Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25th, 1876

People for the most part are dishonest about things. For instance, I honor May 30th as Memorial Day only, and even though there are numerous warriors dead in my family, I have an emotional disconnect from it as I do not appreciate being made to mourn on cue.

June 25th though is a different matter to me, as recently my brother was talking to a colleague at work and pointed out Boots and Saddles, and the guy replied, "Oh that is written by that crazy woman Libby Custer".
Crazy in she was defending her husband after he and most of the 7th Cavalry was deliberately assassinated by the same financiers assassinating these United States of America under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Little Big Horn is one of thee most haunted places in America, as the dead in both Indian terrorists and American Heroes call out for the Truth to be told in Indians were set up to murder George Custer, in which they willingly did, and being Lee Harvey Oswald patsies have covered up the real assassins who are still terrified in being exposed for what they did, so they have this Sarah Palin smear machine still operating and Libby Custer almost died 100 years ago.

Do you not see what a secret this is which would rock the world as they are still doing the same murderous mayhem to this day to Americans.

For the facts, George Custer was most likely shot as he attempted to rescue Maj. Reno's cowardly attack, by a flanking maneuver early meant to draw off fire.
No one has ever hypothesized, but as everyone knew the Terry Expedition was coming and I have detailed all of this in eye witness accounts of Gen. Crook knew of Terry's location as he retired to the Big Horn Mountains to go on vacation in a dereliction of duty to a doctor stating he saw Buffalo Bill on a scout before the battle, but it is more than likely there was a shooter on a grassy knoll gunning for Gen. Custer.
This is evidenced by a ruthless Sioux with a long range rifle murderously shooting horses and troopers in the Benteen command after he disobeyed orders in not going to aid Gen. Custer and his command.

The General's command after he was wounded, retired to a defensible position to await Benteen and Reno's united command. Twice during the long hot afternoon of June 25th the Custer command sent up a mass volley which the Benteen command heard. A mass volley is used as a distress signal.
Finally one Officer with his troopers rode out too late, as the end had come to the Custer command.

I know that Gen. Custer shot himself, and was one of the last Soldiers to die, as he lay there wounded, watching, the finest Cavalry in the world being slaughtered slowly that humid afternoon.
He knew what would await him, as he was wounded with a lethal shot. He would be as the Kidder Party in his tendons would be cut, pulled from the muscles, his eyes, nose and lips would be cut off, he would be scalped alive, arrows would be shot into him, fire would be kindled at his feet and finally after hours of this, these Sioux terrorists would build a fire on his chest and roast him to death that way as his heart would explode from the heat.

This is real torture not Democrat fictional tortre at Gitmo.

I become incensed to being sickened when I see these Sioux to this day parading around the Little Big Horn as something they fought for in honor. Osama bin Laden had more compassion for Americans than these terror butchers.........and then the Crow are there too making a holocaust buck off of it, in Custer only went there, because the Crow were whining about the Sioux terrorizing them.
........and all of these Indians are making a buck off of this slaughter of American Heroes and have the audacity to besermch the dead.

I think about Tom Custer having his heart cut out as he was alive, being wounded, scalped alive and then having his head bashed in with a club....only being able to be identified by a tattoo.

I think about Libby Custer and all of those wives in a home worship service breaking down and crying as they had a premonition something evil was taking place. I think of her pleading with the steamboat captain to come and speak with her, and he making an excuse as he did not want to face that.

I think of Dandy, the Generals pet horse, shot like so many horses out of malice by the Indians. How Dandy shot in the neck whinnied for help.

I think about all of those sickening things and the despicable cover up which continues to this day, and how these same criminals who are the Obama cronies are doing the same thing to America, Sarah Palin and our Soldiers scattered into slaughter pits.

It took those Sioux terrorists over 1oo years to desicrate that Hallowed Ground. It took Muslim terrorists with Obama's help less than a decade to desicrate Ground Zero.

I remember June 25th easily as the ghosts there still demand justice. It is easy to remember it all, because it is all happening again with the same puppy press taking the part of the assassins, making the rich murderers even richer, and praising the terrorists and their secular Islamic champion in Barack Hussein Obama.

One more year Libby, perhaps it will get sorted out when Jesus returns as this people has learned nothing.
