Monday, June 13, 2011

Huma's Weiner

This blog is going to profile the Anthony and Huma Weiner union, but first has to address something.

I had always thought Huma was attractive until Weiner put his wiener into her, and now they both look like extruded holocaust victims form moulded into plastic penises.
I had to make that point as looking at them I find them as repulsive as Muchelle Groshelle Obama in making me want to ghetto green vomit puke, the bile sort of enzyme.

I stated in exclusively that the reason I was not paying attention to Anthony Weiner or Anthony's Wiener was I figured Huma was sending the pictures out from what Tony said, in he hedged it all like someone else was doing the trolling.

You can find numerous couples of this ilk online. They pretend to be each other, some troll for lesbians to lure them in and then Tony pops out of the closet as the girl is tied up for a surprise screw, and some bring in boys to get lathered and drunk up with the old lady, only to have the bi husband pop out of the closet and do some Brokeback to the surprise of the guy.

A "friend" I knew from Texas had this happen to her on a bottle of Mexican whiskey in which a well hung black boy friend suddenly appeared and she could only fit in half, and could not walk literally for a few days, to which her husband was furious at the lesbian for being so rough........never figuring out it was another male in a sex set up.

I made a jest in satire here in liberals should be blaming Huma as she was pregnant, so what could a pervert do like Tony, but act out.
Satire is based in let us profile Mrs. Weiner a moment.

Huma dresses like a princess, so you know that is what Anthony married, but we know Tony is a pervert...........and Huma knew that.
Now let us back engineer this in who does Huma work for? Yes Hillary Clinton.

Would you take a job with Hillary Clinton in knowing her husbands was a lecherous raping horn dog? No normal woman would, and yet this did not bother Huma Abedin one bit.
In fact, Huma was the lesbian outed in the British press who was servicing Hillary.

So let us look at Huma, the wife, in she is quite the little pervert herself, and as we know, birds of a feather flock together.

Therefore, we see something psychological in this, in Anthony Weiner married a whore and apparently wanted to keep her a whore, but something strange happened on the way to the rocking the cradle of love.

Now this blog examines all in, is this Anthony Weiner's baby for one thing? Seriously is he just the sperm donor and is Hillary Clinton the father? Is this an Ellen or Rosie marriage with Bill and Anthony playing the Karl Rove wife cover?
We just do not know with this Don't Ask Don't Tell, Letterman cocktail crowd.

In that, is this a matter of Huma getting knocked up and reverting to her mother example and denying Anthony his whore? Is this a matter where Huma wanted to be the whore yet, but Anthony was incapable in his own complex of using a mother to be as a whore, so as Huma is not divorcing this pervert...........the reality is, Huma Weiner let Anthony out on his leash to play.

This perversion was Phil Donahue's "Whatever goes on behind closed doors is fine in a marriage". It was sanctioned by Huma Weiner and the odds are she is not a victim, but was for the past year fingering herself in reading Anthony Weiners prowling notes and all those cute little white girls sending photos of themselves to Democrat Weiner.

Want me to say that again so it soaks in as you being nice boys and girls are recovering from the shock?

I know once was enough.

Everything about Huma Abedin points to the submissive maul of the Muslim suicide bomber control. subs are always the ones in sexual control and the Dominant, or Master, as that photo of Anthony Weiner with his bare chest and shadow mask face all hints as that type of BDSM leather and clothes pins on the genitals, was the one being let out to play the sub wife as all these third world marriages are.

So when is someone going to ask the reclusive Huma and her Hillary for THEIR emails under the names sub 1 and her Dom Hamrod on hidden away Yahoo accounts?
Were any of Anthony Weiner's emails forwarded to his old lady or Bill's old lady on the public paid for computers?
Did Hillary Clinton surf in to the Weiner Yahoo photo page for a nooner with Huma?

See we have children involved in this in messages. Just what are the ISP details in who logged into these Weiner accounts which are known..........what accounts do we not know of?
Is this a sex network which we know already touches into the Office of Secretary of State's Office. Now consider, is Obama's infamous blackberry reaching out and touching Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton?
Just who in this Weiner circle of perverts is this going to ensnare?

Anthony Weiner hinted in a joke at the DC Madam sex scandal. That eludes to others involved in this which he knew of. Are these just office staff Weiner employed like Barney Frank's male whore, or in the lesbian entourage of Hillary.......does this go into the hinted Michelle Obama lesbian entourage and Barack Hussein Obama's lesbo entourage with Reggie Love and key reporters in the media?

As stated this is exclusive, and there is fire here, as Barbara Walters was out in front on this defending Weiner as much as Nancy Pelosi. These two hose bags from their non shock, along with ALL these liberal females all have pervert pictures of themselves and they have received pervert pictures themselves.

We know this starts with Anthony Weiner AND HE KNEW HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT, not because he was a Congressman, but because others in higher power were involved in this and covering his back.
Weiner though was the idiot let out on the leash by the old lady and he brought in the young girls, instead of keeping this on the slap and tickle The View snap and smile photo shop.

All of this points to a sex ring. All of this points to Huma Weiner knew of this and was involved in this.....and that tracks to Hillary Clinton..............and that tracks right to Barack and Michelle Obama, all of whom are guiltily silent in all of this.

This is not just Congress, but this requires real law enforcement to TRACK all contacts emanating from Anthony Weiner's public and private accounts, and that includes Huma's as the husband might have been emailing from her State Department laptop impersonating her........or doing it with her permission or being a pimp for Hillary Clinton.

agtG 285Y

People everywhere they got dirty laundry.