Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jerome Corsi's America

My cousin tried to get me to join Facebook to view her news, photos and whatever was on Facebook, but I will admit something here in I joined that site almost a decade ago as a freebie give away for phone minutes, as I used to play phone tag......and in those early years it just was nothing there.

Then the Russian contractors Barack Obama hired to stalk Americans got into all my shadow accounts hijacking them, that it just a battle zone of thugs for me trying to disrupt what went on here.

That is enough of this blog, as I instead desire to share an observance as I peer at the outside world in all of these celebrities who treat people like dirt.

Almost everyone has witnessed Joe Klein over at Time in that idiot blog he posted. Klein honestly thinks he is a blogger and that he can blog. Klein has no idea he has no talent for it, is a fool and the real reason Klein does it is to appear on a stage to preen in front of those stupid people called Americans.
It is a great deal what Twitter is.........Twitter is about phobic personalities who want attention, but do not want people close to them.
It is a great deal like a Playboy photo I saw back in the 80's by an artist which showed a naked woman from behind in bed, with the caption "Women want to be alone", and a pair of arms were wrapped around her through the mattress.

For those who attended Dan's Bake Sale which was a promo gimmick by Rush Limbaugh, caught a glimpse in Wyoming of the real Rush Limbaugh in Limbaugh was scowling before going on stage, did not want to be there and detested those stupid people who were there cheering him.

That is why this blog is featuring Dr. Jerome Corsi, as he is most interesting in being observed in his internet travels, as this is a person who is not only comfortable in being a celebrity, a highly intelligent person and someone who literally brought down John Kerry in 2004, and, in all of that accomplishment and celebrity, he is at home in the American neighborhood.

Where Mr. Corsi resides is in an American community. He is home there not behind high walls, but is like the old Brooklyn neighborhoods of everyone sitting on their porches during the day, observing each other, protecting each other and being with each other without an pretense.

Joe Klein is that obnoxious ass who when you offer him a beer, he always has to tell you he prefers Pussy Drip Whore Brand as he drank it in Paris and your Coors is just not up to his French tongue........while not being bright enough to know the French beer's name means Whore Beer.
Jerome Corsi is the guy who accepts your beer, drinks it admiring the sweat dripping off it and appreciates the gesture.

Rush Limbaugh is the guy whose lawnmower is always breaking down and borrowing your mower, not returning it, not filling it up with gas and somehow not telling you that he lent it out to 300 people who broke it, so when you go to mow your lawn there is this heap which won't start.........and Limbaugh says, "Well it was just fine when I brought it back!"
Jerome Corsi is the guy whose mower breaks down and says as you are watching him, "You know anything about these Cub Cadets?" and you go over and cuss the thing for an hour until you help load it up in being a good neighbor.

That is what I have witnessed in Jerome Corsi is he is part of America. He doesn't try to pretend he is a computer genius, but asks for assistance. He actually comments on things his neighbors have done to their pages.
That amazes me in this phobic world of people either slapping others around, begging for attention or only interested in their interests, in Jerome Corsi isn't phobic about Americans like the entire group everyone is faced with in entertainment, politics and media.

If you are not aware, Dr. Corsi has had attempts on his life, is stalked, has been targeted for smears, was set up to be humiliated, been betrayed and has had some nasty things said about him.
Those Marxists in the Obama regime have not forgotten what he accomplished in 2004 on John Kerry.
Being pounded though like that should sour people. I have related how Joseph Farah gets cranky as he did with me, but Jerome Corsi in having dealt with what he has, just is a great deal like John Wayne in letting it just roll off and moving on.

This attribute has impressed me enough to call attention to it and it is a remarkable thing to watch someone of Dr. Corsi's status mingle with the masses like Ronald Reagan would.

I ponder how nice the world would be, if we actually had more Jerome Corsi's who were among the Citizenry. What immense good it would do for Lindsay Lohan to be among normal people who she could interact with and who would look out for her, not because she was a star, but because she was a member of the neighborhood who took time to comment on some picture someone posted.
What immense good would it be for a pariah like Barack Obama who sits like Saddam Hussein behind his dungeon walls as he tortures people inside thinking how they deserve it, if Obama had to realize there are real people like Terry Lakin his games are destroying and that real people do matter even if you are a sociopathic 10 year old child locked in a self serving 50 year old body.

It is tough for celebrities to deal with people, but I know people like Allan Hale or the Skipper from Gilligan's Island who just relished in the interaction like Buddy Hackett did.
Mr. Hale would wear his skipper cap and people would notice him, he would laugh, pose for pictures and spend time talking with people as it was not waste of time for him to be among Americans......he loved them, loved them loving him and there was never an incident of anyone harming him or saying rude things to him as he was part of America.

So I call attention to Jerome Corsi who is a rare person in being seasoned and there he is on a computer learning new things while he is trying to save what is left of America. There are not many celebrities like that...........most just use the sites to jerk people around and people get tired of being jerked around like Mark Levin and start jerking back.

There are though allot of good people in America and this world and people like Jerome Corsi and Pastor David Manning have found them. Most are silent in just watching the neighborhood, but numbers are quite vocal and have very intelligent things to say in this town square which is trying to keep America the common green, instead of the encircled trap of Marxism.
