Friday, July 1, 2011

The Stud Cat

Several days ago I noticed signs that I was no alone on my happy reservation of thought. I have about me chickens in the nest who deposit pretty orbs of life which are intended to become new life.

As I went about my duties, I started noticing those orbs were missing in certain places and then I noticed two of my hens were off their nests they were sitting on and of course that meant abortions had taken place as cold eggs make dead chicks.

I knew I was dealing with a four footed something and learned my lesson earlier when not a fox, coon or skunk had made it's rounds, but a feral cat had meandered through was destroying things about my villa.

There are always signs in different animals in how they kill and destroy things. I still am a bit amused as I have a stud cat I call Blue Tom after a John Wayne character who I informed one day, "If that is you eating eggs, I'm going to shoot you".
Blue Tom scowled at me.

Several days ago though the culprit appeared in my yard. He was an immense feral cat who was attempting to screw one of my she cats. I immediately produced a safe sex method by driving a 22 into the cats neck.
To explain how large this cat was, the shot should have shattered the did not. In fact, it was growling at my goat kids which terrified them and when I attempted to hit it over the head with a's head was so hard, it broke the handle.
Not wasting ammunition, I wasted a shot to the lungs and ended this killer rapists life.

I have not seen Blue Tom about the domicile, so I presume he got his fur clawed off and was deposed by the rapist murderer.
For those who think I exagerate, all males in nature kill the offspring they do not produce. Blue Tom on his arrival two months ago killed all the baby kittens on this place. It was natural selection as I have to many cats to feed, and it was negotiated if he did not eat my eggs he could stay, as in the flow of life, I figured he was big enough to not be driven off.......but in life there is always one more damn cat or coyote who is bigger driving some criminal into your neighborhood.

For those who do not comprehend this..............what happened on my ranchero could very well have been the problem of some idiot animal rights advocate in Mark Levin's neighborhood turning their cat to be born free.
It is proven on a given morning that when coyotes tune up and one hears them howling, they are hearing family units howl farther than you can. There is an entire telegraph of communication happening constantly in nature, and when a pocket of silence develops, here comes a new batch of coyotes to eat your pet poodle.

So in that, this damn feral cat, was no doubt prowling about some area of nature, and some other damn cat clawed it's ass out of it's murderous territory who got ousted out of it's domain......etc...
Literally when new cats appear, it can be a chain reaction of hundreds of miles as diplacement occurs.
I have no idea where my cat disappeared to if it is not dead from battle. I lost a nice black cat named LaHire last year from such things.

I did an autopsy on the cat as I have been experimenting for survival methods with lures for predators, and often cat is an ingredient, so as I was examinging this wild cat, I noted that some foul smelling yellow excrement was oozing out.........yes it was all of my baby chics coming out of this cat's ass.........Your honor prosecution provides into evidence, Exhibit 1, yellow cat sh*t, as proof the murder.....

See just like New Orleans flushed out all it's whores, contagious diseased, robbers, dope dealers, rapists, dead beats and murderers after Katrina............when you get Obama wars all that sh*t starts showing up in civilized places too...........just like all the sh*t starts showing up in Obama diasters as the nice people have family and try to rebuild, while the rats jump the ship and soon enough are raping your children as they steal your living.

When you have immense populations of Mexicans and Muslims become feral status, and Mr. Obama exports and imports them...........the result is the shift of populations and the feral ones showing up in your communities to prey upon them as being not native they have no reason to protect your wife and kids.

Barack Obama is of that stud cat status in prowling about from Kenya and Indonesia and not having an affinity with Americans, so he preys upon the population as his allegiances are to other peoples offshore which produced him.

You bring in an Obama and you leverage out a John McCain who is a native son. Millions of these feral peoples have been imported to America and the black community is thee first to be shifted out of position and removed from their nativities. It is a predatory process and when they raise up from Koreans or some other group murdering them for generations, they just move on as they are blamed for defending their homes as rioters.

This is really a messy thing which is going to take place in America, as there will be a fight at some point and one side will win and one side will lose.
That fight might be a nuclear bomb blast in New York scaring Mexicans back across the border and other criminals from entering America, or it might be a literal war as the Mexican predators are now reaching from California to Texas with gang turf violence as they claim American territory as their own.

The ending of the rule of Law in America in not requiring Mr. Obama to be removed from office as a foreigner and Sean Hannity types saying he is an American, when he is nothing but an undocumented illegal and a documented foreigner, only adds to the murder and rape escalating in America as the other cats put their mark on new territory when forced out.

The criminal courts is the civilized means to deal with Mr. Obama as we are dealing with humans in border busters and not feral cats, but these feral folks enabled by cowards like Hannity and excuse "she misspoke" makers like Mark Levin, only bring this to a deeper, more deadly divide which has destroyed America.

You can serve a writ on a rat baby sister, but a rat ain't going to listen. You still need to go in and drag out that rat to the courts.

America, do you really want an America where you revisit Texanicans running down Indians and Mexican invaders on horse with your gun blazing away protecting your homes?

Either you do this legal or you will become the illegals in being criminalized just as blacks are in their own neighborhoods for a generation..........or the revolution phase implodes and we all become feral cats with not law but lead becoming the dispenser of absolute rule.
