I will preface this simply in stating as of this moment, I believe 1000% that Barack Obama has already been defeated in 2012. He is finished.
I watch for signs from the whores of the capitalists and whores of the globalists and one of the most blovenous whores is Rush Limbaugh skirting about in the right.
He has been trying hard to crawl up the Tea Party, redefine the Tea Party, hijack the Tea Party, and his compatriots in Sean Hannity and Mark Levin have all received word to keep their hands off Sarah Palin.
What I'm about to reveal here is exclusive and it has to do with the Hutatree / McVeigh government staged attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords. What was really taking place in Arizona was only covered here, and if you recall Sarah Palin after her Tami Bruce accolades was really operating without Angelic protection as she was flat footed and for several months was off her game.
This culminated in the Giffords shooting when Mrs. Palin went into hiding, because she knew she was the real target in this premature staged event which went off on Ms. Giffords.........or as some might say, "The regime made an example of Gabrielle Giffords like a horses head in Sarah Palin's bed to send her a message".
If one examines the reaction of the Karl Rove and Bush family political rapists, they had been wholesale rapine on Sarah Palin, but immediately after this they ran for cover as they knew exactly what the hell had taken place in this was an assassination attempt, and they were going to be blamed for stoking it up.
During this period, there was a shift, which, shall we say, Lindsey Williams big oil boys, saw a Howard Hughes moment in which to approach Sarah Palin and the same forces which backed Ronald Reagan from intelligence and the American enterprise laid out a scenario to make her "their Reagan girl".
These Americans backed John McCain and Mr. McCain won the election even with the mischief of Karl Rove and David Axelrod submarining his campaign. It is why McCain never took the gloves off with Obama, because McCain had been assured he would be in the White House.
The big oil boys though never concluded that Obama's Rothschilds would steal 10 million votes in the election and flip them from GOP to Obama votes.
They have been pondering this for the past few years, jacking up oil prices higher than Obama wanted for his green fraud industry and implementing a strategy to curb Obama in deciding what to do next.
What happened next was Gabrielle Giffords, and the barons are privy to these happenings and knew immediately what the score was, and approached Mrs. Palin with their deal for American commerce being restored.
The leverage in this for Mrs. Palin was these barons promised her security in the same deal which Jackie Kennedy received when she married Mr. Onassis.
This is why one has seen a marked shift in the Rovians after their wholesale rapine of Sarah Palin in Krauthammer, Will and Rove, to this moderated shift to keep their mouths shut......and is why Limbaugh has been opening his.
These barons are business men who conduct business in an absolute way. When the are implementing a financial policy which benefits Americans, then America prospers. They see that Obama has dumped trillions OF THEIR CAPITAL into the huge international banks in an unbalance of power for Obama cronies............that money is their target and it will be coming back to the barons, and it comes back through energy production and rebuilding America as Reagan unleashed for these same capitalists.
They are not going to be outflanked again by the Obama folks, and I have a feeling that the Rothschilds are at the wall in this, have used Obama for all he was worth in plundering America and igniting the Middle East, and will replace him with their own European messiah soon enough.
So Sarah Palin in the White House will be of no concern to them as Mrs. Palin will be rebuilding America and ending these Bush and Obama wars which America is tired of.
This is part of the globalist strategy and in competing the barons have their piece of the pie, and removing Obama in his deal with the Europeans for Sarah Palin, is what 2012 will be about.
If this trends, and I believe it will, as this is going to come from the same Rahm Emanuel leftist to get rid of Obama too, the Republicans should gain the majorities in the Congress to rubber stamp the policies from the Palin Administration to repeat what Ronald Reagan accomplished.
I presume there will be those who will find fault in this, but it is the best deal which can be worked out for America as Ronald Reagan was in 1980.
This is why Gov. Palin seems on her game again, with the press chasing her and her playing the pretty girl hard to get. She has cover now in her family and her own security. She has backing from the barons and the same scenario is being laid out as was with Jimmy Carter for America to be rid of him in that era.
That is probably enough said on this, but it is posted to give heart to Americans that a strategy is being pooled from the Palin camp and it is now being backed by the American barons who are putting the Rovians on a leash and if they do not obey they will be facing the lethal injection, just as the Clintons were leashed for Obama to gain power.
It does not matter how much money Romney or Obama raise, as their dirty tricks will become crimes this time and their vote fraud will see the courts.
........and with that.
nuff said
agtG 246
PS: Additional note, in attempting to post this, Google all of sudden made me resign in with the password, and then I got a 404 error in the page not found.
This is information which is not supposed to be reaching the public apparently.