I appreciate Mark Levin, as he not only has a good heart, but when chastised, he accepts it as a real Gentleman and changes the tone of his position.
When Mr. Levin was mirroring the things Rush Limbaugh was stating about American agriculture absolute lies and positions of the cartels, I posted the reality here, and I noticed on April 25th, which happens to be my sister's birthday........but she stopped having them when I was 8 years old, but I digress......
Mr. Levin in examining Obama inflation and his now focusing on "speculators" noted that prices went up and down on market conditions..........and he was not blaming farmers or ethanol.
Here am I thankful for that tone as it is true.
What I will state next is not meant as a challenge to Mr. Levin, as his explanations on Dollar devaluation, Obama debt, investors and market production were quite Milton Friedman correct. That is how the world used to operate, and that is what is exclusive here in while in a Lord Jesus America of times past, yes the markets and production set prices. That no longer is the case, as there is the economy which Mr. Levin speaks of which is now an illusion which gives cover to the real despotic spectre of "finance" which provides the mirage which people think they understand what an economy is, when in reality, all of this is set up as certain as Allan Greenspan bubbles all meant to legally steal the mass of Citizen's money.
Prices mean nothing to the American farmer in the "cereal" grains, because the "government" which is an extension of cartel finance has set around 40 dollars per acre in all a farmer will ever, ever, ever make on that crop.
That 40 dollar profit is after Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill, BP and Pfizer all takes their cut from their farming slaves.
Farmers are then provided "tax breaks" which is the means to direct farmers to buy things which the elite are making. Some years it is tractors and of recent vintage now passing were massive steel grain storage bins.
The Farmer is the most complete slave upon the planet as he sets no prices, and all his prices are set for him, and his profits which are small are directed to be gleaned by the cartels.
This is what Mr. Levin does not realize in all these prices are set by boards. The cartels are adept at this as the Rockefellers set up this magnet on every front in America from education to medicine long ago.
For example, land prices were deemed too low, so in order to eventually drive farmers in the next generation from producing food so Americans will be hostage to the cartel production system, the "conventions" of real estate brokers were maneuvered to inflate prices across America.
There were "wildlife" groups like Ducks Unlimited who swept in and were paying immense prices for worthless lands which inflated prices on adjacent farm lands, and the next thing farmers knew they couldn't afford land and rent was doubling in price.
All of this is controlled by choke points, whether it is oil, corn, lumber or whatever........and as long as you are not some Texans trying to corner the silver market, you do not end up in prison when you are Rothschild associated, giving the masters their share of the market price.
One things requires understanding in this, that the cartels are very aware of the prices on crops and production not for their gouging alone, but because they know in places like America if they tighten the noose too hard, there will be a revolution and the guns will come out to take back what is stolen from Americans.
There is though "no market". Obama has been exposed here in his USDA was criminally manipulating corn prices in 2010. Geithner manages the kickbacks to Obama cronies and Bernanke and the Fed manage American debt which the world no longer will buy.
All of this is intended to cripple America, as America is a threat in it's real mode to the Eurasians who are staging a worldwide feudal state coup.
What I mean by the mirage which hides the spectre as one focuses on the illusion is, the "markets" are cover for the real price schemes. It is no different than when Jacob Mayer, the original Ashkenaz prince who became Rothschild, was suppressing and feeding information to control the stock markets to build their now multi trillion dollar pirate chest.
This cartel has now directly tapped into the American printing presses in how they did the British Pound in destroying the empire. They will do the same thing if given time in building Chin to become a cancer upon those people in enslaving them. It is how they took over Russia and made it Soviet, so they could plunder and control the masses of people.
This is who prices are being set now, in Geithner has been playing this for his benefactors in massive revenue theft from investors. It is also how each day the markets are going up and down......which if you knew that prices on oil were going down, you would sell short, move money into corn which you knew were going up, so in one day you legally steal money in insider trading.
It has nothing to do with money supply or markets. It has to do with the controllers having this all charged months in advance in how the markets will react.
It is in this that Mark Levin and Milton Friedman's real investors are then ushered "information" which is provided from the same source Limbaugh gets his mouthing orders from hating on American Farmers. As that money flows into gold to copper, it provides cover for the real pillaging, and when one has billions more flowing out of savings accounts to markets where investors are being led by the Pied Piper wherever they go, then the investor in time is going to be stuck with the debt which is coming just like the housing bubble bust while the cartels are already investing in the low priced stocks of the next manipulation.
My Auntie's in laws were millionaires before the Dotcom bust. They had retired, bought a lake home, but within a few years they were destitute........over 70 and the husband was crippled up while the wife was forced at that age to go back to doing menial labor.
Stories like that really cut a the Spirit in me and it galls me, as so many people have been ruined by this in having their work, savings and dreams stolen from them, and this keeps on chugging along as is the protocol, while a good heart like Mark Levin quotes normal markets, which disappeared now approaching a generation ago.
The cartels now have so much plunder and were inflated even more with Obama's rapine of the US Treasury, that in controlling propaganda press to the criminal prosecution, that they are a force which literally is going to make war with Jesus the Christ on His return.
This is what the Beast, the Whore of Babylon in a hijacked Catholic religion and Armegeddon is all about. Absolute state control in a feudal worldwide system........that is what the mark of the beast is.
So when Mr. Obama is "investigating speculators" it is cover for the rapine he is up to his Kenyan ass in. Everyone knows this game who is on the inside and all Obama is doing in investigating is running a false flag project to keep the natives from becoming too restless.
The bourgios, as this is the correct name for them as all it means is bosses know the psychology of the game and the finance. They cut it to the edge closer all the time as their assault in beating Americans daily for a generation has them like the frog in the pan on the slowly rising flame.
Our Founders would have risen up long ago in revolution, but when staged slowly, Americans become the bewildered mob who believe in the "good" as Mark Levin speaks of, when the good has been employed by the evil as a cover for ages.
This is a touchy subject as the Ashkenaz cartels hide in Jewry and is why the Holocaust cover is propagated to this day, as while Jews in Jerusalem eat rockets from Muslims, the Ashkenaz prince are the ones getting a cut out of the missile sales from the Islamocommunist Persians.
Mark Levin is Jewish of Russian American heritage, which means in the Ashkenaz world he is about as Warsaw Ghetto as they come, as the Russian Jew is viewed as a thug enforcer........they get to have a nice pat on the head from the princes, but never get in the front door.
Mention these things and it is all "anti Semitism" when it is little to do with Jewish faithful as they are being slaughtered and robbed in this game in the same level as Libyan Muslims or Indian Hindu.
If Mr. Levin ever started espousing this to the source, he would find how quickly he would be ruined. His work though is incomplete in what is taking place under B. Hussein Obama has nothing to do with market forces. That all disappeared long ago. This is a Ponzi scheme on an international scale and it is not the liberal redistribution of wealth, but the stealing of money from a Mark Levin in piracy and putting it into the Rothschild and Rockefeller multi trillion dollar accounts which no one ever sees the books on.
With that said................
nuff said.