Monday, May 30, 2011

Khadaffi's left nut

When you set yourself up as the leading bright boy without giving God the credit, you blessed better make sure you never make mistakes like sodomy backing, leaving the troops in the field when your dog dies or making endless Limbaugh mistakes.
The reason Mark Levin gets the focus of this blog as of late, is because he is sloppy, not up to the game and in dire need of Jesus and the Holy Ghost's Inspiration.

When Levin cheered the murder of Osama bin Laden, not taking into view the problems of Americans mass murdering Muslims of any sort........there is a problem.

When Levin demands Khadaffi be murdered while on George W. Bush's leash, not taking into view the problems of Americans having both blood on their hands to get their hands on oil, there is a problem.

That kind of short sighted foreign policy is no different than Obama's murderous piracy, and it is the problem of the entire right wing of America, in it just has it's head up the left wing's ass, in blindling cheering anything in a uniform or in security.

I was filled with revulsion when Bill Clinton carried out that Kosovo War against Serbian Christians for an oil pipeline to steal oil from Russia. It was not oil theft that bothered me, but the murderous rampage of the Clintons led by that lunatic Gen. Wes Clarke.
That entire war was unAmerican in being carried out in how disgusting it was in what Clinton had Americans doing to Christians.
Yet the only person I have ever heard from the right to this day standing up for Serbians in Michael Savage............well of course this blog, but that goes without saying.

Consequences of remaining silent or blindly cheering murder and piracy create a malestrom of violence which American individual reap for years.

Currently, Barack Hussein Obama has gone to Europe, under the cover of getting drunk in Ireland and England..........ah you dumb ass Irish didn't get the smear did you in Obama labeled all of you Irish drunks in affinity by downing a stupid bastards.

In any racism, there was Obama telling the Poles to enjoy the slavery of Russia which Obama put them under............and then came the worst of it, in Obama can't get Khadaffi murdered after what is now like 6 homicidal tries, but he did bag two sons and the grandkids, so the dogs of Tripoli can have something to feed on...........

Nopers, Obama met with Medvedev, which Russia under Putin was screaming about the murder of Khadaffi...........until Obama met with Medvedev.

Medvedev changed his tune, and said go ahead and murder Khadaffi...........under the cover of Khadaffi should leave.

What changed?

Why Obama bribed the Russians to the detriment of the west. See Obama offered up Russia joining the World Trade Organization if Medvedev agreed to the murder of Khadaffi. The Russians probably get Khadaffi's left nut as Muchelle is collecting Muslims testicles for her sewing room..........where bin Laden's are hanging.

I digress.........

Ask yourself Mark Levin Americans............

Do you really want when people think of Americans, to have them think, "Oh yeah there goes a Yank. They steal Muslim oil and do it by murdering the leaders. The ones they can't murder outright or cause to have heart attacks, they put on trial for murder just like Mubarak.
It gets better with them Yanks in they sell body parts to Russia, so Russia can join the WTO."

This crap is what Obama has defined Americans as now. Obama literally bartered a dead Muslim corpse for American policy favoring Russia in a commerce deal.

Now that should disgust a normal person. It should fill a normal person with revulsion. Yet there is Congress, the Limbaugh Leaners and no one but this blog sounding the warning and trying not to ghetto green vomit on my keyboard while explaining all of this as it is so unAmerican.

Ok, you let me murder this Muslim, and I will back you in the banking deal you want.........

Ain't that America
For you and me
Ain't that America
The blind can't see

Ain't that America...........

Obama is a sociopathic homicidal obsessive. He belongs in the room with Jared Loughner, and Loughner is the one who is dealing more in reality.

nuff said
