Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I say...............the Dutchess of Dictionary

their commonness, his loaf head & the dutchess of dictionary

I say, I really do not like royals pissing in the American pot. I mean by this, this Kate and Wills in America just has this tour of looking at the soon to be reacquired subjects from 1776.

It makes no difference to me if Kate's breasts have magically grown since her nuptials and she is in the photo showing off her kindred were named terrorists by this ilk in 1776 for signing the Declaration and I just have no time for royals or the Pope, as that inquisition thing made things rather hot around the stake for Protestants.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Strange how the loaf head prince is..............well the Diana part apparently wears off as he is quite the balding, mitt fisted, stable boy looker now. If he wasn't worth a trillion looted from America, you know Kate would be off scurrying about for the next trillionaire or perhaps Murdoch account executive to go eagle for in eagerness.

Kate is at least behaving herself in not being like that mania dependent Diana nor that fat slut Fergie. That at least helps, but she does have this baby fat upon her arms and fleshy face, which is going to be a saggy wrinkled problem.............sure she will make a nice fat old queen, but Wills is probably going to be mopping up with some 20 year old, unless of course he likes horses as his Charles does with that unhandsome Camilla.
Now don't get me wrong, I like that old adulteress as she behaves too...........she will make a nice governess for Kate in having to put up with these Windsors.

What I will not put up with is treating these murderous royals like they have a place in America. They will get my respect for the Throne of Christ they are entrusted to, but they scourged, whipped, beat, imprisoned, tortured and murdered the American brothers and sisters with delight in 1776.

In the following years they made slaves of Americans on the high seas, and brought about the War of 1812.

If Andy Jackson by God's Grace had not slaughtered these bastards at New Orleans, they would have raped every woman and child in that that is what Brits did, and that is why the American Gentlemen fought to so hard, as they knew what was awaiting those innocents if they did not win.

These royals sent out the Kipling types around the world to manage things, and when they were done, they received after a lifetime a pension to starve and shiver on.............while the royals were eating off my Wedgwood family's china and not being very bonnie about it all.

So I like Kate just fine over in London. She looks quite fantasy doable there, but I find her disgusting on American soil, with that loaf head she is wed to.

I remember what you did, what you ordered done and what your kind is still up to Kate. You are as treacherous as Rupert Murdoch, as fag as David Cameron and as Rothschild as Saddam Hussein.
You did not get on my good graces in not inviting your subject Obama to the wedding.......and pray tell I did notice like Jesus did, that you featured that Jesus basher Sir Elton his sodomite and that American baby you bought with Rush Limbaugh money.

You may have the throne of Christ in stewardship for His return, but babe you are the Whore of Babylon when it comes to surveying what is not yours.

You remember 1776, you remember 1812, you remember 1917, you remember 1945, you remember the remember how your Wills and Carrot top mucked up Afghanistan after Bush41 had it secure for your "trade" in whorish wares.

You remember Kate as I remember and real Americans remember to our last cell in our marrow.
I tolerate you on the throne of my Christ, but I sure as hell do not tolerate you in America. Be gone back to your ivory tower and play princess with the stable we might be relatives, but I do not have to like you.........and we might be neighbors, but I sure as hell do not have to be Tom Hanks groveling neighborly.

Nipples on display, skirts in the wind..........I'm sure the Queen was amused.

What comes next dear Kate? Page 3 girl for old Murdoch of Obama?

Yes I mean Dutchess of DICKtionary so you get the word book point in the double entendre meant.
Kate is a breeder like Diana. Not so charming in the fairytale when you know that is the bloody purpose.
