Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Em & M

I have been conducting human behavior experiments in the subject of Anglo Nubian goats. Being specific, one can not transfer such data collected onto all genus of the species, but can only speak to the reality of this hybrid of England and Africa.

As I have been typing these articles on various subjects and creating artwork, my companions for the past 7 days have been two does who I have named after my Aunties, Em and M.
For the second year now, I have noted something interesting which I submit here as apparently goats in America are a faster growing hobby than importing illegal Obama's.

M is currently propped up on my chair checking out my keyboard and Em is assisting as these two animals have taken on human children traits. At one week, I would conclude they are the equivalent of an 8 year old dog and are as knowledgeable as a 1 year old human child.

They know already words and phrases from pee, bed, eat and come.

It was a surprise last year in my other two subjects became potty trained. Em and M, have readily become potty trained in they will follow me out to my entry, and when told to pee, will do just that into an area that while not exact as a kitty litter tray, they do indeed though will not soil their bed.
Their bed just happens to be an old bassinet which I was stuffed into as a baby. They do not jump out, which surprised me and I'm thankful for. They behave remarkably well.

Due to my empath abilities, they never have been vocal as I do pay attention to them. That troubles me, as how attention absorbing they are, I wonder how absolutely neglected they would be by a goat doe, as they literally are as loving as a handicapped child in drinking in attention.

On day 4, I started a conversation with Em who takes after her mother. Her mother, Marie, is a female who does a great deal of pleasant groaning as I milk her, and as Nubians are quite vocal in letting one know their ideas, Marie is even more so.
Em as she was laying on my lap started making little groans as I pet her, so I started talking to her in a cuddling voice, to which she responded.
She now will not lay on any one's lap without in every exhale making a cute moan.

I have found that goats for the first three months of their lives, are dog like, but after weaning, they will tend to revert to more of a goat behavior in being independent or act like they do not need attention, but still desire it.

They require 4 feedings a day as infants, which I do not mind as it is just 3 months, and I would rather enjoy this entertainment than something like baseball which is an odd entertainment in adults hitting a ball with a stick, who do not care about the fans in inviting them for supper, but yet people will attach to this event and pay a large sum to interact.

Kids in the first three days like crow hopping in movement to exercise. They will by day seven, depending upon maturity as groups born are like puppies in more mature kids and less mature kids.
M is mature while Em is less mature, but Em is catching up quickly.

They are independent and yet dependent. M decides all the world must come to her when calling and Em decides that she would rather cuddle most of the time than be independent.

These observations are by necessity as snow has our outdoor activities at a standstill. It is a much better situation than heat lamps outdoors as some local dabbler in livestock, burned their goats up in being kind to them in keeping them outside when a lamp started a fire.

I have always preferred animals inside, and my Mother was a great mentor in providing us with everything from piglets to colts to occupy our time.

I see now that M has bedded down by the furnace blower as it is her signal she would like to go to bed, Em is chewing on my computer keyboard cord.....one simply moves them away as striking goats is the last thing one should ever do as they are very intelligent and go off in time in becoming uncontrollable if one is a human out of control.

The above should assist people who decide to be owned by a goat, as they captivate the soul. There appears to be a unique quality in while cats suck emotions from people with nothing in return, dogs feed back emotion to humans which are given, goats for their young period appear to absorb human emotions in a narcotic effect.

They are most interesting creatures who have been maligned by shortsighted individuals who apparently were not more intelligent than the people doing the judging.
Perhaps like those who use terms denigrating, pigs in something about lipstick on a pig while attacking Sarah Palin.

Enough of this for now, as it is approaching feeding time and I soon enough have to go on patrol.
