Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rough Rider Born Marco Rubio

The reason I'm taking the time again to address Marco Rubio for Vice President is Joseph Farah of World Net Daily composed a piece which had commenter's cheering his stating that Sen. Rubio and Gov. Jindal were both ineligible to be in the Executive under Constitutional Law due to Rubio's parents were not America when he was born.

I have taken this apart previously, but will do it again, as I do not intend to make Mr. Farah out to be a fool, but he is not the end all in knowing all about Constitutional qualifications.

I repost my comment here:

Mr. Farah is incorrect in his basis of argument as my blog explained all of this in Marco Rubio meets the standards of Natural Born Citizen, and here is why. It is because of the Spanish American War, where the USA made Cuba, Philippines, Porto Rico and Guam protectorates in a victory over Spain. Guam and Porto Rico still have nation affiliation status in representation in Congress. The Philippines gained sovereignty in full after World War II. Cuba though has always placed upon it US intervention status, and Marco Rubio's parents were born under United States protectorate status, just as the people of Guam are under US protectorate status. This means they were Americanized with special rights as the people of Guam and Porto Rico still enjoy. ...So when the Rubio's immigrated, they were already Cuban Americans, and thereby when Marco Rubio was born in America, he had two American parents, so he is Natural Born.

This is not the case for Bobby Jindal as his parents were Indian, and were of the status of Barack jr's parents in being British status. Mr. Jindal, though is documented as born in America, so he can attain any office except President.
Mr. Obama though is fraud documented now, and can only attain Lt. Col. Terry Lakin's former Prisoner of Obama cell in Leavenworth, Kansas.

Marco Rubio is a special circumstance and I would welcome the Supreme Court to define this for those who do not comprehend the circumstances that Marco Rubio's parents were born under American Law, therefore were Americanized and Marco Rubio is Natural Born by being birthed in America.

Obama and Jindal do not meet the qualifications as at their birth, their parents were 1948 and subsequent amendments British subjects.

All of this is necessary and vital to understand, as there is method in my support of Marco Rubio on a Gov. Sarah Palin ticket for President and Vice President, and here is why.

As Mark Levin is more concerned about lesbians than the Constitution on Obama being a foreigner, the reality is when Gov. Palin chooses Marco Rubio for Vice President, she indeed affirms all the Birthers have done in efforts to expose Obama as a fraud.
She does this in Marco Rubio by explaining the above that Cuban Americans born in Cuba under US Law are specialized Americans in status.
She then presents the reality that this blog does in exposing Bobby Jindal's parents as Indian nationals of British special status, and like Pakistan which is West Indian, now has Pakistani's flooding London due to their special status because even as a sovereign nation, those Indian Pakistani's were under British Mandate.

Until Jindal's parents renounced that by being Americanized, they were Indian and British first under law.

See thee only way to undo British Mandate is to publish it publicly that you renounce British status. The Obama Dunham's never have.
For the reality, Stanley Ann Dunham was the legal British underage bride of Barack sr. the Kenyan. She never renounced her British status and left America of Indonesia.

Get this point, Stanley Ann and Barack should have never been allowed back into America, as they were both foreign nationals twice over and not Americans. Their entry into America including passports all are acts of fraud.

With that criminality aside, Marco Rubio's parents fled to America as being Cuban Americans their first chance. Obama's parents fled to Africa and Indonesia their first opportunity.
Obama fled to Pakistan and Kenya in his first forays outside America after illegally entering.

All of this is the legal reality and the in Court I would win this case for Marco Rubio and all territorial and protectorate Citizens born under US jurisdiction.

As this blog has been Inspired, this is a special situation in Marco Rubio and people born under US Law. This does not include Japanese nor Germans nor Koreans under US jurisdiction, because those nations were not liberated from another Empirical power, but remained sovereign nations under US protectorate status.

This must be discussed, and it is why I support Marco Rubio on a Palin ticket, as this blows the entire Obama fraud into the open like no other candidate can.

The issue will only have to be debated once, and then every time Sarah or Marco take the stage, Obama and Biden will be on people's minds a frauds without it even being brought up.

This should settle this legal question, but it will be repeated if the front benchers again forget the historical context of Cuba in being part of the American territorial liberated protectorate from the European powers.

Mark Levin if he was interested in saving America, after reading this political strategy, in supporting Marco Rubio, should get his head out of his dog's rear and address this Birther issue and explain all of this.......but then it would mean he would have to address why he covered all of this up from day one in enabling B. Hussein Obama.

My puppy died too Mr. Levin. You don't get over it, no more than satan murdering my poultry or other just are pushed ahead by time, miss them deeply and move on for the good of America.

The Bull Moose daughter of Alaska and the Rough Rider son of Cuba.

Get the talking point Levin and other benchers.

nuff said.
