Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gang Bang Obama

I sometimes forget in private conversations there with baby sister that most people are not rootin' tootin' cold blooded son of a bitch assassins, to quote Unforgiven. I overlook that most people hire their killing done whether at the butcher shop or the Obama SEALS, so when I hint at subjects as I did in a comment about Obama staging the wildings across America utilizing black gangs..........I just presumed everyone would pick up on it.

So as an exclusive, this blog will do some explaining.

The Wisconsin wilding which took place at their fair in which blacks were beating on white people was instigated by Barack Obama to intimidate voters in the upcoming elections to perform an Obama coup in that sitting Government.
To explain this simply as it is most interesting to watch Rahm Emanuels reaction to this wilding in Chicago as he knows blessed well where it is coming from, and that is sanctioned by local and federal law enforcement unions in liberal states for Mr. Obama.........yes you read that again and allow that to soak in as this explanation continues.

The gangs involved in this are from two national alliances in the Folk Nation and People Nation, organized out of........yes Chicago community organized Chicago.
This means that Obama has been in negotiations with these terrorist leaders just as he was with the South American gangs in 2008, the Muslim terrorists in 2008.........and yes project Gun Runner, all to implement as this blog exclusively has exposed a narco militia for Obama to unleash to intimidate, silence and murder political voices not like his Marxist rant.

Do the deduction as the black gangs involved in this, are not doing this for free. This is coming from the national leadership, and it is being allowed by local police unions, the FBI as no alerts have been posted from them, and by the major media, as honestly do you think wilding taking place all across America is not something someone in the media is not going to notice and say,
What the hell are all these black gangs doing in a coordinated assault on American cities?"....... especially since Matt Drudge posts this stuff in blaring headlines for all to see.

There has been a coordination in this, and given the same kind of cover which the BATF was affording the Mexican narco militia Obama was setting up that went into DEA. As gang task forces are at the top of the list in enforcement, for the red lights to not being waved and someone in those groups to not be leakin information to the press means that this is being given cover and people are scared enough to be keeping their mouths shut.

These are test runs which are taking place, exactly like the runs in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen. A blind woman could see this and yet no one has made on comment on any of this...........the second biggest story in America behind the Birther issue, and no one has bothered to mention, "Gee whiz all those black gangs are being coordinated by the Obama regime for his re election just like Riala Odinga in Kenya is coordinating his thugs".

If you require to be told, this is quite criminal.

It is quid pro quo, in the gangs scare people and the police do nothing, because the police unions are all Obama loyal, just as the politicians see no evil in they are Democrat loyal in these states, and just as the media hears no evil, as they have all been carrying Obama's fluids in their bodies for 3 years.
Obama sent white reporters to Chicago for his BBQ and then parked them in front of Louis Farrkahn's home knowing Farrakhan would come out and unleash on them. The same was true of Lara Logan when she palmed the pony in Egypt...........she was not towing the Obama line enough, so he did a little wife beating on her...........and Logan is not that stupid to not know what took place. She though has kept her mouth shut, just like the rest of this puppy press has gotten the message of what comes next is more than roughing up.

Obama is apparently not providing guns, yet. There does not seem to be a direct dope pipeline breaking the market from DEA as with Bill Clinton's ventures. So the pay off to these gangs is financial and the...................ability to conduct their business, as long as they only beat on white voters, with impunity.
Rather cheap quid pro quo for them, as ACORN cost billions before Obama traded them in.

There is more coming in this, as this blog will exclusively route an event which did breach the Mexican gangs in July.

America is in real jeopardy people as the Obama Gang Bang is being unleashed to rape America with a wicked wand.

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PS: If I have to spell this out a bit more plain, all of these Obama operations are piggybacked on real operations for "surveillance" as in Gunrunner. This Gang Banger is being run on "finding the black rioters for 2012 who will rise up if Obama can not steal another election".
It allows the BATF types to light up the grid in plain sight while allowing Obama to run his intimidation operations through this. The cover of the cover, and this blog has had it with this murdering of Americans by narco Mexican militia and has had it with Americans being beat on by black thugs instigated by Obama.
As for Gabrielle Giffords, she apparently likes being shot in the head in an Obama operation, so that is her fetish in Obamaland to enjoy, but this is going to be exposed..........and as my computer started jumping again in posting this, I have lit up the grid in being a popular girl again.

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