Sunday, May 22, 2011

Real Palin Politics

I have been thinking on this for some time now, and I was pleased Sarah Palin addressed the uneasiness her supporters have had as all these Karl Rove Bi Cons constantly are whining about some candidate in the race, thinking about running or putting out some boober like Mitch Daniels to try and secure things for young Jeb Bush in the future of the dynasty.

I actually have found it refreshing that Gov. Palin has shown the patience of a hunter, fisher and trapper which is of her Western heritage.
Ronald Reagan completely understood about Americans getting tired and bored with the perpetual candidates. It is why he was on the radio and not parading about nightly on television.

For people who need to be reminded, the election is almost a year and a half away. If you are a loser, you get in early to get your name out there. If you are a winner who trusts their connection with the American people, you wait.

It would make no sense for Sarah Palin to announce early as it would make her a massive target again which Donald Trump deflected from her. She would lose the appearance factor on FOX and other venues of just being a Citizen of the Tea Party.

The fact is Sarah Palin is the front runner, no matter what the stooge pollers are polling. The fact is when you are a loser like Mitt Romney who no one wants, you trumpet how much big money you are hauling in as that is the only thing you have going for you.

The Republican field is quite sparce. Herman Cain has a great deal of rightful support for him, but I caution even his supporters into realizing that Obama has so blackened the psyche to be phobic about blacks as this blog predicted, that America is only going to be seeing "black" and lose the message.

This is as I stated from the beginning of this in after the designer negro of Obama was making voters puke, they were going to demand something American, something different and something pretty to make them feel good after this Obama illness.

Yes Sarah Palin is ice cream after having your kiddie tonsils out. Sarah Palin is Mom's chicken soup after a cold. Sarah Palin is that hug and soft voice after you got scared as a child. Sarah Palin triggers all of these reactionary emotions in the positive, while Obama is the boogerman under your bed, that snotty nose and that sore throat you have been battling.

Are there still fat, frumpy, hateful women and horndog, unlaid men out there who will hate Sarah Palin? Sure there are, but it is amazing even in that, how the Obama venereal disease is taking the vent out of their hate as getting an Obama you can't scrape off your genitals.........well just educates you really fast in what a fool you have been.

I do not know when Sarah Palin will announce, but as long as she reminds people she is there.......and this blog explains what Real Palin Politics are about in the Ronald Reagan tactical nature, you have nothing to be concerned about as this horse is a winner, a war horse you take into battle.........and that battle is not even on the horizon yet.
Sarah Palin has no contenders in the GOP ranks and she will brush them aside as things settle out when the primaries start.

So just be patient children. You will have enough time to join the fight soon enough. Prepare, make sure you powder is dry, your keyboard weapons are clean and I believe Sarah Palin will announce exactly when she has picked to announce already.

She has God I hope and she has you........that is all she requires and will move with packs and saddles when the time is right. It just is not the time for "boots and saddles" at 3 AM yet. The others are in a panic and rush.............Sarah Palin can take it in God's time.
