Friday, August 12, 2011

Upscale Welfare

I have a cousin who was well placed in the United States Government who recently retired. The retirement package he has will net him over fifty thousand dollars per year.

My aunt who voted for Barack Hussein Obama and refuses to admit she was duped, has a constant chant against Congress in Obamacare and 'the GOP in taking away her Social Security".
I happened t mention to my Mom today that it gets frustrating listening to that and I just want to say, "Look here Auntie, you were not supposed to live this long. You should have gone under at 75 like most do, and you have been stealing from the American children ever since.
Your children are all well to do, and each one of them should be chipping in and taking you off the Medicaide and Social Security doll to save America a fortune".

I would forever be SOTL, Sh*t on the List, so I doubt I will utter that reality to her face, but in reality it is simply time that Americans in the majority simply demand that Congress shuts off all welfare to millionaires, PERIOD.

There is no reason my cousin who is retired now, could not pay for his own mother, along with his other siblings. They are all clearing with their spouses the bottom six figures every year, and that means they could afford a combined $30,000 for their mother.
She would live high on the hog and America would be off the hook for someone who should have died a decade ago, and is voting for Obama and deepening the abyss America is in.

This is not means testing, but it is simply reality. It is the IRS looking through tax records of invalids, and the elderly's sibings and if they are earning over $50,000 a year, then those people should be responsible for their own family members.
If they are, which they are too damned low self esteem to let their 80 year old parent into their home, then let them foot the Medicaid payments and the Social Security payments, which WILL BE WITHHELD FROM THEIR RETIREMENT as is the case of my cousin and for people working, it would be a tax deduction, so they would get something out of it.

There are almost 8 million millionaires in America, almost a million more just last year under Obama plunder. READ THAT AGAIN SO IT SINKS IN, as that means 8 million people could be off upscale welfare in Social Security and Medicaid if these families would just be made to take care of their own, because they can damn well afford it!

This includes Mark Levin whose parents are not being taken care of completely by him in being a millionaire and they are taking all the social welfare they can plunder too. This just has to stop immediately in this dumping of family members on the system, because people just have more important things like thinking your dogs are your children and spending a fortune on vet bills.

Limbaugh and Levin bitch non stop about poor people should pay taxes, as some are not paying income taxes.........well in food, fuel, electric, phone etc... it was proven here that poor people pay more in taxes in percentage than Limbaugh or Levin ever do!

It is the poor in America who are being screwed by these patricians who won't take care of their own, and it is the poor who are being savaged by Limbaugh's institued GRIDLOCK as that is what he told Americans we wanted in 2010.

Now for the reality in those 8 million MILLIONAIRES are just millionaires, and not the billionaires nor the lovely people who are retired pulling in 50 grande in government retirement or those people who are salaried like our fine educational leaders earning over 100 grande a year.

Seriously, if the Tea Party wants an issue, let it be dump the upscale welfare recipients back where they belong on their families as welfare in all forms was for people who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out.

This must be addressed and the reason it is not addressed is all the shills like Limbaugh and Schultz want to dump their family burdens on the American public as hauling Mom into live with them would cramp their style or relocating their big time jobs to their nativities would of course be too much of a sacrfice.

Make the people who can afford it, take care of their own family members as that is what is called responsibility. No more of this damn Scrooge shitlackle that Limbaugh always talks about the big check he writes out in taxes all the time...............ok Limbaugh how big of check was your Mom getting from Uncle Sam with you as a millionaire when she was alive........and how big of check Mark Levin are your parents getting from Uncle Sam with you being the millionaire?

The reality is these United States in welfare entitlements could be balanced in one week, if these millionaries would just be made to take their 8 million family members off the system, and those families who like my relatives can afford it, took another 50 million off the government upscale welfare.

No one wants to address this, because all the selfish pigs rooting at the trough, don't want the responsibility of taking care of the people who scrubbed their asses clean when they were in diapers.

Instead of Big Ethanol there Mark Levin, how about us hearing about your family's big welfare checks in sunny Florida while many people's family members are trying to survive on 600 bucks a month in their starve and freeze to death retirement.
Poverty level is 19,000 and there are hosts of Social Security elderly trying to make it work on 7,200 dollars a year.

You try that! It is past time the responsible majority in America stand up and demand the Limbaugh and Letterman cocktail crowd start taking care of their own to the last cent.
No more upscale welfare for those millionaires and billionaires in America.
