I really do not know where to begin in this one in Rush Limbaugh cashing in on the Tea Party in his newest scheme of Two if by Tea.
First, I have a combination of disgust, nausea and righteous fury that this plagiarist of this blog now has stolen from the Tea Party which is fighting to save America.
What comes next? Mark Levin with his psychopathy of Tea Bones for your dog? Sean Hannity with Tea up for Tennis?
This really is reprehensible and I would guess that both Levin and Hannity are right now sipping Limbaugh thievery as samples are a tax deduction in marketing..........and we all know how these three front benchers just hate subsidies for American Farmers and Ranchers, but can not feed fast enough on tax deductions for themselves.
Limbaugh is once again cashing in on the right wing. He pulled this crap on those Oz wool boots, Marta's tie dyed ties, there is that meat market in Chicago, that awful Snapple.....and the list goes on, but every damn thing Limbaugh hawks on that program is so expensive that normal people can't afford it.
At 23 bucks for 12 bottles of this son of Snapple, shipping included, and if you think you are not paying shipping on this then just keep on believing every lie coming out Limbaugh and your "free" cell phone minutes, Limbaugh is once again gouging consumers for his elite few.
Of course, ole Rush is not only hiding up the Tea Party's ass in this, but he is using his kryptonite shield in that dead Soldier charity, he is always using like the Obama's to prove they really are one of us, as they get 'part of the cost'.........and this blog points out again, that 'part of the cost' is factored into that 23 bucks.
In some fast cost calculations, you can get Chicom glass bottles for under a nickle a bottle. 1 tea bag will cold process to a gallon, so figure 3 bucks for 50 bags at 6 cents a gallon, to water being 30 bucks a 1000 gallons which I will tag at 3 cents a gallon to save time............and then a nickle a label, nickel for shrink wrap......and I will be generous in a dollar a box............so make it a buck seventy four cost and a Limbaugh profit of $22.26.
Oh but Mark Levin might be saying, "Hey dummie what about that bottling plant and the worker costs............you dummie that costs, you dummie!"
Little thing Mr. Levin is.........just like you have a guitar fixer on your program which is a business, and then you offer to take him out to dinner when you go to California to visit you kid........but when you have guitar man on your program the entire dinner, flight and stay is a business expense.............Limbaugh takes off all of the above costs, including bottling as business deductions..........which means taxpayers are subsidizing this Limbaugh industry..........that he kept saying, "We don't know if it will make a profit!"
Duh who the fricking frick cares when you are 40 million dollar entertainer as you are paying around 12 million a year in taxes..........and this entire business is a tax deduction in which ever cent from research, marketing to internet IS all going to come back from that 12 million Limbaugh owes Uncle Sam.
So in point two of this, not only is the Tea Party being f*cked over by Limbaugh, but the entire American tax paying public is being screwed over in this Limbaugh venture.
I never checked baby sister...........but if the dead Soldiers are listed as tax deductible charity, and I would bet they are or Limbaugh would not be having a thing to do with them....the donation is literally a for profit margin for Limbaugh as what he owes the Government in that 12 million ballpark figure is coming back to him as he attempts to look good in helping out Soldiers...........while he is helping hisself primarily.
So I apologize if I snappled the Limbaugh loyalists trust in their dear leader in shining the light of fact on this, as you have had allot to put up with lately in plagiarist Limbaugh.
Let us not forget though a million dollars to Jesus basher Elton John................and nothing for the Tea Party.........but Limbaugh steals from the Tea Party.............and then through subsidies gets his business costs, his donations, all deducted from his tax bill he owes America.
I would be willing to bet that this Two if by Tea tastes like horse piss just like Snapple. I would counsel Limbaugh Leaner to instead find some nice Forelli tea as I did for 1 dollar for 20 bags, in a nice peach flavored Ceylon tea, which I get a gallon per bag and with sugar costs me about 3 cents a sun tea jar................to which you could donate the other 22 dollars and 97 cents to the Sarah Palin Tea Party for President site.
I would have mentioned the dead Soldiers, but baby sister, Limbaugh is already donating your share and there are benefits you are already assisting these families with.............so let us get America back in DC first and then we will not have any more of these dead Soldiers or stressed families with a real Conservative governing the White House and the Congress.
That should about sum it all up.
Oh yeah...........nuff said.