Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The President of Whore Island

The purpose of this posting is to have you examine just one, just ONE in a series of communist espionage actions taken against these United States, which involved "Americans" who took oaths of loyalty to America and who sounded a great deal like Americans.........and were vouched for by other Americans, and yet in the end they were traitors to America in thee worst sort of way.

It is difficult for most Americans in being loyal to America, ever conceiving that there are thousands of people inside America whose main purpose is to change America into a feudal system where they and their benefactors will rule perpetually.

The case of Harry Dexter White, an immigrant son of Lithuanian immigrants, served in World War I and was educated in part at Columbia University, is one which exposes what Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy were up against.

White was a Soviet agent of thee worst possible extent in he was Under Secretary at Treasury in the days before World War II, and undertook in Operation Snow, a Soviet Stalin plan to manipulate socialist Franklin Roosevelt into becoming Imperial Japan's number one antagonist, instead of the Soviets.
If one compares the 9 11 horror of communist Dr. Zawahiri, conning Osama bin Laden to attack America, one notes the same KGB FSB manipulations of events for horrific events against America.

Snow was simple in it was to move FDR to put economic sanctions on Japan, which in turn Japan would become imperiled and would then strike America to survive.
Roosevelt in his utmost treachery was moving in the direction of war, and two weeks before December 7th, his day in infamy, he was messaging the Sec. of State in how important it was for Japan to fire the first shot.

Think of that in the hundreds of thousands of American dead. The cost of war. The millions in Japan who died, and it was all at the inception of the Kremlin in fomenting a war between Japan and America, and Franklin Roosevelt in thee worst of heinous crimes was duped into accomplishing just that.

Harry Hopkins, Lauchlin Curry, Owen Lattimore and Harry Dexter White refused the Japanese Prince, Konoe's offer to do anything to reach a peaceful agreement with America. All of these were FDR's top operatives.

Lattimore was appointed personally by FDR as special advisor to Chiang Kai Sheck, leader of Free China. Chiang would denounce denounce the White House and his own staff of sabotaging the Chinese economy.

You should start to observe a progressive thread in a domino effect in this. Marxists in the Kremlin set Japan and America at war, eventually destroying themselves economically in the latter 20th century.
China is flipped from a free people to a communist enslavement cemented under Truman in the same Soviet agents FDR had in place.

This leads to more American dead in Korea and Vietnam.

In this Pacific Rim period, Hawaii is flipped from being a capitalist Eden to a Marxist front for invasion of these United States, by communists Paul Robeson and Frank Marshall Davis in the Longshoreman's Union.

It would be Bill Clinton's connections in the Riyadi's who would open the door for Chinese communist funds gaining holds in the Stock Market, in the first 9 11 economic collapse which ruined Hawaiian banking..............same banking that Madelyn Dunham was up to her hips in loans with.

Joseph McCarthy charged that Harry Truman knew White was a communist and still appointed him to head the International Monetary Fund. Even Democrat Patrick Moynihan added this:

The complicity of Alger Hiss of the State Department seems settled. As does that of Harry Dexter White of the Treasury Department.

So dear children when you hear all of these folks vouching for Barack Hussein Obama, you are not only hearing Mockingbird, but you are hearing the wing beats of the 5th column in America which resound from Whore Island in Hawaii.

This is a great deal to wrap your minds around, but Ronald Reagan did win the Cold War, but Barack Hussein Obama won the Soviet Peace.

No one, but this blog has exclusively looked at Hawaii for the cesspool of communist activity in it being the invasion front for America. There is a reason that Hawaii is silent and places like Berkeley, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York are the focal points.
Hawaii was the usurpation point on America and these other places were the propaganda points.

Hawaii was protected from American Intelligence in the same depths that the Soviet manipulations concerning the Japanese American War were protected while European locations were outing spies on the east coast.

Think of it. The Japanese had spies in Hawaii. Hawaii is one of these biggest military installations on earth defending America...........and for some reason, we are to believe that the Russians never cared one bit about what took place there.

The Chicoms are there:

Noshir S. Gowadia, 66, of Maui, Hawaii, was sentenced late yesterday to 32 years in prison for communicating classified national defense information to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), illegally exporting military technical data, as well as money laundering, filing false tax returns and other offenses.

Yet in all of that communist subversion, the overthrowing of an American State, Stanley Armour and Stanley Ann cruising communist whore bars off Waikiki, that there was absolutely no hand of the Kremlin involved.

Barack Hussein Obama is not American. He is a foreign agent as has been proven by his looting of the Treasury for foreigners and by his turning over Arab states to the Roman Empire and eastern Europe to Vladamir Putin.

This continues...........and you had better start getting a grasp on what you are dealing with in Birther Obama.


In his testimony before the Congressional Committee investigating the attack on Pearl Harbor, General Marshall said that if the 90-day truce which was the substance of the Konoe-Roosevelt proposal had been effected, the United States might never have become involved in World War II at all; that a delay by the Japanese from December, 1941 into January, 1942 might have resulted in a change of Japanese opinion as to the wisdom of the attack because of the collapse of the German front before Moscow in December, 1941.