Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Pakistani Gambit
As an exclusive here, what must be addressed is the reality that the cork in the bottle for these United States was Pakistan deliberately with China, protecting and housing Osama bin Laden for regional leverage and that the Sheik was a willing participant in this gambit against the west.
To save your personal time baby sister, the Pakistani military and intelligence has been running operations against the Obama regime in Faisal Shahzad and the Condom Bomber, as was reported here first.
Into this a housing deal was worked out with the Chicoms in which Sheik bin Laden was returned to Pakistan, stories floated by US intelligence who at upper levels knew the Sheik was in a safe house, in exchange for the leveraging of the pieces of the region to gain what each party required.
In this Pakistan was interested in American bribes and their control over Afghanistan in supremacy over India.
India the nemesis of Pakistan was to be suppressed by Obama bribes as this escalated to China launching a nuclear missile off California to suppress Mr. Obama's Asian intentions.
The lamb in the slaughter of this was Sheik bin Laden who was purchased by the high bidder in Barack Obama.
Mr. Obama has known for almost a year of the location of the Sheik. Mr. Obama though knew the Sheik was not going anywhere as he was in a safe haven and under house arrest by Pak intel.
The deal was that the Sheik would be the Sheik and Pakistan would gain control of regional areas as all parties utilized the Sheik's mystique to gain their Marxist mission objectives.
This changed as Mr. Obama over a month ago had all the intelligence necessary to tap out the Sheik in an air strike, which would have been absolutely the safest way for American Soldiers. Do not be sucked into Obama's excuse that "he wanted a body to identify" as his services have been identifying not dead Muslim terrorists for years. Factor into this that Mr. Obama could not get rid of the Sheik's or whoever's body quick enough to cover up whatever else was taking place in the Sheik might have died several years ago or several weeks prior from his medical condition, which would have all thrown a forensic nightmare into Mr. Obama's murder plot.
No, Mr. Obama waited a month on an air strike and then over a month later, he waited another day to order this strike to weigh the real reason for the murder of the now unarmed and non resisting Sheik..........
A dead Sheik was purchased from Pakistan for certain Afghanistan control and foreign aid for the Pak's. Mr. Obama chose the moment of this murder to attempt to undo the Birther charges having been proven, Donald Trump's rise and to attempt to deflate the information of the Jerome Corsi book.
When Sheik bin Laden, his wife, his family and his associates went to bed that evening, they were absolutely content in the reality they were protected by Pakistan and the Obama regime would not touch them.
As Mr. Obama has turned on Mubarak, Khadaffi and Assad, along with hosts of other smaller Muslim despots, the murder orders went out for Sheik bin Laden.
I will state this plainly............
It is a little difficult to keep Sheik bin Laden from speaking about the deals he was involved with in Pakistan that the upper regime operatives in America were in knowledge of. Not the sort of thing an Obama desires to have come out in a military trial.
Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver, a slave's wage. It appears that messiah Obama in this new age of his in state run murders has turned the tables, but not cut as good a deal with his Judas, but the same imperical murder took place..........history repeating itself.
agtG 325Y