As promised, this is an exclusive in what the economic terrorist attack of 2008 which installed B. Hussein Obama into the White House dealt with in the redistribution of wealth.
One hears Rush Limbaugh in his Karl puffy lips Rove talking points on this mantra, but he never divulges thee piracy of it, for it is piracy pure and simple and has been going on before America was a nation.
I will though limit this to the life of Limbaugh as he like most folks have a gridlock on comprehending long historical quid pro looting, as he is already in reading this thinking about puffing on his pumpkin as his puss is shoved in his fondled blondeberry.
After World War II, America was thee only untouched manufacturing and capital system in the world. The international bankers intended to enslave America by taking over it's entire infrastructure from education, entertainment to government, in divesting Americans of God, morality and their money.
The Rockefeller Ashkenaz were the chief stooges in this for the Rothshchild Mayer princes of Europe and in that the Bush family started out bag men for the Rockefeller traitors.
In Richard Nixon's election, the Rockefellers put into place Henry Kissinger who implemented their policy of the balance of trade which made American wealth worthless and Eurasian oil and manufacturing built on slave labor priceless.
This is what started the final process of the degradation of America which Richard Nixon was battling with his price controls.
In previous generations, bubbles were created for the purpose of robbing Americans in the 1920 crash which was engineered to centralize commerce in the hands of the few. This took place again in the 1970's centralizing agriculture.
The recent bubbles though were created by Allan Greenspan, and they had devastating results once the international financiers comprehended that they could speed up the process and loot trillions of dollars quickly in the plunging of the stock markets which hit Ronald Reagan first to slow down his liberating of Americans.
The next two busts in the Dotcome and Housing were the real criminal events waged against Americans and brought about the Obama regime which has been looting the American Treasury directly into the central European coffers.
Get that point, Barack Obama is the Bubble in this and the Burst. The markets are being looted by Geithner and manipulated all for this international banking cartel and the fact is my children, the reality is, the big banks are now monster banks in being even bigger under Obama AND THEY ARE TRADING EVEN MORE DERIVATIVE or DEBT now than what brought about the 2008 economic terrorist attack upon these United States.
Barack Obama has made the pirate ship of Europe even more of a mountain of rapine.
One must understand that before Obama was installed that the American financial elite frequently under Greenspan looted other nations which America traded in.
I have touched on this in part in other revelations, but put in the continuous time line here.
The looting of Japan in these elite stealing back all of the trade wealth these financiers had dumped into Japan was the start. South Korea and the smaller Asian markets followed with another piracy of wealth back into the American coffers of what was sent out.
Greenspan in sorting though the world, decided that he would do this to the Rothschilds in Europe with the Clinton Dotcom bust, which divested of American savers their retirement accounts in trillions.
The central Europeans did not find this piracy amusing as they are the folks who are the original world pirates, and this set about thee ultimate end game of economic terrorism which was what was about the Housing bust. None of this was by accident.
Greenspan and Bush41 had devastating results in this for America, because when they went into Russia after the Soviet collapse and raped that nation of it's wealth, along with the Europeans, it turned an ally into a Putin nemesis.
All of this is now coming full circle as the European cartel has simply said, "Ok you smug American inbreds, we will show you how the game is played, and we are going to take your board and all your money, and do it with our stooge Barack Hussein Obama".
Obama is an international child. He naturally is envious of America and easily slides into the redistribution of wealth. It is why he dumped 1 trillion of American Dollars into the third world which immediately went to European banks. Obama has been busy with Geithner diverting trillions to the Europeans, because in Obama's brain it is programmed he is redistributing wealth to people that Americans took money from.
It never occurs to Obama in his psychopathy that the American Yankee Trader, American fur baron, American tycoon, American baron and American banker created that wealth and uplifted the entire world to a better standard.
The Americans never made slaves of people, never stole resources and never conquered lands to keep them. Obama in this "all Asians look alike" though is 3rd world in all those white folks look alike and English slave traders are like Arabic slave traders and Americans......well they are those same white folks on ships and they all look the same.
The Americans being successful must have been doing the same, as that is how the others made their fortunes.
The reality is though Americans created wealth and they exploited resources in being blessed masters of it.
This though is what is behind this fraud of the Obama regime as it manipulates stocks, manipulates commodities, manipulates inflation and manipulates markets.........nothing is real and it is all smoke and mirrors as the Obama redistribution of wealth is not going to poor people, to poor nations, to those who claim exploitation, but Obama has put this stolen wealth from the US Treasury into the hands of the international bankers exploiting the world and the exploitation of the international unions in his true colors of where his loyalties are.
This is why I pointed out Obama was in Berlin in 2008. That is his political power base he is loyal too. It is where his terror Marxist family of Obama was trained from in the home of Karl Marx.
That is the Obama redistribution of wealth, not to the poor, but to the exploiters of the world is all about. Obama robbed America and Americans, because in his degenerate mind, it all is the same........and who can comprehend what was earned and what was stolen, as little Barry Soebarkah Soetoro didn't have a country to be president of and those Americans all had a nation they could legally be President of.
The devil is in the details and who can pay attention to the details when the devil's puff of pot smoke has your brain fried and you are being reprogrammed as a Bill Ayers community organizer.
Now the Rusty Limbaugh types are not going to tell you of the piracy of the Bush41 and Greenspan years, because their benefactors were part of the banditry who put the money into their horded bank accounts and one does not kill the goose which is laying your golden egg.
These financiers had no business looting Japan, South Korea and Russia. It weakened allies and created a malevolent enemy in Putin who knows exactly what took place and why he was on a tear seizing back his resources.
This should have been done as Carnegie and old man Rockefeller did, in creating better steel and fuel, using American superior workforce and then undercutting the competition of other nations and EARNING THAT WEALTH for the prosperity of America.
Barack Obama is solid from the neck up though as none of this makes any sense to him, as his triggers like Jarrett to Geithner are all patrician in America is the problem as they are indoctrinated in the Rothschild propaganda.
It is though thee reality of Barack Obama's redistribution of wealth. Obama is the bubble and he is the bust. He is the pirate in charge of the United States Treasury and America is destroyed in this Obama Super Depression for it.
You though know now exclusively the reason why the walls are over your head and not free sky. You are in the Obama abyss of the central European Order.