Thursday, May 19, 2011

Karl Rove's Closet

I have noticed something bizarre from "Conservatives" in the fill in for Mark Levin was so upset that the cop killer rapper was attacking sodomites.

This was echoed by Mark Levin the next day in discussing this with Sean Hannity in cops were different races and then it was stated they were homosexual too.

It must be why Hannity and Levin attended the Jesus Bash thrown by Rush Limbaugh, in which Limbaugh paid sodomite sinner, and Jesus Basher, Elton John a million dollars..........and Hannity was swooning over "it was Elton John" like he dreams of Elton's dick shoved up his rectum.

I watch this stuff and the alarm bells go off, because this is the same Karl Rove sh*t which has been pressing for the abomination of sodomy all through America and to be the issue of the Republican party.

What is up with these front benchers when they closet themselves with "protectors of gays" as some sort of calling card in which to attack a black rapper.
Isn't this a bit bizarre in a black man who is taking the side of morality is being attacked over the cop killer issue in prose, and the reason Hannity and Levin are both championing this is homosexuals are cops too?

I simply return to God's Laws in sex was created for procreation in a stable environment called marriage, so children would not grow up psycho like Barack Obama. Anything which violates that puts society in jeopardy and therefore puts God's plan to redeem the world in jeopardy and is one reason Sodom and the cities of the plain were destroyed.

Nowhere in God's Law is there a caveat of............well we can give sodomy a pass, because a black rapper for Obama is attacking cops and it is an issue front benchers can use for Karl Rove's demented agenda.

Mark Levin is right on a number of things. Mark Levin is uninformed on a number of other issues, but this mixing in of sodomy politics makes absolutely no sense unless all these folks are soap droppers.

Conservatives give these millionaires a great deal of license, but when Limbaugh is prattling on about Iran and states Iran's main problem is they are anti is like looking at Hitler and saying his main problem was he was burning too much carbon fuel in his V rockets.

Maybe there should be a new name for these front benchers in defining them as the "puffy lips brigade".
