Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Obama Economic Decline

As another exclusive........

I did not expose this earlier as the projection had to be rode out in order not to tip off the Obama regime, the cartel and Tim Geithner, so one could observe absolute factual data in just what the Stock Market would react to in this Obama economic Decline.

This blog baited the regime though and the predictions came absolutely true that the makets would SPIKE, in massive sell offs and massive buy options, as the cartels and what was left of the small investors moved from the market and Geithner infused a trillion dollar push of economic debt, monetizing the Stock Market with each rise.

Yes the obvious is the regime is robbing all of the 401K's in America. They do not need to tax or seize that money, as Obama is deflating prices in it which when purchased high, means the retirement saver loses money and the cartels walk away with that profit differential.

What really needed to be gauged was who was left in the market as it goes to the fact of why Obama keeps ranting about that cash reserve business has in several trillion dollars they are not spending.
See in normal times, businesses dump that money back into buy options in stocks instead of sitting on non productive cash. Business is savy enough not to be plucked in another Obama bust, so Obama can not get his hands on that revenue.

THIS IS THE IMPORTANT GAUGE in this that everyone has missed, and why it is exclusive here. No one knew exactly how much of a fascist state America had become under Barack Obama and Tim Geithner market buy options, but in watching what is taking place now,we now know that the stocks on Wall Street are all basically owned by the Obama regime.

What do I mean by that?

Geithner for that past three years has been spiking the markets to reward benefactors who were selling off and using spikes to fund their personal projects in part. You must understand and comprehend this, that this money is debt money, meaning it was printed with no value. Geithner has been steadily for the regime literally buying up the major portion of the US Stock Market, meaning it is now government owned like GM and is a complete fascist entity.

With all that took place with the downgrade, the markets should have plunged beyond this 1000 point mark, but the reason they have not plunged is there is very little left in the markets to sell off, because it is all under the control of Geithner for the regime.
That is what no one has figured out yet until now in it being published here first.

What that means is the markets are no indication of anything when Geithner controls this lump sum in what is fraudulent as one does not find US GOVERNMENT as the purchasing agent. What is taking place is this is being hidden as the regime is buying these stocks under aliases.
THAT IS CRIMINAL as it is manipulating the market.

Obama is now under the position that for the cartels, he could literally wipe out the American economy from the inside by simply having Geithner run a sell option. Honestly under normal market situations, the market should have dropped to around 4000 immediately, and plunged into the 1500 range.
That still might happen as George Soros has that trillion to invest in cash, and Soros already on insider information made an easy 10 billion in selling short in the first plunge. That 10 billion is YOUR MONEY as Geithner used tax dollars to inflate the market.

As predicted the markets are spiking, as Geithner again pumps a trillion dollar option of debt currency into the markets, as money is rolled and transferred. Mockingbird IS IN THIS in the talking point is out "in the market has deals now in prices deflating" as the cover story is investors are buying when that is not the case.
Investors have gotten out of the market in selling their entire portfolios over a year ago. This is all monetized stocks now.

The headlines are Mockingbird in all eyes are on Ben Bernanke. Bernanke has not purpose as all he does is print the money being sold to Americans for the cartels. Geithner is the racketeer for Obama in this, and that is why Obama has him staying on, as this international crook as been running a counterfeiting scheme of debt dollars monetizing the markets and bonds all to make it look like Obamonics actually have something stabilized.

Now you know what you are looking at. It is more wire fraud from the Obama regime run by Geithner. It is deliberate and when a plunge comes, it will be from Obama personally tanking the markets for his phase of destroying America completely.

nuff said

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