I don't want America to be Mark Levin's no interest America. I don't want America to be Ed Schultz's union thug America. I don't want America to be Rush Limbaugh's capital rapine, and, I do not want America to be Al Gore's crony capitalism, no more than I desire America to be Barack Hussein Obama's nazi national socialism.
To many people always focus on Jewish rapine by the Rothschilds and Muslim Sharia law in pointing out the destruction and enslavement of both, but no one bothers to take the next step and provide a solution for America's economic troubles.
The solution for all things human are in the Bible.......from your diet to your conduct to your bank account.
I have noted that Biblical slavery or indentured servitude for 7 years would solve thee entire higher education debt enslavement of America as people would get to work with real experts like Donald Trump and have access to all the avenues of advancement of associations like that.
The Bible has the answers.
America used to have Biblical economics, but instead started mismanaging the entire system for capitalistic rapine which was fine when it was turned outward in trade and industrial competition like the Yankee shippers and Carnegie steel, but what took over America after that was the exploitation of the population in raping them economically, and now Obama is "evening" the score in looting the American Treasury for the Eurasians as payback for American success.
America is God provided for rich nation in all the mineral, energy and resources needed for everyone reading this, if this was on the Biblical system to be multi millionaires if they worked their 30 years.
The problem though is the cartels set this up to impoverish Americans through inflation which is how one when they are rich accumulates wealth from real estate inflation to food prices inflating all geared to energy inflation.
I have a suggestion in everyone in America should quit working and go on welfare, that includes the Levin types, as what this would do then is crash the entire system as it needs to be crashed on American terms and not Obama cartel terms.
Yes it would be deflation. Yes the "government" would try and seize property in taxes not paid, but there is no way this government could throw everyone into prison nor seize every person's property......especially if the government workers found out without taxes they were not getting paid to enforce anything in being paid.
As stated crashing this Obama inflation debt system on American terms is how America could be saved immediately.
The Bible is set up on the 7 year and 50 year Jubilee system. In it, people could incur debt or sell themselves for 7 years, and at the end of 7 years the accounts were negated. Usury among Israelites was never allowed at loan shark rates. The Jubilee year was the year of all things forgiven economically......meaning it was a natural national inheritance in people who horded lands like Ted Turner had them mandated to be returned to the original 'casting of the lot' families who were given them by God.
See God blessed immense wealth on his hardworking, tithing children, as he has always done in America, but God put into a system which returned vast stores of accumulated wealth back to the majority of people every half century.
People who had hard times could barter themselves into wealthy families, called "slavery", but ask yourself how bad would that be for someone getting a welfare check now........instead coming under the care of someone like Donald Trump........and there are something like 40 million millionaires in America, so this is not far fetched..........who would being on welfare not want to live in the summer house of the neighborhood banker, even if it meant running errands for them...........errands where in 7 years you would meet political leaders, other business millionaires, where you could impress them, and soon enough get a job.
Imagine if you impressed a Donald Trump and he bought out your contract and as a free citizen again were working for this billionaire.
See Biblical economics are Jeffersonian small farming squires and Franklintonian mercantile traders. The Bible is Ronald Reagan wealth from the ground up in production.
You don't need unions because God is your union in the Bible system as horded wealth runs out, and you just like everyone else starts fresh in the Jubilee...........and every 7 years debts are wiped out...........and if extorters are stupid enough like George Soros to lend money at loan shark rates thinking he is going to make wage slaves........too bad as in 7 years it all comes back to the person taking the loan.
This is the base of the system which America used to operate under, including the Joseph Food Reserves. It all worked, but slowly started degrading to what this slave system is now.
The fix for America is not Levin, Limbaugh, Schultz, Gore, secular Ashkenaz capital rape nor Sharia law exploitation. The answer like all things is the Bible, and the system absolutely worked in Israel and it worked in America where much or the historical olde Anglo Saxon or Issac's sons learned the original system from their Israelite forefathers.
You can keep painting God on things America, but if all you are doing is showing your boobs, you are a whore to the world system prostituting you.
nuff said.