Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Vietnam

dedicate to all my children who came to my playground, MIA, KIA, POW, WIA & those who survived the greatest fun a child could have dreamed of their fathers........

I love Vietnam. I love her for the wickedness she was........for being there made one alive.

It is time the real history of Vietnam was written, not that Hollywood Mockingbird Oliver Stone shit, but the real Charlie in his clicks and quirks, the real playtime in a wonderland that only Alice could have dreamed up in an LSD nightmare listening to Grace Slick pound out the beat as you sipped warm beer gazing at centerfold Cynthia Myers in all the raw lust brother Ho was made of.

Vietnam was rich when the French abandoned the field. There were tiger hunts, wild ox hunts, hell it was the premier Gen. Lansdale respite for wandering old warhorses done with Truman's axing of Korea and the Philippines made to rest.

Where else could you go out with a platoon of children and set up the wire, and have a pig trip it, and have a thousand rounds go off, grenades thrown, mortars pounding down the tubes and that damn pig squealing as those wild eyed boys showing more white's in their eyes than Sambo cut loose in a war as you walked up and belted that porker with your 45 as you commanded, "Stop goddamn shooting you idiots, it's a pig".

Damn that was fun and those boys went home to drink beer and tell their grandchildren about the grand pig hunt they had all at your expense.

Talk about theater..........
I'll tell you about the show. Where else could you find your future heroes, those f*cked up desk pricks wandering about the bush trying to get their CIB medals for swatting bugs like Colin Powell stumbling about the roots and sticking his size 10 into a spike hole as he grimmaced at the splinters.
That made great stories the boys at HQ just rolled with in the great warrior shimmed by a toothpick and he gets himself a Purple Heart.

That ain't all baby sister, you know about John Kerry down on the swiftboats in the Mekong. You might be a bit young, but that was old Marvin Kalb's hunting ground from CBS.
The Kennedy assassins got the primo locals to stew the war like Rather, but Kalb got stuck in that f*cking liver fluke swamp hole.
Liver flukes.........hey if you don't want them, don't drink the damn water the ox been shitting in baby.

Kerry though got it up the ass in a rice pile. He was real entertainment like most of those heroes out there winning one for Peking. I mean jeez louise, a Purple Heart Martha May for tossing a grenade into a pile of rise and the shrapnel was rice in your ass.
What the hell did Kerry think he was going to do.....destroy the rice to make it flour?

Talk about aiding the enemy.

Kerry did it all though in being a traitor and he is still feeding on America in marrying that African slut John Heinz was assassinated for, and now Kerry is back in Africa killing off Christians and letting the Hitler of Sudan run born free.

I really would that you could have been a kid there in Vietnam. It was pure heaven. Where else could you have those Vietnamese Cowboys who were real John Wayne.
"Tell you what my friend, someone give you trouble, you tell me and I kill them for you sweet".

Friends like that, you only need one cowboy in your corral.

The sounds though I loved in Vietnam. It was not just the hum of the insects or that heavy sound of things too wet. It was the thump, thump, thump of a Hughie coming into an LZ after an M 60 sprayed the brush with that phump, phump, phump of lead.
The small arms fire, the quad fours giving you that reassuring shove, the mortars, and God love those F 4 Phantoms making you think, "Oh this is what a meat grinder sounds like from the inside" as they dropped their napalm and that wonderful inferno erupted.
There was so blessed much to be thankful for. That crackle of the M 16's, how the whole arc was painted in clicks so artie could walk it from one end to the other..........even those damn VC, so equal with thier sniper rifles and SKS, but so just limp laying there dead like 80 pounds of meat scraps.
Sapper in the wire, and you just thought the first time, "What the hell is this!", f*cking little Charlie no bigger than a waif trying to do you deadly damage, until you just came to your senses this isn't your little brother trying to act tough, but a communist trying to murder you, so you just broke them...........and then watched all the wide eyed boys and girls look at you with shock and awe as you were the one who broke one of the local toys...........and they were still wondering if they would break their toy when the time come and wondering if they would be broken instead.

Sure Vietnam was war, but you never had anyone tell you that when the industrialists wanted a profitable venture, and the McNamara Camelots wanted a war of attrition to feed that Truman doctor cannibal, that there were the cartels looking to undo Lansdale's victory just like they undid Rumsfield's victory from the start in Iraq.
See the cartels just like Obama's Twitter Revolution in Iran, was all about taking the American decade of utilizing it to murder off all the cowboys in Vietnam so when Kissinger turned it all over to his bosses that no one would be left to fight.
Those tens of thousands of dead Americans and the wounded........what do you think they were about? Same damn thing as now in Obama killing off the Republican vote as Mark Levin and John McCain cheer the f*cking slaughter.

If you don't know the game children, you get caught up in the psychology meant to destroy you as these Jane Fonda face spitters did. Condition those boys and girls how nuts, how miserable, how bad, how defeated Vietnam was, and then they won't go play around the world again.
Make them focus on the good being bad..............hell Agent Orange was pure poison they would have you believe. I frankly loved the stuff. It saved thousands of American lives in cutting that damn jungle.........yeah it made people sick, but that is why they sprayed the sh*t on people, so people would whine about it.........but the reality is they should have sprayed that sh*t on all of Vietnam, starved those f*cking communists up north out and if China wanted them so bad, let them feed them.

Reagan was right in they should have paved that whole country over............but he never went far enough, they should have done it to Laos and Cambodia too.

Damn Laos, just proves they never had any intent on winning as they left the Ho Chi Minh trail run the whole war, until Adm. Thomas Moore got Nixon to unleash the B 52's. Now that is a war bird baby. Quite comforting and she should have been sent in early, and brought the war to North Vietnam and no letting up until the Chicoms either invaded so America could nuke them, as Russia was all about negotiating and sure as hell was not going to start a nuke war over some 4 foot tall Charlies.............Moore proved that, and that is what the white folks should have done if the cartels were not all about cropping the humans from Vietnam and leaving the sheep for the slaughter.

Then the sights................whoa sweet Saigon. What a lesson in Gomorrah that was. What a treat to be down the street and seeing whores flipping you the bird, and not because they were pissed off, but because they were looking for cherry GI to make good.
Fragging by those VC, the Security Cowboys, the tourists and bumping into Oz Rangers or South Korean Marines.......hell that was paradise man, all wrapped up in spicey hot dog on a stick.

No not hotdogs baby sister, but real dog, the kind Mark Levin thinks are his children, and Indochinese define as a food group. It was all carnival in death land.............cowboys, indians, eating spicey dog, fragging, whores, goddamn traitors from CBS, NBC, the Times and you just cruising along in the wild west not knowing if some granny who was doing your laundry this morning like 500 other mornings was tonight going to be your assassin.

Being assured a rat hole was clear and being a tourist down there crawling along and hearing breathing ahead of you, so you uncapped the 45 and didn't even notice how deafening a clip going off was as you found you could crawl ten times faster in reverse than ahead.
Then the goddamn bastards laughing at you as you uttered something sexually joining to them, and come to find out the tunnel wasn't as clear as they thought.
Not so many jokes when the brass shows up giving the youngsters hell for letting the beav play down there and HQ wondering where I acquired that Colt.

Hell it was Vietnam, if they sold your best friend for supper they sure would make a sale of a Colt for your sandbox.

Bad sh*t happened. It always does in civilian life too. Those zombies Mockingbird and Tavistock created to make the good boys and girls feel bad by calling them baby killers and spitting on them was all part of the program, but there was good sh*t too not just in the toys, but it was good when you were the last one to stick you hand into some guys brains after a firefight and you felt something for them..........the family would be pleased an American was there feeling something.
Pouring water onto some kids guts that were blown out from a Mosin Nagant, so they wouldn't dry until in that hot f*cking sun until the medics stuffed them inside...........if no one else did that kid would have a real tummy ache later.
Even stuck in a hopper between the load of body bags, bouncing along and discovering dead bodies moved and made sounds from you only checked on them once as your gut turned into knots.....because some crying family back in the states would appreciate the kindness for their dead.............that was the good sh*t among all the fun and games.

I loved Vietnam as in all that cartel fraud, there was a reality going on there that was worth it all in the piles of dead were justified and the maimed were glorified as they got something out of life in being there with all those damned dopers the cartel dumped into Nam to f*ck it who the hell needed geezerhood when you lived one tour in Vietnam as you burned it at both ends and the middle in having lived a dozen lives.
The cartel turned too many good people into sucidial basket cases when those people should have been bragging they made it through the gauntlet of Vietnam.

Sure I knew Rambo.........everyone did, because Rambo was the guy trying to suicide a hero. They never made it home as that was their choice..........but most were just good sh*ts not knowing what the hell they were doing there and not wanting to be there while some Westmoreland conducted his give and take, never figuring out he was being sabotaged in his own HQ.

I wouldn't trade Vietnam for all the goat whores in Islam. One Angela Melini surviving that and still flipping the bird made that melding of two nations east and west worth it. It was all a hell of a price to pay for some Soros to pocket the blood money, but the girl was worth it even if she doesn't think she was at times.

How could you not love something that tried so hard to destroy you? That is what love is. Alamo Love. Custer's Last Stand Love, the love of hurts so good it encompasses your life and makes you feel things most mortals are stuck in happy pills not trying to feel.

Sucking on that rotten fish the VC ate for their high protein diet to watching a friendly waterboard a terrorist who had been carving on a cherry GI out after some pussy........I miss it all, by God I miss it all, like I miss camel spiders and Asian chicadees............

I love Vietnam and would give one shiny coin to be there again when it mattered...........

Rest in peace my children as the daddies and mommies of Vietnam and America have judged you all who played to be her Heroic Children.

To have one more good morning in my Vietnam..........
