Saturday, September 10, 2011

The cripple whoring the 9 11 Dead

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This blogs good Democratic friend, Sen. Tim Johnson...........yes Tim Johnson whose brain exploded and who is now doing Ferdinand Marcos impersonations in South Dakota after being called out her for phoning in his job.

*Ferdinand Marcos, Philippine dictator who could not attend trial for being ill, but made a video at age 900 pumping iron.........Johnson puts out his own videos about being Sean Penn stalking the South Dakota Obama caused swamps from the floods

*I explain, Johnson after selling his vote for Obamacare so Obama would appoint his son, Sippy Cup, who was covering for pedophiles on the Sioux Indian Reservation in "giving them ranch passes to live at home", has now been seen in that coyote state roaming about, and having a defective brain he can not walk and he speaks like a drunk.

Nothing wrong with being brain incapacitated, but one does not want someone like this flying a plane, cutting on your heart in surgery or in the US Congress in these abysmal times.

Meanwhile back at the Tim...........

Time decided in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin tradition to one up her. Stephie decided to make a brain injured Iraqi vet jump through hoops for her in a political commercial, and Johnson decided to record his "Memories of 9 11".
I honestly do not know if he has any memories or his staff wrote this, but Johnson sent this gem out.

My Memories From 9/11

As I drove to work that morning, I heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I thought that was strange but assumed it was some sort of accident. When I got to the office staff told me that a 2nd plane had crashed into the World Trade Center complex and that a 3rd plane had crashed into the Pentagon. That we were under attack by terrorists was obvious. It was reported that a 4th plane was missing but the assumption was it was flying either to the US Capitol or the White House. (It crashed into a field in Pennsylvania thanks to the heroism of the passengers on board).

I was scheduled to attend a Banking Committee hearing. Other Senators and I had agreed that the terrorists were not going to stop the business of our government. Almost immediately after starting the hearing, the Capitol Police entered the hearing room and demanded we leave the Capitol as soon as possible.

As I drove home, I could see the smoke and fire billowing out of the Pentagon. It was a very sad day in all our lives and in the history of our country. My heart and prayers go out to all the families of those who lost their lives in Pentagon, in Pennsylvania and the World Trade Center.

On the 10th anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11 it continues to be a shared experience that bonds Americans together and shows to the world the strength and resilience of our democracy.

Yes the Tim, who was bosom buddies with John Forbes Kerry, member of the Senate, Clinton enabler, had no idea that terrorists were attacking the Towers a second time. Mind you now, this is BEFORE Johnson's brain was scrambled, and he still never figured out this was a terror attack.

What is odd is Johnson goes to work and his staff have to inform him it is a terror event...and Johnson FAILED TO SEE THE BILLOWING SMOKE COMING FROM THE PENTAGON. Talk about Vesuvius blowing up and missing it all.

For those who recall the photos of this time, you will remember that idiot Biden and Kerry all standing around on the Capitol steps looking up, and then like Johnson wanting to continue on with the liberal business of the day "and not let the terrorists win".
Once again, these are the Democrats who Bill Clinton informed of all the al Qaeda activity, and they knew of the nuclear threat bin Laden possessed.

It was sort of why George W. Bush bird dogged it out of Florida on an 85 degree Air Force One rocket that scared the bajeus out of reporters, and had him in Louisiana before hitting the bunker in Omaha.
The terrorists had nuclear bombs in America and were in the process of setting them off.

It does make me angered yet in how liberals have mocked Bush and Cheney in the bunkers, but Bush was extremely brave in coming back as two devices were found and dismantled. No one knew how active this was and it was only George W. threatening through channels to vaporize Mecca and Medina if the nukes went off, that this all became mutually assured destruction.

That is why when I read of the Tim's memories in having the intelligence and still acting like a damn chicken in a Ketucky Fried Chicken slaughter house with the coyotes clawing at the walls, what kind of absolute brain dead moron he was like all liberals, before his brain went to pieces by arterial hose?

The Tim though like all liberals now desire to whore the 9 11 dead. The same people they were screaming about in not wanting the GOP to politicize this, is now their Mecca of Memories as they speak of things which reveal these people belong at Walmart scrubbing toilets and not in power.

Johnson ends his memories with driving home. Gee if you knew America was under terror attack, that you had intelligence WMD's were in the Gee did not Tom Daschle get his anthrax Cipro lesson...........
Would you not gather up your wife, and kiddies, use your clout and have security open up the Congressional bunker to bunk down in for a few weeks?
No memories of that from the Tim. Just more "democracy" mob rule destroying America.

South Dakota is filled with thee lowest form of chiggers to infest the planet in Johnson used his wife' breast cancer for political sympathy and now after criminally selling out his vote to Obama for a US Attorney seat, here comes Tim for election 2012 in whoring out the 9 11 dead in a press release which reveals..............maybe losing most of his brain was a good thing as it certainly didn't harm how stupid he was as he has been this Obama all his existence.

nuff said


PS to Tim, fire did not billow out of the Pentagon. Perhaps your memory is of the Yellowstone Fires and your staff has that mixed up for you.