Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sexy Nuclear Terrorism

Janet Naps Napolitano is an odd form of terrorist............she is not as pretty as Osama bin Laden nor poetic in her released videos........she is not command as much presence as Dr. Zawahiri, yet Naps Napolitano the Bull Dyke of Homeland Harassment has conducted an amazing string of terroristic acts against Americans without being arrested.

Fully recall that Naps scared people with that Obama flu and had people spread it around by wiping snot on their clothing........all for big pharm contracts in those vaccines.

Then there was that BATF Hutatree fiasco which still has those innocent people in Obama POW prisons awaiting Justice, set up by one of the federal police............but not the same one who got Jared Loughner to scramble Gabrielle Giffords brains as a horse head calling card to Sarah Palin.......but I have leaped ahead.

Then there was her boss Obama getting away with sabotaging the GOP Gulf States by polluting them with oil.

Then there was the deliberate flooding of US Citizens in the Missouri and Mississippi drainages which comprise GOP States again.

Naps even went into North Dakota.........not Rush Limbaugh's INDAKOTA, and told people in Minot, that the feds couldn't do a damn thing for them, so to just suck it up or die.

Then there was the mass rape of Americans flying on commercial planes in the TSA fondling or the TSA frying Americans with those radioactive Naps was setting the stage for another terror event which was outed here, and of course it then did not take place.

The Bull Dyke though is back at it in releasing a new terror video which has colored people reporting white people as terrorists for knowing Jesus, Reagan and Washington were good guys.

The problem is though now Mockingbird for Naps is planting stories about Sheik bin Laden attacking America on the 9 11 anniversary.
I thought Obama had murdered the Sheik, but in this ABC story, who but is the culprit but Osama bin Laden

It should be a red flag that for some reason now the Sheik desires to attack America on an "anniversary" when ten year anniversaries are usual tin are they not?

But no, Naps is now pointing to NOT more Mubai attacks which have just taken place as a rule of what al Qaeda is thinking, but instead it is now an attack from inside a nuclear, chemical or some other type plant for mass casualties.

Of course, this blog presumes by Naps Napolitano's planted warnings that this will be a Tea Party member, with a Michele Bachmann t shirt, a Ron Paul button, a Sarah Palin book, a Rush Limbaugh ipod tuned into Mark Levin and having spent their summers mowing Jim DeMint's lawn and attending Church on Sunday while using only Constitutional toilet paper daily.

I have one word for you to focus upon in this and it is ENERGY.

Barack Obama has had a fixation on Joe Stalin's protocols in Obama is cornering the market on energy and food.
Every damn thing Obama has been about in these inside the beltway and Berliner boys terrorist attacks on America, all have to do with driving up energy prices and spiking food prices.

Ask yourself how damn hard is it for Homeland to log every nuclear, chemical and refinery worker? They have those super computers, have this immense federal police force, and it would take about one week to sort through every one of these people, including phone, energy use, water use, credit cards, computer and known associates........and yet America still has this "threat" poised against her.........and now apparently exclusively from white people.

For this to be put before the public, means there are as BATF bragged, numerous groups out there, which are no Hutatree forest dwellers, but are being shepherded to sabotage inside some energy structure.
I will not relate again how to do any of this, but it does not have to be done from inside and Homeland knows this, but yet the flag story is pointing to a 9 11 anniversary strike by Sheik bin Laden.

This would have nothing to do with elections, but the disruption of the power grid on what appears now in the electric as Obama has jolted prices up there on consumers, and now it is apparently time to sabotage some power plants.
Yes the cartels will make a killing in the stock swindles again, but the bigger picture has to do with making Americans starved and turning their homes into caves.

The crimes of this regime apparently have no end nor limit in their Hitler Stalin manifestations. Naps keeps stoking this as that is her job by pattern as she doesn't do anything else, but look lesbian for Mark Levin non joking radio atmosphere.

Obama must have really liked that Japanese reactor melting down as that is what he wants too for a belated birthday present.

This terrorist sh*t staged from inside the government from Grant murdering the Custer regiment, FDR slaughtering the boys at Pearl Harbor and this endless parade of terrorism from the Obama regime is really due for some military tribunals, followed by Nuremberg executions.

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