Sunday, August 28, 2011

All that glitters........

I realize the focus of everyone is always on the pretty girl, in this case the economic girl is gold that everyone keeps investing in.

In that though, I search always for ways to help people sincerely in things they do not consider in their situations.

I need to digress though as I was searching for "sexy salt" and up popped Angie Pitt, you know her as the fine Conservative actors daughter........I forget his name at the moment, but I keep thinking if she was only like her dad, she would be the perfect woman.

What people need to think of is not your modern era of expensive gold, but you need to consider the things which in the past were worth more than their weight in gold.

I will by Inspiration provide you with 10 things you never considered investing in, but I gaurantee you, that you would give all your gold away for one of these things if you have to do without them.

Salt is the first thing, as most people have never had to deal without seasoned food nor trying to eat rotten food, because salt was not available.
I would purchase some very large bags of pure canning salt as those who have eaten food without salt for a few months soon become depressed as your emotions are what you eat.

Second thing is a few bricks of 22 ammunition, meaning you have some 22 rifle. Nothing says helpless in criminals, hunger or rabid skunks than not having a bang stick equalizer to empower you.
22 hollow point.......leave the shorts and the solids alone as you will regret them.

Third thing is pressed steel or cast iron pans to cook on all types of heat.

Fourth, the heat, in absolute matches and flints. Fire brightens spirits, cooks food, warms the blood and keeps death away. How much gold is a box of matches worth when you are with wet sticks and some dick has been telling you to build a bow saw to start your fire.

Fifth, needles and threads. You are going to have to sow things and that includes your hide as people are going to need stitches.

Sixth, disenfectants from Lysol pine tars, antibiotic salves, alcohol and peroxide. Nothing like a festering sour dripping puss and red swelling giving you a fever to ruin your day and degrade to gangrene or pneumonia.

Seventh, magnifying glasses in several pairs and strengths. Just to see is worth all the gold in the world.

Eighth, I suggest soap as it is cheap in all forms, as the alternative is lye or wood ash with animal fat, which will turn either burnt, blind or Granny Clampette leather skinned. You have no idea how good clean feels and how treasured soap is when you have to brew it yourself.

Ninth, several whetstones to sharpen your knives.

Tenth, and really first, several Bibles, as you are going to need something to anchor to, to keep you sane and at peace.

There are of course more items, but these 10 without them are going to make people curse their gold, as when one really reads closely the historical records of peoples, these type of things are always mentioned as they are always overlooked.
I always base things on Joseph's 7 Year Supply, as the Revelation is set up on a last 7 Year cycle and by that time Jesus would be back when that final countdown takes place, so if you were smart you might get a larger supply as people are going to trade all they have for the things above as things break or become depleted.

This blog now returns you to Jon Voight, the padre of Mrs. Pitt.
