Saturday, May 7, 2011

The bin Laden pass

As this blog comes under increasing pressure to be silenced in shutting email accounts, blocking log ins to comment sites, and an orchestrated isolation, as the information here is too well read, the blog is too well known and the facts keep being proven and confirmed, the Pakistani military has now absolutely stated that which was first reported here, that the Obama regime murdered Sheik bin Laden along with the other terrorists in the main house.

The Quotes:

"The people inside the house were unarmed. There was no resistance," the official said.

"It was cold-blooded," said one Pakistani official when asked if there was any exchange of fire.

The immediate start of the Obama regime in 2009 was one of ordering the US military to carry out selective murders of competing Muslim factions. This was Obama's good and bad terrorist protocols.
We now see that Sheik bin Laden the Islamofascist has been murdered with others in his entourage in favor of Dr. Zawahiri the Islamocommunist who is succoured by Moscow and Peking.

Barack Obama has now wrapped hisself in the death skin of Osama bin Laden in dragging him around from New York Ground Zero to military bases like some Somali Islamic thug. This is thee most barbaric display ever in America by an occupant of the White House.
This is not Lincoln's charity for all and malice toward none, but Obama's one nation under him, with liberty to murder with no justice at all.

When anyone on this planet shows no resistance as the occupants of the bin Laden home did, and were all shot in the head, and when missed, chased down, their doors blown open and two more rounds fired into their skulls as their wive lays bleeding on the floor, this is nothing of honor in Alexander Hamilton wasting his only shot at Aaron Burr and awaiting his own murder, this is Barack Obama ordering the execution of unarmed terrorists.
If this event had happened anywhere in the world, in any military unit, those people would be on trial now for mass murder. That is the case, the indictment and sentence.

This is baffling to me, but in the Obama psychopathy where he is indeed insane, Barack Obama has a personal hatred for his reasons to the military, and in a most astute way he has been busy smearing the honor of the United States Soldiers.

There is a pattern in this in enlisting the military to carry out non stop illegal assassinations in Predator strikes. There was the Afnamistan balancing the scales in placing Soldiers in fish barrels to be shot at by terrorists. The rules of engagement which Obama violated did not allow to even raise a weapon on a terrorist unless threatened, and yet in bin Laden's home, we saw outright violation and murder of these people.
We see the murder of Khadaffi's sons in Libya and the repeated attempted murder tries on Khadaffi.

The United States military has a commander in chief who has transformed them from Sgt. York to Charlie Manson.

The insanity in this is the American blood lust from people on the right and left who think anything is ok as long as it is bin Laden.

If that is the case Mark Levin......or in this case Mark Steyn who wanted the Sheik treated like Mussolini........then how about Mark Steyn the Obama cut off bin Laden's head and put it on a pike, while they piss on his body?

Not enough Mr. Steyn? How about a little rape of bin Laden's wives and children? Noel Sheppard said with Camille Paglia that women would not be in situations of assault unless they liked it in smearing Sarah surely he bin Laden wife and kids were asking for something were they not Mr. Steyn according to your hang them from the lamp post mindset?

Why stop with murder and rape all of you who condone this as a law unto itself when it is bin Laden?

Let's bring bin Laden back from the ocean depths and have school children fire pellet rifles at his corpse........let's get Mark Levin's dog out to eat bin Laden's heart.........let's grind up bin Laden and feed him to Gitmo terrorists.

Hell it's bin Laden, so there is no boundaries in this. Obama can murder him, shoot up the young wife, murder others, leave the kids to wade around in pools of blood, urine and feces of humans.........none of this matters, because Barack Obama got his "bin Laden pass" and he gets to pass GO and collect the 2012 election.

The SEALS are bright enough to stage a scene to cover up murder, but they deliberately wanted the Obama message out that they murdered these terrorists outside the law. It does not matter that terrorists do the same. What matters is American Soldiers are going to ask why is William Calley a criminal in the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam as all he did was what Obama did in Pakistan.
Calley was turned into Hitler and Obama has a drooling Doris Kearns Goodwin cheering his victory lap dragging the dead Sheik about America for Obama's fun time.

This blog gets proven correctly time and again. When everyone else was blindly cheering this murder, it was here that the warning signs were being put up in what all this means to Americans.

Americans are now murderers as their military is homicidal. There is no moral ground as Barack Hussein Obama has plunged all of America into the equal abyss of terrorism. All of this was by design, deliberate and with purpose.
In all frankness, the Navy SEALS should be immediately disbanded and these troops ordered for a psychological evaluation as they willingly went in to murder people, and when they missed the Sheik, they chased him down and as the Pakistani's have gone on record with now, murdered Osama bin Laden in cold blood.

Can there be a worst case scenario in this, in Sheik bin Laden has been made a victim assaulted by the United States military in being made a martyr of peace as like Ghandi he did not fight back?

I keep telling you children what a disaster this is, and no matter how much FOX repeats the regime's growing list of lies.........there are a billion Muslims who know what happen, have connections, governments and willing people in the west who are looking at this with the disgust it deserves, and there will be retribution in forms as damaging as a nuclear event in New York.

The dwindling US corporate contracts being shut off. Agriculture sales............and biggest of all, what happens when one of these nations decides to misplace information on some terrorists like the Lockerbie attack?

All because of the mass murders ordered by Barack Hussein Obama.

John Kennedy used to assassinate without thinking. The problem here is Barack Obama had this all thought out for him in 2012 politics to smearing the United States military.
It is difficult for this girl to believe the Soldiers are this stupid to be suckered like this and yet there they are carrying out murders for the Obama who refused to call Nidal Hasan a Muslim terrorist............
Oh yes, Nidal Hasan is alive and Obama SEALS head shooting him in his cell.

Obama enjoys all of this and has been busy with the Yemeni Imam who he missed again, like the British missed him, since the Condom Bomber interrupted Obama's Christmas vacation rants at Dick Cheney.

Are you going to revoke the bin Laden pass you gave Obama there America? Or are you going to continue on with this wholesale murder...........the wife, the kids, the dog, the goat, the chopping of the unborn like Sharon Tate by the Manson family.

How Manson are you America in this Obama family of murder?
