Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Emperor of Leavenworth

I have given this about 5 seconds of thought, so you know it is going to be good as I usually only give things two seconds of thought in posting here by Inspiration.

Ya'll know that you damn betcha, I was given the way to rid America and the world of this Banana Republic Obama......for some time I might just call him BR Obama to mock him as Drudge does in South American photos and to tie it into BR 549 in Junior Samples Used Car Sales.

Meanwhile back at Pineapple Grove.........

So I advocate the appointment of a Judge Parker from True Grit by Federal Mandate down at Fort Smith Arkansas.
This gets good so hold on.

I nominate Mark Levin.

Think about this now in who in America could be trusted like Mark Levin to flush that Obama rat hole regime to the last crook, but Mark Levin?

Mr. Levin is prosecutorial trained in Government. He writes extensively on the Constitution. He doesn't give horse whip about Letterman cocktail parties, would be cheered by Limbaugh and Hannity, and he loathes this regime with an American passion like all the Tea Party, and can not be told what to do.
Make Rusty Humphries his Bailiff, and you got yourself the fixin's of a made for television entertainment extravaganza.

Yes you think American Idol and Dancing with the Stars is good? You just put Mark Levin on television and let him, "Get out of here you dummie!", get thrown around as he satirically runs through Obama pleadings like a tree branch through a wood chopper, and America will see what Justice looks like dispensed from a real Federal Judge with absolutely no nonsense about it.

This Judgeship would then prepare Mr. Levin in where I desire him as Attorney General under the Sarah Palin Presidency as I have advocated to continue this on to throw all these election thieves of the left into the grey bra......and yes I mean bra with these mansexuals, which includes Karl Rove who has been helping Obama nonstop for Jeb Bush.

Ok, so here is the deal, the Obama trial takes 3 days, 3 of which is Mark Levin doing evidence with commentary with phone in calls from Sean Hannity and that hot gal he found in California who hosted his program.

Sentencing takes a 3 hour Levin segment in which Levin explains what a creepy creep undocumented Obama is, with Obama duct taped across his yap, as he will be bawling during this reality punishment.

Then they stuff his ass into an orange jump suit, cuff him and and fluff this plouffy floofer into Leavenworth Federal Prison where Obama stuck POW Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.
Obama gets the title of Emperor of Leavenworth, but...............

Do you remember Branded?

It was a show starring Chuck Connors back in the black and white days and when they used to make television worth viewing.

In any case, the opening was Chuck being led out after court martial for cowardice. The commander of the Fort was so cool in what the military did, was literally strip an Officer of his identity as they booted him out of the military.
They riped off his brass buttons, insignia, took his boots and even broke his sword over his knee.

The coward was then put out into the dust of the west with the Fort door slammed behind them.


So what Judge Levin does is, he orders that Lt. Col. Terry Lakin appears to greet Obama. Obama in his orange jump suit and the Lt. Col. in full military attire.

Lt. Col. Lakin has some hot chic in a mini Michelle Malkin or his wife, appear with a pillow.......let's do both Miki and the wife ok, as there is allot going on.
Anyway, Miki appears with the pillow holding Obama's Nobel Prize, and Terry Lakin throws it up in the air and plugs it with his Colt 45.

Then the lovely wife appears with her pillow and Dreams of my Obama, and Terry Lakin puts a hand grenade to it, pulls the pin and throws it...........BOOM, and the world is full of paper fraud.

Last both chics show up carrying one pillow, and they have on it a tinfoil crown, and Terry Lakin puts this cheap thing on Obama's head, and says, "You undocumented political bastard, I make you undocumented Emperor of Leavenworth!", and then Terry Lakin picks up a key and commands, "and throw away the key!"

And he whips the key down a sewer hole.

Now is that not Justice?

Are not these the players you would just love to see carrying out American Justice?

I move that Congress immediately pass Bill BR 549, the Obama Entitlement of Emperor of Leavenworth, all 10,000 pages of adoring Obama with page 10,001 hidden inside, as we need to pass the bill to find out what is in it, and make Mark Levin Federal Judge of Fort Smith Arkansas with full powers to indict, prosecute and convict without appeal, with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin exonerated and carrying out sentence.

Obama will sign it, as he reads things and has to ask folks what the hell he just read. Just send Bill Daley out for a man bra for a few hours and BR 549 will be law, with Obama's John Hancock or Karl Marx on it, and the world can be rid of this mistake legally and forever binding.

Can we say, "Court's in session?"
