Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How Obama Destroyed America

No one has really stated the simple plan of how Barack Hussein Obama destroyed America, so as an exclusive here it will be explained as it was easy.

In 2008, I approached the Romney and McCain campaigns about how to simply put America back on the prosperity track in stabilizing the housing market, and that was to grant homeowners fifty thousand dollars to put up disaster bunkers.
The process of construction and supplying them would have created a real prosperity bubble which would have allowed for a drill baby drill economy to gain footing with some type of high speed rail to unite American prosperity and then building under ocean links to Japan and England to create a super structure of commerce for American prosperity and security.

It was ignored and now Obama has bastardized it to the extent that asses like Rush Limbaugh are mocking Obama rail as is intended, so Americans will not think this will work. You children had better get this figured out in who funds Limbaugh and Obama are the same coin of two sides and your interests are not at heart in this.

What Obama did was simply do what the Pritzker family who were his bag men initiated in the 1990's in predator lending. See what the globalists did was jack up housing prices across the board, in another Allan Greenspan "bubble" for their prosperity and your poverty.
At that time, it was possible to gain housing in rural America for 12,000 dollars for a starter home and a 100,000 home was a mansion in all of the rural towns of fifty thousand population stats.

That all was broken as Realtors were pushed to jack up prices to a uniform national level. Now someone like Mark Levin who lives in his perpetual high priced neighborhoods never conceived that some dust patch like South Dakota actually due to people never earned over twenty thousand dollars a year, that homes in vast stretches of America were literally priced at pauper levels.
The shift came though and all of a sudden horrified poor people saw ten grande houses skyrocket to fifty thousand......and those hundred thousand dollar rich people homes were one quart to a half a million dollars over night.

This is what was the underlying of the Greenspan housing bubble which Bush43 used to ward off a global depression. The problem is as this blog exclusively noted was Greenspan stuck the European cartel with the Dotcom bust from the Clinton years. In retaliation, they built the Ponzi scheme of derivatives and started trading debt, and inflating prices on a global scale, and then dropped the economic terror bomb on America, via Iceland first.

Obama's cronies in the big banks which Geithner was a part of, were subsidized not to NORMALLY sell off these properties at deflationary prices, but instead kept them in this housing glut, so they would keep control of the American people by these inflated housing prices no one can afford.
This is how Obama destroyed America in his financiers led by Geithner in not allowing natural deflation take housing down to levels people could afford them, buy them again, and then start the process of market flow of buying things for those homes, which employed people who bought things from the home buyers job markets and you had a fixed economy in about 18 months.

Obama and his international bankers wanted none of this though, as they want a unionized North America, run by union thugs on slave Mexican labor controlled by Obama billionaires and trillionaires club.

Yes the price of oil and food being rigged to impoverish people played a part. Yes as Jerome Corsi published the monetizing or the Fed buying up debt the Treasury generates in Obama spending is part of this, but the key element of this was not Obama massive looting, green policy or monetizing, but what destroyed America was this hording of properties, keeping land prices artificially high and keeping Americans from starting the process of rebuilding their lives from the bottom up.
This is how Obama destroyed America in his anti Jefferson doctrine. Jefferson put into place that all Americans should be property owner agrarians to keep the population at peace and prosperous. Obama undid this in keeping property controlled by the state and the population at war with it's self.

It is a very simple formula and why Thomas Jefferson and the Founders all advocated property rights with controlled banking, so the people would remain at liberty and not enslaved.

I have warned and the talking head are catching up now that this is the Obama Super Depression and America might not have a nation for Sarah Palin to put back together.......only bits and pieces in 2013. This is a dire condition and Barack Obama is responsible along with his superstate international financiers. They did this deliberately and soon I will explain exactly the machine which went into place that caused this 9 11 economic attack on America in 2008 in what it was about in Obama's redistribution of wealth.

Until then, nuff said.


I wonder if I'm dreaming
I feel so unashamed
I can't believe this is happening to me
I watch you when you're sleeping
I want to take your love........

I want you to show me the way
Every day
I want you to show me the way
Every day