Friday, July 8, 2011


For most people, the office of the Presidency in America ages and creates an aura for the caretaker of someone who is that crafty old herd bull who knows all the tricks to defeat all comers.

Whenever I see magic marker head Obama, in which he has the cheapest shoe polish coloring as it literally disappears in hours, I just think:

This guy looks more and more every day like those sarong wearing jabbers of the third world. You know who I mean too. There is always that weird old geezer who grins like he is on a month long hashish binge, with that towel apparel he has which is supposed to be around his waist, but is up around his tits.............and he always knows the way to the whorehouse when you ask for directions to the market...........and no matter how many times you say, "I want chucka", he keeps pointing to the whorehouse as he gets a tip for directing foreigners there to catch some disease.

Obama is the character Urkel now. It is no longer the nerd photoshop, but he constantly wears these dude khaki pants now, these woolen shirts when it is 500 degrees out on the 4th of July, and his dyed haired wife always is wearing these floral things that scream, "I have no taste and that is why I married this nerd".

The reality is from the above photo, that Barack Obama should have longed to be a greeter at Walmart, as that is what he and the Mrs. enjoy most. They like standing around on other people's property, giving away samples of what other people paid for, and acting like it is their store in them doing it.

What the world is looking at is not the savvy man and the elegant woman which the White House makes every American who has been there, but instead we are looking at the box boy and shelf girl who got canned after their 40 year career in groceries to be picked up by Walmart, along with their peer group of the Special Olympics teenagers which society includes to advance their status.
The problem is, Obama and the Mrs. are in regression and the Special Olympics group are now their superiors, as one look at Mr. and Mrs. Ed, one thinks of a bucket of water on Muchelle's head and Barry is the village fool who the locals wish a tiger would rid them of this pervert who keeps rubbing under his sarong and that is why he smiles so much.

Obama reminds me of the that is not a Mark Halperin remark, as the Dinkas were a people who rubbed ash all over themselves looking like Uncle Barry looks all the time.
That is where the similarity ends as the Dinkas were warlike...........and Obama is Walmartlike.

We now know that the Office of the Presidency turns Americans into all they never dreamed they could be.............and it turns foreigners into all they ever were in, "Clean up on aisle 7. The greeter is handing out elephant peanuts at the counter to all you lucky shoppers".

nuff said.............not it isn't.

Just wait until Sarah Palin hits the stage with geezer Obama. It will be like John McCain's ghost in this fading apparition of the Obama dream now turned Uncle Barry white.
