Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scharlott's Web

According to a Obama wacko professor, no not the genius Bill Ayers who wrote Obama's most noteworthy book, but from some place called Northern Kentucky University............are you sure this is a real school or is it a place liberal idiots go to get a vet license in taxidermy like rich liberal idiots go to Eric Holder's nativity of the West Indies to get doctor's licenses?

In any taxidermy school for the Obama folk, this professor named........wait for it..........

You will love this name..........

Bradford Scharlott has woven a Charlotte's Web in countering Donald Trump's rightful claim on the Birther Constitutional issue with claiming that Sarah Palin was not pregnant and Trig was really Britol's baby.
I doubt if Brad talked to Levi Johnston asking about floppy vulvas and stretch marks as Levi got loose prego seconds......but once again the Obama folks have sunk to desperation in thee most hurtful of things in using a handicapped child as a battering ram in a political issue.

Ok you be the judge.

Is this Lady pregnant or not?

Come on Brad the Obama loon, is this Sarah Palin pregnant in Texas, two days before Trig was born?

No I'm not talking about the picture you run around with a month before the birth in which you claim a scarf IS NOT HIDING A in if the scarf is in the way how can you decide if the woman is pregnant or not......

In any case, this blog welcomes this issue as I have a counter claim.

I challenge Gov. Sarah Palin to release her medical records on Trig Palin proving she is indeed the Mother PROVIDING IN EXCHANGE that Barack Hussein Obama release his whatever birth records as is required by law.

Hell I will have Sarah Palin release her passport, her Mama's passport, her college loan records and her breast size providing Obama releases his Muslim travel records, his foreign student loan records and his Larry Sinclair described wanker to see if it measures up.

I will even toss in Sarah Palin's Christian Baptisimal records as Jeremiah Wright does not seemed to have immersed this undocumented Obama in the Christian rite he claims.

See the spider's web you Obamatons try you weave is trumped in one moment by Conservatives and blow fly eye Obama is wrapped tighter in his lies.

So Gov. Palin take up this gauntlet and slap that smug smile off Obama's face. It will Trump Trump and it will expose Obama as the lying coward he is.

Pick it up Sarah and slap these political bastards silly.

nuff said
