Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The faggot Karl Rove

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."

~ Abraham Lincoln~

Karl Rove is a faggot.

Faggot: A bundle of sticks and branches bound together.

You see Karl Rove is but a stick bundled up with other Bush family secrets of these Rockefeller Republican Patricians, who by themselves are run through the mower and turned into dung mulch, but together they have been beating to death the political careers of Conservatives in George Allen, Norm Coleman, Larry Craig, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle and Sarah Palin in glaring examples of their nefarious clannish sadomasochism.

One story on Karl Rove proves everything about this gay guy lurking around in the closet of the GOP having fun destroying Americans.

It was on the east coast and there was a geezer gun owner, you know about 70 years old, who got a hold of Rove at a speaking engagement and told him to "Leave gun ownership alone".

The geezer said Rove just laughed and kind of blew him off not paying attention.

At that point, the geezer grabbed Rove by the collar and yanked him to him, and informed him again about gun rights.

The geezer related that Rove came unglued in being scared, but the message was driven home.

That is what I mean about the faggot of Karl Rove, he is a smoldering fire, a punk, a dung mixture which smokes up the place, but he never gets the meaning of what real Patriotic Fire is in Reaganism which he has hid behind his entire career.

Rove and the Bush family have traded on the Reagan name like all of these Limbaugh Leaners for all they have. They have conned Americans on the right like Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan in being Obama patricians, but milking their jobs, millions and fame all in the guise of Reagan.

Conservatives have offered them complete protection in order to carry out their wares, while as of late they were busy stabbing Ladies like Sarah Palin in the back in political rape and character assassination.......literally in the Giffords operation in Arizona.
Karl Rove literally thinks all the shit he has pulled is condoned by Conservatives or Conservatives are such idiots in those Christians, Gun Owners, Veterans and Tea Partiers that they just do not matter.

What Rove is not, is a Westerner, and that is key in this in it explains everything Yankee that even the east coast rural people comprehend.

The story of Buffalo Bill Cody illustrates what I mean in this Western mentality. Bill was out running dispatches for the Army in Indian country and it was quite dangerous. He had been busy in the saddle and ended up on a mule, as mules while not fast could endure long distances which Bill had to travel.
Well during the night, the mule got loose from Col. Cody when he was by a stream watering it.

That damn mule refused to be caught and all Bill could do was run along behind it, as he would get close and the mule would just get out reach again.
Cody traveled on foot in this chase for dozens of miles and finally around dawn he came in sight of the fort, at which point noting no Indians were in sight, he raised Lucretia his rifle and shot that cursed animal.

The cavalry came boiling out to see what the shooting was about, and Bill explained about shooting the army mule.

The Soldiers on hearing it replied, "I would shot that damn mule too!"

To explain, a Yankee to a Westerner is frugal. If you got a damn mule that is worthless, you ride it best you can, but you don't shoot the thing if the shot is going to get the Indians killing you. So you bide your time until that moment you can find another mount........maybe trade that mule off to some pilgrim or you put it out as coyote bait, but you get shed of the problem once you are in the clear.

See Karl Rove is like that damned mule. He thinks he can act like an ass, because he is government property and Conservatives will take it. The reality is Conservatives rode the mule of George W. Bush as he was the only horse in the race. They were naive in not figuring that Karl Rove would be out destroying Conservatives for Rove's decades long agenda of a Bush dynasty. They though are learning about this damn mule, and while Karl Rove thinks he is still the only four legs on the path, the Conservatives are fixing to be shed of this ass and get themselves some fine American Horse like Sarah Palin who can run this race they are jockeying up for.

I believe that the crap George H. W. and Barbara were pulling, along with the pretty Bush twin, and Karl Rove in attacking Sarah Palin was pure disrespect of Conservatives in they have been at this in wiping out Dan Quayle for so long that they never figured Conservatives ever caught on.
When though Gabrielle Giffords got brain trauma, and this blog started sounding the alarm about what this was about, you saw the Bush and Rovians scatter for the rat pile to hide under. Karl Rove literally for months has been on the back radio channels skulking around as Conservatives are so furious about this ass and what the Bush family did, that they do get the game has changed...........but they still think they are going to be the mule the GOP rides in another race for a dynasty.

That is the fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

That is not going to happen. There are Conservatives now who have laid out what the smouldering Karl Rove have been about in faggot land. He is the Molotov Mob, the firebrand not plucked from the burning, but committing scorched earth on Americans. That is not going to be forgotten and the Bush family had better find a different job for Jeb jr., because they are finished politically..........as they can wipe out social democrat John McCain, they can wipe out liberal Mitt Romney, but it ain't gonna happen any more with Conservatives.

The Bush family had better figure out that they are the ones who the Conservatives are going to offer a deal, in they can offer up Karl Rove and his cronies or they are going to find criminal hearings into all their deals. The Conservative cover is off the Bush clan, and Karl Rove overstepped like a Giant in an ant farm, and the ants ain't taking it any longer.

So Karl Rove thought he was immune, but all he was, was TOLERATED, just like the bad qualities of George H. W. and George W. were overlooked as when you are in a liberal wilderness it is better to ride a Bush than have John Kerry as your mankiller nag bucking you off and running hell bent for leather into Indian camps.

The price of this ride is Karl Rove. I would suggest that Mr. Rove and his Schmidt, Wallace and Sandlin whores find a nice Albanian retirement as the time is coming for Andrew Jackson Justice in politics. Once the Conservatives whet the stone in prosecuting the Obama regime........it will be the time to seek retribution on the Rovians who put Americans in these Obama straits.

...........and baby sister, what do you think will happen when it is President Sarah Palin, a Donald Trump in the mix.........and Sen. George Allen, all Conservatives politically raped by Karl Rove and the Bush clan?

As the slave told the owner during Lincoln's Emancipation:

Bottom rung on top now Massah.

The Yankee and the Westerner are getting out of the mule business.

You damn betcha.
