Saturday, July 9, 2011

Past Oblivion

I intend to show you the nightmare you are in, in things you never dreamed.

~Lame Cherry

Baby sister, you just haven't lived long enough to know the things only Inspiration can reveal. It takes generations to know those things and a Master in God who pulls all that information in your massive memory banks to teach people the things they never knew.

That is what the cartel relies greatly upon, as their machinations from Nimrod onward congeal on humans not having a written history to reference, and when it was all written down, it was gaping in facts and filled with manipulations, so that you would believe the things you were told, as it is easy to deceive with one part Truth and several parts lies.

What if I were to inform you that the things which took out Sen. Larry Craig, the Conservative and other Conservatives, was something which happened decades ago?

What if I were to inform you the "diagnosis" that all people on the right are "wing nuts" or crazy actually is a charge of over a lifetime ago, and the commonality of it all was Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker.

Some might recognize Gen. Walker as the man Lee Harvey Oswald was Jared Loughner set loose on to assassinate. Like Loughner's missing second gunman, a witness stated that there were two men who tried to murder the General in his home.

Gen. Walker though arrived at his Oswald meeting from a most interesting source in it was due to the fact that he had while in command in Europe, as all military officers have done since seditionists attempted to sway young Soldiers away from home as in the 1864 election of President Lincoln, Gen. Walker counselled Soldiers to vote for Republicans.
For this, the communist moles in the US Government wanted the General out. They found in 1961 a willing ally in the newly elected Democratic Kennedy administration.

Defense Secretary Robert McNamara relieved the General of command without charges, trial and before the inquiry even began.
The Kennedy's then ordered the General to Hawaii to waste away, whereby the General loving America more, resigned to do what the Government was now banning him from.
This of course allowed the Government not to pay the General any retirement as instead of retiring, he had resigned.

Operation Mockingbird was from this point on going to hound Gen. Walker for the rest of his life. It was too much information the General stating that Harry Truman in letting communists take over China, losing Korea, Eleanor Roosevelt whose friend was butcher Joe Stalin and fellow ward Dean Acheson were all "pink" communist sympathizers.

In 1962, the General ran as a Democrat in Texas for Governor. He lost the run off to John Connally, who was sitting in the limo with Kennedy when they both were shot.

By September life became very interesting as the General, was in Mississippi, protesting the use of Federal Troops to enforce enrollment of blacks. Mockingbird painted this as the General being racist, but his comments were of States Rights, the out of control demonic Supreme Court and against the 5th column operating in America.

The quote:

This is Edwin A. Walker. I am in Mississippi beside Gov. Ross Barnett. I call for a national protest against the conspiracy from within. Rally to the cause of freedom in righteous indignation, violent vocal protest, and bitter silence under the flag of Mississippi at the use of Federal troops. This today is a disgrace to the nation in 'dire peril,' a disgrace beyond the capacity of anyone except its enemies. This is the conspiracy of the crucifixion by anti Christ conspirators of the Supreme Court in their denial of prayer and their betrayal of a nation.

A riot broke out, and in this Attorney General Robert Kennedy ordered General Walker apprehended and without hearing sent to a mental institution.
Kennedy charged him with sedition and insurrection.............this should remind one of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin in the same activities which were heaped upon that innocent gentleman.

The Grand Jury refused to indict Gen. Walker and he was released to return to his home in Texas.

The communists though were stoked about the pro American activity of Gen. Walker and started a smear campaign in which a Jared Loughner, who had been to the Soviet Union and just returned to America, where a Russian American national, George de Mohrenschildt, got Oswald to come to Dallas and quit his job in Florida, yes that Lee Harvey Oswald was reading the WORKER, the official communist party paper, in which it was demanding the Kennedy's and America take action against Gen. Walker and his allies.

Lee Harvey Oswald with an accomplice started stalking Gen. Walker, and then attempted to assassinate him.

Yes as an exclusive, the same Mockingbird which destroyed James Forestall, Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon and is still smearing J. Edgar Hoover, unleashed on Gen. Walker as it did against Barry Goldwater when "the psychiatric profession" filled with liberal Kennedy voters announced being Conservative was schizophrenic.
Just so you comprehend this, in something which Mockingbird has covered up, if Democrats John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, had not stomped on the rights of US General in command in Europe, forcing him to resign, and then trumping up ridiculous charges to make General Walker a political prisoner as "he was nuts for being pro American", then Lee Harvey Oswald with his handler, the Russian George de Mohrenschildt, would not have known who the General even was, and not tried to assassinate him, because of what the Kennedy's unleashed in Mockingbird.

Mockingbird is of course all over the Kennedy assassination covering up the protagonists, as it even pointed the finger at Gen. Walker in being part of the plot.

Mockingbird was though not finished as in the 1970's Gen. Walker was a public restroom......under the charge of fondling a police officer.
This story is all over the internet smearing him to this day. That same period saw a number of Democrats and Republicans "arrested" for this same activity, when being gay in America was still something Anita Bryant would not be destroyed over.......but would in the next few Mockingbird years.

Do not believe the propaganda that Judge Robert Bork was the first "borked" by the liberals. Judge G. Harrold Carswell was destroyed after being nominated by Richard Nixon, and more interestingly, he too was entrapped in the same sexual advances charges on undercover police.

I intensely dislike patterns............well I love patterns when I find them as they prove the suspicions, but I dislike patterns intensely as they always mean some group is plotting something evil in intentions on some innocent person to destroy them.

One can still locate in Mockingbird funded propaganda publications of the New York Times and Time magazine the smears against Gen. Walker, and the General was arrested twice on these charges as apparently once was not enough, the Time quote says something of note:

Carswell and Walker have yet to reply formally to the charges other than to indicate their innocence. But both Waggonner and Howe have raised a troubling issue by making a counterallegation against the police. They claim they did nothing wrong and were subjected to attempted entrapment.

Amazing isn't it that these rather inconsequential Americans having history roll over them, somehow all ended up in sex crimes like the Larry Craig group. Interesting that Gen. Walker was of no value in power as was the Judge, unless Mockingbird still had a vendetta to Gen. Custer, Richard Nixon, Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover.

The Russian, de Mohrenschildt, when attempting to write his book, I'm a Patsy, concerning his involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald begged then CIA Director George W. Bush to "call off the dogs" as de Mohrenschildt had as much surveillance on him which was torturing his already sick wife as this blog has.
The net result like the Shah of Iran's son, he died of a shotgun blast to the head........only one shot reported fired, unlike the Shah's son.........both who Mockingbird reported were suffering mental problems.

You probably never realized that John Kennedy had a hand in his own assassination in whipping up the communists because Bobby was trying to make being a Conservative an insanity charge which set off the well handled Lee Harvey Oswald, to indeed be a patsy.

So do not think when this blog points out patterns, is by Inspiration providing you information which does not fit the tidy propaganda package, that it is something you can skim through, as you will never hear this from other sources.

The things which Barack Hussein Obama is accomplishing in destroying America, those benefactors behind him and the same operations are in repeat mode. The above is just another example to add to the evidence.

You do not know the nightmare you are in until you wake up to the reality.


Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker

Making Conservatives a disease

Don't they all say they are innocent *wink

The charge is the guilt

Smear them past oblivion