Friday, July 22, 2011

The Whore Island Gang

I say..........

You know what the business is. This comes from the old Man himself and not the Committee.

It is the same protocol which they signed off on in 2008. If you can get some geisteskrank to do the job on their own, then by all means that is satisfactory, but there is not to be any natural causes events leading back to the cartel.

The Clintons and the Bushs purchased the contract after Obama knocked that little girl in Arizona around and tried to pin it on those Texans. Did not help the matter when that Kenyan boy tried to get that Bush boy arrested on our field on war crimes.
Macht nicht aus now in they have the contract to humiliate him as he paras schieben.

If it is solitary, then the chaos we will bring order through the Clintons and cement the policy Obama passed for our cash reserve flow in the way we did for JFK in Vietnam money flow and starting gun control.
You are under no circumstances to do a Wes Clarke in planting blueprints on the Iranians. That was beyond unsanitary. If the junge blunders into something, that is his concern. We have exacted our trillions from Greenspan's dotcom game and Obama is securing for us the Arab states for our rule, and will pollute Iran to keep the Chinese and Russians out of our sphere of influence.
The rest is just what can be extracted before this cycle ends.

Stupid Americans, whore's bastard on one side and bag boys on the other and both fighting with a Marxist bastard. I have hounds I would rather sit with at table than this bunch of commoners. My dogs have breeding and not all this lecken sie meine ass.

The surroundings will be so much better when that continent is back to it's wild state and managed by us. Yes it must be we will require some Rockefeller chimps to mind the store, but as gamekeepers as there is just so much of them one can take.

Only so much humor in the negro joke as it has lost appeal. The boy though keeps his mouth shut, we will dress him up in a suit and he can smoke a cig like the chimps we had down in Tanganyika setting in cars before the war.

This is not going to be addressed again. It is what it is. The contract is sold. It is hands off unless you can offer an opportunity and let us build to the organized European community without these boring Americans.

Let the Yankees cause their own drama, but you stay out it.

agtG 243Y