about.

What this proves first is Bill O'Reilly is an Obama voter as this blog exposed. This proves that O'Reilly is being fed insider information directly from Barack Obama..........tis why O'Reilly got that Super Bowl interview with soft questions.
It proves Obama in his fanciful imagination is making up stories like in Dreams of his Obama as he goes along, which sound good to O'Reilly.............until O'Reilly tries to act like an Obama n*ggah on the street corner talking trash and Val-erie Jarrett hears it and makes FOX tear down that internet page exposing something Obama lied about again.

Was Barack Hussein Obama sr. scamming the welfare system?

Was Barack Hussein Obama jr. receiving some type of illegal welfare payments? What no one has EVER spoken of is this fact:

Children in America when their parents were retired and receiving Social Security and were not of age, RECEIVED SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS until they finished college.
I know this for a fact as a friend of mine bought a car with the money he was getting from the system as his teacher parents were over 65 and he was still under 18.

Next in this, children whose parent or parents were dead, would also receive a Social Security check each month. Is this one of the Obama mysteries in Stan Ann and Madelyn immediately jumped on the dead foreign parent........leaving out he was a foreigner and receiving checks from the US Treasury?
Is this the secret of Obama's success in posh Hawaiian private schools in the taxpayers were funding this undocumented British subject with the royal life?

See Bill O'Reilly opened his yap and the way FOX jumped on this, is equal to Dan Rather staking his career on Forgegate setting up Bush. Remember Rather swore he knew the story was true by his sources, but he had no proof.
His sources are the same type Obama sources which O'Reilly just staked his career on.

Bill O'Reilly received a talking points briefing from the Obama regime........problem is, it was secret and he was not supposed to open this Pandora's Box.
The reason is the Obama regime knows the Connecticut registration opens up something else which exposes Obama to the very Birther charges they are making jokes about.

I would hope in this Social Security issue that Bill O'Reilly would be subpoenaed and deposed under penalty of jail time, as this dolt cocking off just exposed Obama as a usurper and that is why the site was scrubbed.

The ramifications of this are immense. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin had his entire life destroyed by the Obama regime and it is now evident that Bill O'Reilly had information on this, directly from Barack Hussein Obama.......but Obama doesn't make it public as he is hiding something, and is only sharing pillow talk with O'Reilly to keep the lid on this story.

Obama talks to O'Reilly, but will not come clean to the American people.

Bill O'Reilly like all FOX bought Obama's lie as they are enablers. The problem is again for these Obamatrons is as this dusts off, O'Reilly is exposed now in why he does softfall interviews with Obama and the Birther blunder by O'Reilly exposes he is being fed talking points not meant for the public.

So ask yourself Americans, just what story has Obama fed all these defenders of his.....because the story is there, these folks are sitting on it in a massive cover up, they are all involved in like Bill O'Reilly.

Ask yourself in the Karl Rove talking points which Rush Limbaugh keeps quoting in Obama has the birth certificate and is baiting the GOP with it...........ask yourself in Rove was working through Steve Schmidt to sabotage the McCain ticket with David Axelrod..........ask yourself in these Rovian and Obamite talking points how there is a coordinated conspiracy in this regime and media to hide the facts from the public.

FOX For Obama eXpletative.......O'Reilly stepped into the Obama pile of crap.
