This is becoming clinical in this blog is wondering if perhaps Mark Levin's medications are affecting his mental capacity, for at around 7:40 PM on August 24th, Mr. Levin cut off a caller for merely mentioning Laura Ingraham.
The caller was making the brilliant point, which this blog actually pioneered in Ms. Ingraham on Bill O'Reilly was grilling two liberals on if they thought America should pay more in Obama taxes, then why wait for the regulations and simply whip out the old checkbook and write a check out to Geithner.
Levin after rudely hanging up on the guy, then went on a snarky diatribe belittling Laura Ingraham in "how brilliant that question was" and "FOX would have recording of that he should get".
I have no idea what the problem is with Mark Levin in his falling ratings concerning Laura Ingraham.
He ignored her best selling book, while putting on Birther basher Ann Coulter in her book no one bought.
He ignored Jerome Corsi in his best selling book, and then chose to smear the PHD as a "goof ball" for standing up for the Constitution of these United States.
I realize in the Jerome Corsi smear, that Mark Levin in being sexist noted a scientist he phoned, he asked, he brought on his program, in focusing afterwards the woman probably was pretty, as she sounded "nice", but then went on to Obama wife beater her in this modern political rape of American Ladies in saying, "I didn't learn a damn thing!"
Perhaps Mr. Levin instead of being backstabber to guests he lured onto his program should learn to ASK QUESTIONS AS AN INTERVIEWER SO HE LEARNS SOMETHING.
George Nouri, another Obama voter, has revealed that he always asks people he interviews some personal question out of the blue like about baseball they can relate to, and then the people relax, open up and easily provide the information the audience would find interesting.
I do not know if Laura Ingraham is too pretty, too successful, too American for Mr. Levin. I do not really pay a great deal of attention in depth to Laura Ingraham, but have castigated her producer for lying like Levin does about ethanol.
I do know that Michael Savage likes Laura Ingraham, and as I have stated, she does a very good program with numerous clips and interesting comments. I do know that Laura Ingraham has not invited me over for bbq dog, which the big dude......or bull dyke would have a problem with as Levin thinks dogs are children.
This is a real sore spot with Levin on American Conservative Ladies as this sticks in his craw, in he brought it up in another one of his fans who was stating that Obama was working for the Muslim Brotherhood..........and Levin interrupted and said, "Why not ask Laura Ingraham".
Levin seems to like Sean Hannity in being Catholic............and Ingraham is Catholic. He likes Ann Coulter being a blonde woman.......and Ingraham is blonde Lady. He likes hisself for writing books........and Ingraham writes books. He likes Rush Limbaugh being on the radio........and Ingraham is on the radio.
There was that Ed Schultz though calling Ms. Ingraham a talk slut......and Ed Schultz is the lead in on the Mark Levin show Indakota that mysterious state Rush Limbaugh created and Mark Levin does not know is next to Minnesota.
Ms. Ingraham even upholds the same, slamming Birthers as crazy, so this is like Mark Levin looking in the mirror and spiting hisself in attacking his image.
Perhaps Mark Levin suffers from a new brain dysfunction in turrets misogynist with a new inferiority complex which is diagnosed as Corsitis.
This is a sort of insanity in which the sufferer can appear pampering to one attractive Lady like Christine O'Donnell and in the next moment be like Piers Morgan salivating out questions about masturbation to Ms. O'Donnell.
Likewise the sufferer in Corsitis would be extremely comfortable with a cut and paste "author" like Ann Colter, as Levin crafts his work on the work of others, and suffer from a complete phobia around an author as Jerome Corsi who actually risks their life in doing research and writing their own original thoughts and judgments.
I do not know if this is complicated by the massive amounts of sugar Mr. Levin consumes, his late hours without sufficient sleep being an old man, and concern that his slipping ratings in being pulled from stations is compounding this rather Idi Amin and Sadam Hussein "big dude" unsettled personality.
What I do contend in Mockingbird has it's pissy little factions who are quite territorial like the Cleveland Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers in hating each other when they are in the same league.
Then again, maybe it was this blog praising Laura Ingraham and exposing Mark Levin, and it is just getting to him in the internet jungle drum, and it is driving him nuts.
......Levin should take a note from Richard Nixon and Teddy Roosevelt, both men who were honed in wearing the American uniform, were part of the American middle class silent majority, as under great distress, they never berated American women as misogynists nor were phobic about authors more intellectually advanced in upholding the United States Constitution.
Mark Levin now the turrets Misogynist for the Obama regime.......dividing the right and conquering for beloved leader 2012.
Laura Ingraham now has the same effect as that red flag word for the bull dyke in Ron Paul.
It is tough being in a field where the men are more men than you, and the women are too Mr. Levin.
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