Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Murderous Mouth of B. Hussein Obama

Just a short insight here...........

When Barack Hussein Obama is threatening in political intrigue to cut off health, welfare and retirement benefits to the infirmed, poor and elderly..............

Those Americans suffer from life threatening conditions. This is no different than taking a whip to a person with heart problems and making them run a mile in stressing them.

Under the Law of this Republic, what Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has undertaken is an act of homicide.

From this point on now, from the afternoon of July 12th, 2011, IF ANY AMERICAN in these entitlement categories now dies from any stress related ailment due to Mr. Obama's threats, when that money is in the revenue accounts and will be to pay for these costs in tax revenues coming in...........Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of first degree murder.

Mr. Obama has yelled FIRE in a crowded theater of American poor and sick, and if one of them dies, he is guilty of murder and must be indicted on his actions in these crimes against Americans.

nuff said.

PS: Pay attention to Whore Island. Management is and it's revelations will be coming here soon exposing Mr. Obama.
