Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Bitch is Back

"I want to look like a penis"

It is really amazing in South Dakota is cutting funding everywhere due to the Obama massive spending sprees all assisted by Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, and yes this includes South Dakota State University............but who do you think the U has just employed in her second job, but Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

Yes the bitch is back, like a bad penny, like a bad rash, like a bad omen, like a bad bottle of Indian whiskey...........Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is back, and she is sporting now a BUTCH Hair Do.

That ought to really appeal to gun toting lesbian Tam Bruce, but I digress.

Oh let's sing as it seems appropriate............

I entertain by picking brains
Sell my soul by dropping names

I don't like those, my God, what's that

Oh it's full of nasty habits when the bitch gets back

I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch

Oh the bitch is back

Stone cold sober as a matter of fact

I can bitch, I can bitch
`Cause I'm better than you
It's the way that I move

The things that I do

..........and can this be any more appropriate as Karl Rove in the closet employs Stephie's husband, Max Sandlin with Sarah Palin smearer, Steve Schmidt, and our entertainment is brought to you today by none other than Rush Limbaugh's favorite wedding singer, yes, it is, Jesus blasphemer, sodomite, Sir Elton John.
It's open line Gay Day here from sunny south Florida.............duh dah duh dah duh, the bitch is back...........

Ok enough singing and this gay stuff, as we will not touch on the psychology why princess Stephie after losing an election has to put on a man doooooo...................unless it hints her dirty old man husband can no longer do the deed even with a Limbaugh case of little blue pills...........

So Sandlin as this blog predicted was not going Obama away. She is living in DC as a pimp lawyer and dabbling in stealing South Dakota money as a Professor Obama.
I have no idea if like Muchelle, that Sanford health of Sioux Falls will be employing Max Sandlin for a hundred grand to look token black a her tan husband community organizes in Brookings.

Sounds mixed up, but you get enough of it to figure out that what liberals in South Dakota are doing in Republican South Dakota is pay for Sandlin's "vacation" time in the yote state in a boost to her political fund to run for Congress again.

That brings up the question the liberal Argus Leader, KELO Obamavision and others will not ask in why should not Stephie be donating this to the Sue Ann Big Crow fund?

Now before you think I made that name up, I did not.........she is a real person, an Indian cheerleader who was killed many moon ago. In delaying South Dakota sporting events in tournaments, the Sue Ann Big Crow award is handed out to cheerleaders for doing whatever cheerleaders do at high school events.
Sue Ann Big Crow's award is this blanket that she does not make, but it is handed out, everyone cheers and like most things at basketball tournaments the crowd thinks, "What the hell is this and let's get on with the game".

In being a champion of Indians not being preyed upon by democrats, I would like to know why in cash hindered South Dakota..........where yes Indians are now standing in the way of oil and gas exploration on land which they were occupiers, whose standing is putting America in terror danger and bankruptcy..........just why is it that Stephie Sandlin is not sharing her lecture green and her big green from the DC law firm with the Sue Ann Big Crow blanket thing for cheerleaders?

Is not as this blog pointed out, that Stephie Sandlin is rich?

Did not this blog point out that Stephie's daddy dearest in Lars Herseth minus the Sandlin as he does not have sex with that man, Max Sandlin.........took in almost a million dollars in GOVERNMENT FARM SUBSIDIES?
Odd is it not what that Rush Limbaugh in hating farmers never bothered to bring this up in 2010 about Stephie's family taking a million bucks in what Limbaugh hates?

Oh this gets better in the buzz children in the bitch being back, as my intelligence network informs me that Lars Herseth, daddy dearest of Stephanie Sandlin, just happens to have acquired huge amounts of farm land just to the west of Daschle City, aka, Aberdeen, South Dakota, NEXT TO THE FEDERAL WILDLIFE REFUGE OF SAND LAKE, which is lucrative beyond compare in rich farmland and hunting rights to be sold for watefowl hunting.

Yes, yes, you buy Rush Limbaugh's private jet and you buy the best land in South Dakota for the Herseth tribe as Sue Ann Big Crow lies in her grave without a donation to her blanket sowers.

Somebody should probably be asking Stephanie Sandlin why SHE HAS TWO PAYING JOBS when most Obama Americans can not get one job after three years.......they might ask what kind of cushy job and benefits Connie Williams ran off with after Sandlin was booted out of office, as all of Sandlin's folks got the best packages America could not afford.........and Americans were told to go off and shut up and die.

Oh well the bitch is back and Elton John is singing the Limbaugh favorite..........but why the dyke butch hair cut..........that deserves an answer when Sue Ann Big Crow never got an Indian head penny from the..................

Let's take a Stephie quote:

My life is more balanced now than it was when I was in office after my son was born in 2008.

Ah nowhere in this as dirty old man husband Max is all about little Lars.

Women change their hair for a reason.

Did I not warn you these festering Democrats you kicked out of office would be rewarded and would be turning up again in all the Marie Antoinette best while you suffer?

You betcha I did by His Grace.
