Monday, August 1, 2011
When Yaweh or Jehovah had brought about His Prophecy that the children of the exile from the Kingdom of Judah would be returned from Babylonian captivity now under the Persian Empire, the prominent books of the Old Testament concerning this venture were Nehemiah and Ezra.
Jews have never considered the reason for their return had only one purpose, and it is a purpose they are in denial over yet today. It is all there in the Bible in plain terms.
The reason God returned the Jews was to rebuild the Temple and occupy the land, so the Messiah would come, and the Jews in league with the world system would execute this eternal Sacrificial Lamb to take away the sin of the world.
It is interesting in one of the chief opponents to this Levite, Benjaminite and Judahite mandates from God was a person named Sanballat, who was the acting governor of Samaria, or occupied Northern Israel as those 10 tribes which included the Josephite forebears of Americans, were already beyond the Jordan where they lived, and past Gozan.
Yes you have heard of Gozan in your travels through life.........Gozan was the first place of exile for Americans before they broke out into Asia, then into Europe and accross an ocean.
People always simplify things down, but in reality, the "Jews" from the exile were Benjaminites who are brothers of Americans literally, and are the people of Iceland today.
Queen Esther was a Benjaminite, and the Levites were the Priestly people chosen by God to reveal His Law and Gospel to the people.
Sanballat literally translates Sin. You know what sin means, but you probably do not comprehend that Sin is a proper name in it means the god of the moon.
It translates as has given life.
That will sound familiar in if you take the phonetics of Sanballat and dissect it in San ballat, or, the ballat, in how it would be pronounced in region as allah.
Yes the god of the Muslim is the regional moon diety demon allah as is well known, and it was a surnamed appointed squatting governor of the world system in Samaria who was moved to try and thwart God's plan concerning the Messiah, Jesus the Christ's return.
This of course was satan, the adversary in a form of an anti Christ, as there have been man anti Christs. Some notable like Antiochos Epiphanes of Syria who is recorded in Daniel and the one soon to be brought on the scene with this precursor anti Messiah event known as Barack Hussein Obama.
Whenever you have someone taking on the messiah title, allowing hisself to be called a god, you are an anti God being as you are in direct confrontation with God, as there is only One God and only One Messiah in Jesus the Christ.
Sh'ma ye Israel. Adonai Elohenu. Adonai Echad, Amen.
Hear oh Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is One. It is so!
This warning is as much for Jews in denial of Christ, Muslims in denial of Christ and Christians seduced by anti Messiah Barack Hussein Obama.
Barack Obama is not the defined anti Christ to come, but is of that order of anti Christs which St. John spoke of even in his time in betrayers of the Faith.
As they were lost to history, the same result will be this Barack Obama will disappear into history as a greater darkness than him is about to make an advent upon the stage.
Obama's moon is waning as all Islam is. The anti Christ's false tree of life will wax quickly and wane to oblivion. It shall be a traumatic birth and death, unlike the "let there be" in the Word of Christ Who by all things were made which was made.
The adversary will pass, but study Sanballat Obama, as his license to sin is an image of what the anti Christ will pervert. A man of peace engulfed in war, a man of truth covered in lies, a man of life who brings only death.
agtG 248Y