Thursday, June 16, 2011

On Obama's Dime

Obama's fellow Kenyan, John Mwau has reason to be concerned as the Obama Seals have not murdered anyone in the last day and the beast must be fed.

See John Mwau has been targeted by Barack Obama as a Kenyan drug kingpin, to which Mr. Mwau denies he is anything but a grocer. What Mr. Mwau is, does not really matter if it involves narcotics from putting heroin into the imported coffee for his stores to standing in the way of drug importation..........what matters is John Mwar is standing as a very rich Kenyan threat to B. Hussein Obama and Marxist cousin Odinga, the Christian Church burner who uses Christians as cord wood.

We can figure this out in Obama putting Mr. Mwau on the kill shot list of the most wanted.

This is the tip of the Obama iceberg in his Murder Inc. as this blog exclusively laid out. Mr. Obama has been busy assassinating rival religious Muslims across the globe for his Islamocommunist version of Islam. See when you throw out Mubarak and the rest of pro American secular Muslims who are for strong independent Arabic states and install these fellow traveler frauds, Obama with his European cartel gets a better way to rape these nations, create their new order empire out of central Europe.........and yes communists just murder victims better on the cheap.
Hitler had problems with working all those Jews to death. Stalin was more efficient in he left the Ukrainians home, took their food and let the cold freeze them to death. No trains to cost you, no big camps to bankrupt you and no dead bodies to mass grave with, as the wagon cart buries them individually so no one ever knows.

It is beyond obvious what Barack Obama is doing in targeting "drug lords" now. He has set up this al Qaeda dope pipeline out of South America, into Africa with al Qaedas own fleet of Boeing 727's which pipes directly into Europe now via Spain...........the same poison cucumber Spain, and into doping up the masses, so the Rothschild cartel can spring their Roman empire on them soon enough and make a profit to boot.
Obama just like in Islam, just like in Arabic nations, just like at GM, just like in the banks, just like in these narcotic traffickers is removing the competition, so Obama's dope lords will supply the cut Obama's benefactors are demanding.

This is a complete revamp of the entire world organized naco mafia in removing competition of these freelancer and centralizing it all with the Obama narco marxists.

Well Obama has turned the US military into a group of murderous thugs who shoot geezers in their underwear and BATF sold out already in 2008 in their fraud "BHO is in danger from white people" propaganda then flowing into Hutatree in those christians are terrorists..........and now we see the FBI is about to be unleashed in murdering the competition of the Obama narcotic collective.

Doing dime bag business is getting life threatening...........Castro got his butt kicked out in leading Cuba as dope lord.........Hillary and Barack tried to force back their crazy Honduran drug lord on those poor people..........and now a Eurasian Africa realliance is being constructed in murdering off the dope kings, all legal though.

You got to give Obama credit on this, in he knows how to destroy economies like America and strangle them, but he sure knows how to build, maintain and grow the dope business funding the terrorist arm of the New World Order.

What was it Mr. Whipple always said? Please don't squeeze the Charmin?

Obama apparently massages his Charmin as he sure puts the squeeze on the competing dope lords.

Note to John Mwau. Have Warren Buffett talk you into giving all your money to charities which implement Obama's Marxist policies like he did with Bill Gates. Talk of cropping people with vaccines as Gates did.........and maybe throw in you were in Hawaii in August of 1961 and personally delivered Barry II through Mama Obama's vulva lips, proving he is Hawaiian.

Maybe dangle Obama's foreskin before the camera as proof you took as a souvenir.

That might just save your life John..........might even get you a date with Obama too if you donate five bucks to his illegal lottery to win a date with Barry O.

Lions and tigers and bears, Oh My!
Look at all the dead bodies piled so high.

No questions asked
For his task
He stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum
And said what a good boy am I
Rub a dub Obama
My such drama
I wish I may, I wish I might

Rub my monkey luck shining bright

One potatoe, two potatoe, three potatoe, four
It smells like death in this Obama spring gore
Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie
Why do only Marxists live and all the other birdies die.....

agtG 289

PS: I wonder in this Obama inflation if all this massive influx of drug deliveries if prices will go down due to over supply..........
Another Obama miracle!