Friday, April 1, 2011

The Weinberger Doctrine

The Weinberger doctrine:
  1. The United States should not commit forces to combat unless the vital national interests of the United States or its allies are involved.
  2. U.S. troops should only be committed wholeheartedly and with the clear intention of winning. Otherwise, troops should not be committed.
  3. U.S. combat troops should be committed only with clearly defined political and military objectives and with the capacity to accomplish those objectives.
  4. The relationship between the objectives and the size and composition of the forces committed should be continually reassessed and adjusted if necessary.
  5. U.S. troops should not be committed to battle without a "reasonable assurance" of the support of U.S. public opinion and Congress.
  6. The commitment of U.S. troops should be considered only as a last resort.
Sec. of Defense Caspar Weinberger was one of the elite cabinet Secretaries of War which include Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, for the political management of the military by protecting the military from itself and it's nation.

In lieu of the Obama Doctrine:
Obama Doctrine, retreat from one theater of war leaving that battlefield festering in your rear, while starting other invasion thrusts without informing Congress for the net effect of chaos to bring about your order.
(How did that hopey changey thang doctrine turn out for Hitler and Germans?)

It is vital in American interests to comprehend the Federalist ideology which Caspar Weinberger was guided by.
Sec. Weinberger was never a part of the Theodore Roosevelt adventurism of military cause. Caspar Weinberger was instead involved in using the United States military as a diplomatic weapon first and last.

To explain in historical perspective, in the Plains Indian Wars, the military of these United States soon learned that the Indian terrorists respected the unfired gun and did not respect the fired weapon.

Sec. Weinberger was dealing with the Soviets and the Chicom expansion. He fully comprehended the damage liberals had caused in Korea and Vietnam in stalemate and withdrawal.
It was this foresight which was thwarted by Sec. George Schultz in sending in Marines to Lebanon to be mass murdered by the Islamocommunists backed by the Kremlin.

Sec. Weinberger was measurably cautious of the Reagan bombing of Libya with F 111's which was in effect a horrific operation in which Europeans would not allow US planes to fly over their territory and in the written history Americans were killed in the battle, in the forgotten black fighters.
While President Reagan targeted Col. Khadaffi, he missed him, but did kill one of Khadaffi's young children in the compound.

Overall, the effect was calculated in Ronald Reagan attacked Libya, not because Col. Khadaffi was the worst Islamist on the block, but because President Reagan could not bomb the real target in Assad of Syria.
The net effect was Col. Khadaffi did behave better. Assad was scared as intended and the Soviet communists had a line drawn in the sand.

People do not weigh the reality, but President Reagan exposed European allied treachery, he killed a Khadaffi child, and Americans died in battle.

The pros were the message sent to the Kremlin and terror states in a strategic strike not attempted again, as overuse of that strike would lessen the message.

Col. Khadaffi as a gentleman released the dead Americans without fanfare to boost his international prestige.

The Khadaffi Reagan polar opposites proved a plus for both parties in propaganda. That is the reality and Cap Weinberger's caution should have been heeded.

Many are comparing Obama to Reagan on Libya, when there is no comparison to the patrician adventurism of Obama's Cold Sore wars and Reagan fighting flash point fires to win a Cold War.

The success of Reagan set off the adventurism of Bush41 in Panama which was a ridiculous operation where America put Constitutional criminal penalties on the criminal Noriega, who was not a criminal as he never committed any crimes in America nor against Americans.
Yet he is held in prison forever in the patrician Shariah Law of American Bushite Adventurism.

This reality had Bush41 almost miss Iraq the first time and had to be goaded into it by the British Conservatives.
The problem is Bush41 employed Colin Powell who had his own kinder and gentler doctrines on war and blew Iraq, leaving Saddam Hussein in charge, allowing Gen. Schwarzkopf to negotiate a ceasefire treaty which he was suckered with, and leaving the Kurds and Shia Iraqi's to be butchered by Hussein after Bush41 instigated them with James Baker to revolt.

Bush41 blew the Cold War victory and spawned it into Clinton oil adventurist wars, murdering US Soldiers and turning the US military into a murder machine in Kosovo and transforming the Muhajadeen into al Qaeda, in bungled nuclear policy of not penalizing the KGB for selling nuclear arms to Iran and Iraq, which has started the nuclear expansion of terror states in this inter Islam tribal wars.

For perspective purposes, Barack Hussein Obama has a hybrid doctrinal policy which involves the schisms of the Clinton Administration which under Les Aspin allowed for exposing Americans to Islamic murder while under William Perry's preventative defense and William Cohen's political warfare by committee.
This is Obama in exposing America to threats, retreating and disarming, and when Libya is not handing over it's assets, break it into Balkan pieces.
This is colonialism at it's worst, in America takes the danger and the Europeans take the spoils.

There are far too many neonimrods like Joe Scarborough as a "conservative" attempting to lecture Americans on Weinberger or anything Obama, as Pole Joe once sat in Congress whining about Clinton in Kosovo, and never doing a blessed thing to protect Yugoslavia and the Serbian Christians from Islamocommunism.

Barack Obama has a thief doctrine and requires to be defined as such.

America though requires the Weinberger Doctrine coupled at times with the Theodore Roosevelt "walk softly and carry a big stick doctrine" in using that stick, which is the Lame Cherry Doctrine when coupled with the reality that America can not afford to fight civil wars, as in spending this nation into oblivion for public relations.
America does not need a "break it and own it Powell Doctrine", but requires at times a "incinerate it with nuclear weapons and vaporize the problem" as a cost gap measure to send that message not walking softly, and not exposing US Soldiers to their deaths.

That in part is the Bush43, using WMD response for WMD's and the Cheney tactical nuclear weapon response on American enemies, which B. Hussein Obama has thrown under his melded bus stop of colonial coolies for the European Order.
If you need a translation, Britain used Indian coolies as fodder for it's empire building and wars. British Obama has enslaved Americans as coolies to the Roman Empire of the central Europeans for their colonial projects which North Africa is one of.

This is more explanation than any of you have received, and is enough to deal with, as it certainly is more depth of the Doctrines of Secretaries of War, than all the experts combined have utilized in explaining this to the American people.

Once again doing more than all combined while under horrendous bombardment from the forces of evil in and out of this world.

nuff said.
