Thursday, September 15, 2011

The making of Barack Hussein Obama Dada

There are two reasons you do not comprehend the full story of Barack Hussein Obama.

The first is unless Rush Limbaugh hand Ed Schultz get their Obama Rovian talking points from Mockingbird, along with the rest of the twitterers, they can not form a righteous judgment on their own.

The second is, the cartels control the information flow, and the very last thing they are going to allow is mass publication of how they steal entire continents and create a political bastard like Barack Hussein Obama.

Here is the reality of how Barack Hussein Obama came to be, along with every despot on every continent, and why Rachel Madow the bull dyke goes insane over Uganda passing laws which create the societal attack of sodomy a crime there.

All of this starts with the replacement of the Muslim Arabs in Africa with the Christians of Europe in the late 1800's as the ruling colonial force. Africa at that age was divided up between Belgians, Dutch, English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese interests.
For the reality, Africa was not some kinta cloth paradise north or south. It was filled with barbarians, savages and wild creatures, none of who were tamed.
They prayed on each other, hated each other, killed and ate each other, looked down on each other for wearing cloths or going naked. The distant anals of some migratory peoples residing in Africa and living in organized societies had long since vanished, and was instead closed predatory peoples in shamanism and no advancement.

The European royals though, led by the same lines on the English attempted under Queen Victoria a new benevolence in colonialism. White people would be settled into climates they were adapted to, and build African commerce for their generations, and the savages who were existing as drunks which hyenas ate their faces off when they passed out would be transformed from the Muhammedism which was enslaving them into Christian morals, industry, education, and political affiliation.

I will quote President Theodore Roosevelt from African Game Trails, when he conducted a scientific expedition with his son Kermit, the year after he left the White House, to explain British East Africa, in the Kingdom of Uganda.
The President spoke of the caste of Uganda in the "giving them self government was folly when the inward spirit is lacking".

Uganda was unique in it actually had a form of a kingdom, compared to Kenya which was savages mixed with Muhammedan slave traders. It was though established by the Europeans and certain American missionaries to transform the black African from savage to a form of civilized peoples to join the nations of the world in Christan industry.

This was undertaken at Kampala, which was the tribal capital, by the Church of England under Bishop Tucker and the Catholic missions administered by Bishops Hanlon and Streicher in their Churches, as Ugandans were translating into a pure Christian society in all it's productive morals and industry.
The educational system was training the sons of chiefs in administration. There was a medical mission with even the Cathedral there built by blacks without outside assistance or monetary support.
The blacks were taught farming, mechanical skills and industry. Uganda in 1910 was becoming the Pearl of Africa under the tutelage of the British and the Ugandan boy king.

There were Americans involved in this in Mother Paul of New York, who took special care in teaching all of her black pupils to develop industries natural to them and would be of use when these children returned home to build their communities.

Mother Paul even taught the youngsters the Star Spangled Banner in part which Mr. Roosevelt quoted:

O se ka nya si bai di mo nseli laiti
Wati so pulauli we eli adi twayi laiti silasi giremi

It was accomplished and phonetics and as Mother Paul noted, she quit after the first lines so she would not get brain fever, but it notes the Ugandans were capable as savages in transforming to the third world step necessary in taking responsibility for themselves, their education and their self defense, all to build a culture which would self promote them.

Yes as today there are missionaries at work who are reprobates who screw the pretty girls and get off lecturing at humans like they are cattle, and Africa had severe problems with that in Kenya, as the weak always exploit the weaker, but as Roosevelt correctly judged, even the worst missionary was more advanced than the best self predatory savage.

What must be focused on though is Queen Victoria and her royal cousins were very much attempting to be parental figures to their wards in not exploiting them alone, but attempting to develop them into peoples who would join the world fraternity in productivity, and it was DEEMED IT SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED IN AFRICA and not exporting blacks into Europe and then to ship them back home.

This is key in this, in the Europeans were attempting to keep the Africans as Africans, but Europeanizing them there to advance them in Christian fundamentals.

Why this is key is when the Rhodes and Rothschilds exploitation was engaged in after World War II when Pax Americanus was upon the stage, all of the Christian work was literally wiped out as these subdued Muslims, rising Christians, were infected with the cancer of Marxism in the various uprising as Obama's Mau Mau which his grandfather was a terrorist in, and in Uganda Gen. Idi Amin Dada was installed to basically wipe out the Christian society there by literal murdering the Ugandan peoples.
This same attack was made on German Lutherans in what was behind World War I and II, in preceding it with the destruction of Christian Russia, all to install this secular socialism, which is taking place in these United States with the same culture rape which will end with child rape being legal as this blog exclusively first covered starting in the 1990's in the Clinton years under Janet Reno.

What the world had foisted upon it was this enveloping Rhodes Rothschild dogma of feudalism, which would transform into the Obama Brzezinski feudalism now engulfing the world.
Barack Obama is a poster child of this in being of 'the blood' of the elite, his white maternal line was selective bred as others were in Whore Island to produce these mongrels as Barack Obama terms hisself.
It was either the choice of the Tom Mboya socialists educated in the west, with protege breeders like Barack Obama sr. in America, or it was the Kenyata Odingo communists educated in the Soviet Bloc, as the Rothschilds required this Marxist Bolshevik system to be installed, as that is what kept the locals as livestock, the mineral resources cheap to exploit, and beastly thugs in charge to run the entire colonial feudalism, all for the profit of the central European banks.

This has been the secretive mission of Barack Obama jr., for his European family, in re establishing the Neo Roman Empire, in ridding Africa and the Middle East of strong men, to replace them with rule by organized community, as the civil service will kill all scope of liberty by boring it to death.
Marxist bureaucracy is thee most fiendish of predators, as it wears the human spirit out to making it give is what Obamacare has unleashed on the American flock as doctors, nurses and the sick will eventually give up, as it is meant to crop cultures exactly as it does in Europe and Canada of the poor, while the elite get their Charlie Rose heart operations.

Idi Amin Dada was no accident. Nelson Mandela was no accident. Hitler al Bashir is no accident. Riala Odinga is no accident, and Barack Hussein Obama Dada is no accident.
Just like Rachel Madow the mad dyke, is no accident in going after what is left of Christian Uganda which is being destroyed by HIV, and Madow is persecuting that beleaguered people in thee worst form of racism, as she wants their Christian salvation wiped out as much a the Uganda people destroyed, so the Obama feudal nation will be the caste, for Riala Odinga to rule the region as dictator of the African colonial empire.

You are never going to hear any of this in background as most are too stupid to know it as it was found in a "hunting" book by that cowboy President, and what would Mark Levin, Rush Limbagh and Ed Schultz have in common with the manly nature of life, nor more than that psychotic Rachel Madow.......well they probably all have more in common with that bull dyke.

The reality is as this blog warned Uncle David all along, in if they installed Obama, the thread of him when pulled all unravels the carpet of them in exposing their nefarious dealings of exploitation worldwide.

Barack Obama is the brat king, who was groomed to be Barack Obama Dada, in doing to America what has been done to Africans and Asians the world over in ruining their cultures.

In that, this is what is so reprehensible, that even the patricians wince at, as Obama is their joke on America, but he is one of them by mongrel blood, is just a case that he can follow orders like a good dog, but he just is so third world about everything, that he is so distasteful.

His gluttony is a milestone of no culture. The way he wolfs at hamburgers and piles up the pies, it is just something not done. The cartel can dress Obama in the monkey suit of Washington, DC, but he is still that third worlder rubbing hisself in public and running like a duck.

That was the deliberate meltdown of Africa in the colonies were handed over to those "lacking the spirit" to deal with responsible liberty. It this had just waited for one more generation, the Tavis Smiley generation, just think how glorious that world would be in a President Smiley of Africa, even with his socialism.........but that is why it was destroyed, as Africa was meant to be exploited and interestingly by the very people who funnel money to Tavis Smiley to make him a media success in America.

Now you know more of the Obama story in what fabricated this fraud. The undoing of Queen Victoria's missionary work to Africans for Barack Hussein Obama's Marxims of exploitation.

Another exclusive only here.
