Monday, August 8, 2011

The Smiling American

This is a blog I'm moved to write, due to all of the injustices thee United States Soldier has assaulted upon them.
I really plead for you to look at the face of this Soldier, so you can see the absolute goodness in this Gentleman, because he is an absolute reflection of you, your family and most of the Soldiers in the military of these United States yet.
That situation is going to disappear very soon though as Obama has sexualized the military and converted them into being murderers from gay enlistment to Libya. It is by design and the good Americans are not going to gravitate to being involved in an institution which is like a South Side crackhouse.

I'm going to keep this Soldiers identity secure for his family's sake, but he was a combat engineer which most people have no idea what that is to the CB's in the Navy.
I make no bones about hiding the contempt I have for the National Guard as they are pervasive as the Air Force in being nothing but an undisciplined whorehouse of debauchery who pose with weapons as porn stars.
I have deep respect for the Combat Soldiers as they are still the finest of professionals, even if Obama has SEALS engaged in murder.

There are though as I mentioned those who fall through the cracks. The Soldier who strings wire for communication getting shot at and the focus of this blog in the Combat Engineers.
Just to explain something in this for the Civilian. All bases have their security, but there is security and security. An Air Base will be more secure and Marine Base will be tightly secure as their entire purpose is to engage the enemy. There are though bases on the fringe like fire bases or the Combat Engineers who do the dirty damn jobs without thanks or glory, and in most cases without protection.

See a CE is vital to the military and you will note COMBAT is in their title. They are not combat ready though, because their job is instead building things under fire like roads and bridges.
They also get the crapper job in going in and tearing down enemy bunkers.

Except for John Wayne making the Fighting Sea Bees back in World War II, no one gives a damn about these Soldiers who really are in a precarious situation. Please understand that point, in these Soldiers are busy tearing the enemy down and building up the US Military. They are expected to police their area and themselves, but they do not have the resources to go on patrols and protect themselves as they should.
The net result is the fate of the above Soldier with a wife and seven children, in HQ knew there were problems in this was a hot zone, and they just left it in operations as other bases took precedence and the net result was the enemy snuck in one night and dropped mortars all around the compound and that smiling Sergeant went home in pieces literally, along with one of his men a black Soldier.

They deserve a hell of allot better, but why is it this blog is the only source castigating John McCain and all the Levin flag wavers as US Soldiers are in the Obama slaughter pit, and he is turning the US Military in a murderous crank whore psychopath?

I have grave concerns about all of this, and it breaks my heart to look at the faces of these US Soldiers in being good people in how the modern version is being corrupted and held out to be murdered.

This is a thankless job in no one notices these Soldiers and if they screw up everyone raises hell, but they never screw up.
The worst of it is, is some of these Soldiers die when an enemy bunker caves in on them, and are listed as a "non combat" KIA which is ridiculous. It a horrid thing to get a telegram or a visit and be told your family member is dead, and terming it non combat, and then the media chimes in blazing a story that "he died in a cave in".
A Soldier in theater dead is a Soldier KIA period.

Exclusively this blog castigated Bush/Cheney for their theater show in sending in Soldiers to fight it out in box canyons getting them slaughtered. The same is true for Obama's slaughter pits. There are those these support missions which are not getting the full support of HQ and the American people.
There was no reason for VC mortars to be raining down in Vietnam on that base, and it was the fault of HQ and not the communists, because they were not securing perimeters. HQ pulled this on Marine forward bases getting daily blitzed and the same held true in Afghanistan when Obama stuck Soldiers with Patraeus signing off on it, into glorified latrines in valleys to be shot at from the hills.

Just look one more time and study that smiling American and the smiling locals around them who benefit from your American good will. These people do not have to die in Muslim nations no more than in Asian nations in Americans or nationals due to the communist menace outside America and inside the American Government.

Frankly Obama, Gates and Patraeus should all be arrested for the murder they engulfed America in, in assassinating Muslims, rewarding terrorists and slaughtering Americans.
The same holds true for Robert McNamara and his Kennedy cast who should be dug up and held before military courts to answer for those tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths........did Truman up to for the Korean matter and his communists.

America has had it's best murdered who trusted America. Americans have been betrayed and it is past time justice is accomplished for the families and the KIA's.

The smiling American. They deserve better and you deserve better.
