Do not get me wrong in Ulsterman is great entertainment in the insider news he brings and most of what he is being told on the gossip is coming true, but on the major jabs Deep Tutu is running about 60 to 40 in factual data.
If you will notice something, that will be exclusively outed here, this blot noted that 3 months before Ulsterman started his posts, this blog predicted the very scenarios taking place from clues being projected from the White House.
A feint alarm bell was ringing in my head, as I knew my information was spot on..........yet all of a sudden here comes a White House Insider parroting the stories first exposed here.
In intelligence operations, that is called back channel feed in taking a source from the enemy and giving back the same information with just enough new titillating gossip and enough bogus information which the enemy wants to hear, to draw them down the path to their own demise.
This is not a slam against Dr. Corsi or Ulsterman, but it is an exact reminder, this is the same group who protected rapist Bill Clinton, smeared women who were assaulted, someone killed Kathleen Willey's pet and broke into her home from this faction, this is the group who thinks lying if funny, who vilified the opposition in trying to destroy them, who in Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno engaged in setting the stage for legalized pedophilia in child adult rights, who incinerated children, blew Mother's heads off as they held their children, who blew up babies in OKC, who did deals with Saddam Hussein, who in John Kerry let the Hitler of Sudan go free for oil........who in John Kerry's daughter espoused it was a child's choice to sex in.............yes meaning before the entire DNC a child could agree to being raped by an adult.
Now that is not Vince Foster, Jeremy Bourda nor Jim McDougal murdered, but you should start figuring out that maybe these people who stabbed you in the back, are stabbing Obama in the back, are the same self serving operatives who when the time come, are going to mass assassinate each of you.
Something tells me there are back channel operations from Obama in this. He has his benefactors feeding false leads in the Birther issue and the very insider sources are also running back channel operations equal to Mark Levin's "This removal of Obama stuff ain't going to happen".
This is the first step of the insiders and the second phase for Obama and the cartel to drag this out. When Deep Tutu is warning "of I had that information I would be dead already", it is not all stage theater for the drama of his going F world ballistic in his word for word interview. There is method in the madness and if one becomes more overt, then the false leads are not noticed and the dupe follows right into the trap.
This is a crafted stage act in Hollywood form. Remember it is theater and there are numerous facets of this being laid out and played out.
Just remember this is the same bunch who set up Joseph Farah by tapping his lines in blowing Lawrence Sinclair up in his face, knowing Farah's reaction would be what it is.......they know his psychology and knew he would shut down the Sinclair angle and never touch it again.
They fed John Edwards to the press three times now to destroy him in a most sadistic manner.
They have consumed the black leadership, so as Obama becomes the pariah.......no black is going to be available to take the damaged good place.............and that is why MSNBC has Al Sharpton pronuncicating the wrong words, so when the fall comes, there is not going to be any heir apparent but these Shapton acts no one wants to gravitate to.
As you can start seeing now more clearly, this is a very large operation which is quite complex and deliberate. Do not make the mistake in thinking that the cartels do not know exactly what Jerome Corsi and Ulsterman are thinking, breathing and eating, because everything is logged and they are being fed just enough false flag with the facts to taint them when the time comes.
This is compartmentalized in each operative is phishing and influencing their target, with enough overlap that confirmation is taking place in this mentalist ruse.
Something is very wrong here and it is like crawling into a perfect ambush site and knowing the ambuscade you are drooling over has something there about to ring your bell as it is turned back on you.
Obama is not going to quit. He can not quit as the Berliner boys would never allow that, and Obama is no dunce as he knows his only salvation is power, because he has screwed over the Bush factions, the Khadaffi factions, the Clinton factions, the Putin factions, the Iranian factions and these patrician comrades do not forget these things.
As I type this on Saturday August 13th, perhaps something will have erupted by then in a game change, but if not, there is the slow roll in this that will bring a bigger event.
I read it in numerous posts in the combined radar of the Birthers is all whispering an uneasiness which they can feel. Something is out here in the wire and it is just too quiet, but you can feel the electricity of it.
Move by the left flank and make them shift position to expose what they are up to first.
agtG 259
*Personal log, note in this sequence the V was previlent in cast and not the VI. A shift has taken place in the matrix.