Thursday, August 11, 2011

Robbed in the Rapine

As America was in utter peril, the stock markets plunging exactly as this blog predicted would happen as George Soros had a trillion to plunder with and they were crashing the system in any event, that liberal closet conservative Ed Schultz decided like Obama and Congress to go on vacation...........
Schultz to the bowels of Donavan McNabb's new home of Minnesota to stick some metal spikes into fish's mouths called sport (I love fishing but it is liberal hypocrisy in Schultz's audience he makes a fortune off of hate hunting, fishing and trapping............probably like Mark Levin.) and his fill in was Jeff Santos of Boston.

Santos is the posterboy of what is wrong with Democrats as they are like Obama, suffering from many mindedness.
On one brain, Santos is saying we all need to work together and in this next utterance he is talking about destroying the Tea Party.

It is disingenuous in Jeff Santos as the voice of all liberal Obamanisms to "now focus on jobs" when even Arianna Huffington (I have to say Ariana is becoming more sexy as a vamp of the the big money industry in she has this Zsa Zsa Gabor accent which even out Hungarians a German uber frau must makes you want to buy her an Austrian Shepherd, a Luger 9 mm, some jack boots with hobnails and a sexy leather Nazi uniform to watch her round up Mark Levin to make him do some exercise on that ten grande chair Sean Hannity bought for him..........Ariana is just mysteriously is getting a worse bad accent the more time Obama is in office.)

Where was I going with this......yes it all relates as this is about Jeff Santos in being 3 years into Obama, as Obama was acting White House guy in 2008 already as his interests were tanking America then to install him for the big plunder, which means Obama is 3 years into I stated.
How much longer does Santos want to prove his green jobs are going to build bridges to every community?

Hybrid cars suck and their sales are tanking....Americans are buying vehicles which run. That goes for all the Santos union kickback road work in Obama roads FIXED in that stimulus kickback are being refixed again three years later.
It is not working Mr. Santos and when Ronald Reagan turned around the Carter implosion, he did so in 18 months and all without the multiple trillions Obama has looted and plundered.

So Mr. Santos when you mock the shining city on a hill...........Ronald Reagan did it half the time your Obama has wasted and America was on to a 30 year expansion, which was only killed by Bush41 and Clinton raising taxes.

How long is America to wait Mr. Santos in you have had 3 years and Obama has destroyed America. Will it take another 10 trillion.............another 3 years...............60 long will it take Mr. Santos? Till a Chinese communist invasion?
Mr. Santos you keep desiring Adolf Hitler employment on your German model for America........will it be after your German model fails in America, because Germany is selling weapons to Obama's Kenya and doing other criminal acts as arming Saddam Hussein, the Iraniam communists and gleaning from Putin's Russia off books which America was barred from........just what is in Obamanaziland Mr. Santos that is going to turn America around?

This blog has actually come forward with real solutions in real electric transportation, real rail lines which everyone now has grabbed onto after a lustrom and are getting wrong as they are all stupid shills of the cartels, a real harnessing for free energy in lightning storms which would create an entire employment bubble to take America out of this Obama Super Depression, the making of oil drilling and our English and Japanese trading partners into a super eco power union to supply the Eurasian hordes OF OUR TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION to balance the debt...........and yes this blog even explained the necessary steps in constructing Moon and Mars bases to exploit their resources for an economic expansion which benefits America first in a centuries next dominance by liberty for all people of this world.

Jeff Santos though is stuck on his liberal model of keeping the ants dependent on the farm he thinks Obama is constructing for the welfare of all, when all it is, is a feudal welfare state Obama is sizing up for pesticide control.

Mr. Santos is at least one step ahead of Mark Levin on ethanol, but he stops at E 85 for his car. What needs to be accomplished is America must go in and acquire the Brazilian sugarcane fields which produce ethanol more readily and create a trading partnership which Brazilian farmers will have their income raised and America will then control the ethanol supply structure for their benefit and the worlds by mixing it with Sarah Palins oil and gas drilling of the proven reserves from Pennsylvania to Utah to Alaska in cheap natural gas and oil.........all to bring down prices, in yes deflation as Ronald Reagan accomplished which PUTS MONEY INTO POOR PEOPLE'S BANK ACCOUNTS, which again in rising interest rates as the Government is not borrowing money and illegally manipulating interest rates as it did since Bush41 to Obama........that the poor people will then peculate up from the bottom a real American economic renaissance.

I realize as Jeff Santos is Obama's maxi shield to soak up the menstrual blood of Obama shed around the world as this regime murders people worldwide for aborticide to oil profits, that Santos and Schultz are a ruse in protecting their union and green nation rapists of which Buffett and Soros lead the pack of, but even liberals who listen to this garbage have got to figure out like the Conservatives listening to Elton Blonde, that 3 years of this Obama piracy is not going to work with trillions more nor more time.
One can not make an abortion solution into the elixir of life.........and Obama is the abortion solution on the finality of America with his national socialism.

Santos can call it John Kennedy economics if that makes him feel more comfortable in Boston, but what is required is leadership for liberals and Conservatives. I don't want to destroy one liberal in this world, but I want to make them all rich so they can pay taxes, feel guilty about all that money they have and hopefully end up with the real Messiah this time to give them Peace instead of their chosen designer negro messiah in Obama giving them perpetual war, the grave and hell.

The Lame Cherry policy espoused years ago was to make everyone a millionaire by their own hands working and to do it all with deflation so everything in America was cheap, and by mass purchasing like Henry Ford's Model A, that commerce would still make immense profits for the good of America........and that means the world.
That reality then ends the Government as a welfare vote buyer, because everyone would be wealthy enough to take care of themselves...........and before Jeff Santos says, "Yah but what about that mental retard who can only wash dishes he can't earn............."

Shut up Santos and is proven from the rail boom in Kansas to the current oil boom in North Dakota that when money abounds, then even the peon jobs are ones which even some mentally challenged soul would be earning in the fifty plus thousand dollar range......meaning even people who are Oprah couch lazy could earn more than enough to live, retire and be a Walmart greeter, because high wages are the result of production and NOT THE RESULT OF UNION CONTRACTS, because of market necessity.

Strange how Ed Schultz does not patronize North Dakota on his vacation.......strange how Jeff Santos has not bothered to do one story on Williston oil boom North Dakota, home of Big Eddie, which had oil workers sleeping at the stock yards in bail piles.............that North Dakota had to pass ordinances because these idiot workers were trying to live in tents in 20 below winters..........

Gee where is the Ed Schultz compassion and the Jeff Santos compassion for the working poor in focusing on the stories which expose the rapine which they are profiting off of?

I would welcome Jeff Santos, but the problem is, he is the same coin of Mark Levin in neither one get ethanol nor the economy right.........they both plunder for their cliques and America gets robbed in the rapine.

As this is filler and more international stardom than Jeff Santos ever will have, this is time to stop this exposure of the lemmings on the left.

nuff said.

PS: .....don't know if that is Jeff Santos the Ed Schultz blow hard or a facsimile as it does not matter as one Obama watch wearer is the same Obama time keeper in a game expired already back in 2008 when this Super Depression started.
