Now that a week has elapsed and things have simmered down so people will listen a bit about the reality of Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a "talk slut", I decided the day of his suspension which this was written on, to provide an exclusive into what an Ed Schultz really is so you know the reality as I was there when he was created.
Why do you think I tell you children about how Limbaugh said on 60 Minutes he would go onto something else when things ran out? Why do you think I out Sean Hannity in submarining Jerome Corsi along with the Foxholes? Why do you think I make note of Mark Levin in his odd sodomite comments? Why do you think I outed Keith Olbermann in not believing half of what he says?
This blog is trying to warn you that like Chris Wallace and Bill O'Reilly and Shep Smith...all of these talking heads listened to on the right and the left, are hired to be stage acts just like Jesse Jackson was hired to herd black folks when Martin King was murdered.
Goodness people, Rush Limbaugh with talent on loan from God, hires Elton John for a million dollars after Sir Elton blasphemes Jesus the Christ, the perfect Son of God sent to redeem the world.
What part of fraud do you not comprehend?
I will post this quote from Politico to start this off:

Ed Schultz worked for WDAY in Fargo, which is the ABC powerhouse station there on radio and television. In his salad days, he tried to be Rush Limbaugh and Charles Adler, the great Canadian broadcaster on CJOB out of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
It might surprise you there is countless reams of footage of Ed Schultz shooting guns, killing game and making Ted Nugent look vegan, because weekly Ed Schultz hosted an outdoors program on WDAY television...........and baby sister, it was better than ABC's American Sportsman of long ago.
About 2000, Schultz surprised the doncha knows in North Dakota in he went nuts. There was his going off like a lunatic at WDAY, his leveraging, his moving on.....and by coincidence just like Keith Olbermann followed the Al Franken "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot" much to Letterman's desire and promotion..........a host of these most interesting creatures started showing up on the right and the left, just about the same time Barack Hussein Obama's meteoric stardom elevated him from screwing ugly women in Chicago and filling in with gay guys.
Ed Schultz wanted to be a star, but as he was not talented enough to replace Rush Limbaugh, the way Barack Obama replaced Jesse Jackson......nice guy Schultz made waves like Keith Olbermann and Al Franken, to fill a space provided for them, providing they had that Cindy Sheehan appeal.
The one thing I know is Ed Schultz and MSNBC had this planned out in taking on Larua Ingraham, because left wing Feminazi's came to Ingraham's defense in calling for Schultz to be...........what was it? Oh yes put on furlough or suspension.
Schultz suspended himself, which is a vacation of a week where he will probably go over to Leech Lake and fish walleyes as season is now open there.
This is all bogus and it is all from the same money train which Soros and Buffett feed from.
Schultz gets paid to be Limbaugh's obnoxios twin..........think of him as Elton John on Rush's shoulder. This attack on Ingraham was designed to gain spin so his ratings would go up........he wouldn't get that spin if he had smeared Sarah Palin, so he went after Laura Ingraham.
Oh and I like Ms. Ingraham, but baby sister don't forget Laura is part of the pro sodomite contingent of Karl Rove in she was "re educated" to be pro sodom. Do not forget she dated that fraud hiding in the right in Dinesh D'Souza and almost married him.
Ingraham does a great show, but she also is doing the Justice Anthony Kennedy rounds...........as Laura is the not so caustic version of Ann Coulter who markets better, as this is all about Limbaugh market share and how spin is created.
You don't grow up being Ted Nugent of North Dakota and end up being Ted Kennedy, no more than Pat Sajak knew Keith Olbermann as a nice guy and somehow could not figure out what happened to him at age 40.
What happened is the Young and the Restless didn't have room for another Victor Newman, so another drama had to create another character to fill the audience void.
Ed Schultz doesn't believe half of what he comes up with. You could see when Obama "rewarded" him at the first White House press conference, that the puppy press didn't want him there and Schultz knew it was just an audition for a role to replace Olbermann who was being outed here.
That is the real Ed Shultz and where he came from. He is just another one of these hired actors just like John McCain outed all of this in Limbaugh in his being an entertainer.
There people are not that bright in they have to steal material from others daily and make inflammatory comments to keep that market share up as that is what they are hired for.
So you get told sell out your soul, in return for a big paycheck, fame and the easy life......there is not one of these people who has not made that deal, as that is why they are where they are pretending to give a damn about Americans they claim to represent.
It sure is better than grubbing for small salaries and being replaced by the girl or boy who is sucking off the boss better than you did last week.
Makes a bit more sense now........and if outing Schultz gets him canned like Olbermann.........the walleyes are biting Ed, so go enjoy as I might see you up on Sakakwea when I play with the tribes there.