For those who have never had direct contact with God or the Spiritual matrix, they can not comprehend what that conversation is about, as in Kaballah it is knowledge without God in an infinite expanding expanse which drives the human mind insane as there is no reference point when the mind is trapped there.
It is quite phobic in rolling around sacred geometric structures which are unending like the Tree of Life and the human mind was not constructed for such process, so insanity sets in........and when it surfaces in this dimension...........minds which have never touched the infinite switch to terms as "kook, loon, manic" etc... in not comprehending the simple version of the voice projected here at times......well most instances.
When God deemed me ready after numerous years of growth, I had my experience with the Holy Ghost of Thought. It was very frustrating as God does not communicate on His level as communication is here. The Bible explains in code all of this in "God is Love", but when one experiences this conversation on multiple levels it is puzzling.........so I understand the rude and searching comments about how the work here is sometimes constructed, as people just do not have any association with this in mass.
It is though heartening when I do hear from some people who like what is taking place here.......they probably though do not have an idea yet that when they read things here, and comprehend them, that they are natural spirituals in God conversation in "they get it immediately".
As I have mentioned previously, when the Holy Ghost speaks, it is like the Bible in how Christ as the Word can say things in a sentence and theologians exhaust books explaining the one verse.
God concentrates message in a something which is alive, multi dimensional and expansive, so it communicates, and recommunicates as the human grows in process.
I tried to explain this in God speaks in ZIP files, God provides one word, and as that word implants into the soul or Spirit, it immediately like a sprouting seeds starts to expand or unpack in content which is emotions, reason, depth and all communication which is complete, but it can not be housed in words.
I used to become frustrated in reading people, because one does not "hear thoughts", but what instead one hears is this emotion.
You hear emotion?
That will only make sense to people who have existential experience in this which has progressed beyond feeling some thing's presence enter a room before they did.
My Auntie related a story about a couple fishing, and the wife told her husband, WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!, he wanted to fish, but she was adamant, and as they started out, a car wreck took place and they saw the care hurled into water, and the driver could not swim........they pulled up and saved the guy.
There were no God or Angelic words in this, but pure emotion in the urgency to act. This is what one hears is emotions in the other people and as one listens, one forms the basic framework of clicking off the reptile brain functions of "good vs. evil". I hear emotions of intent, and then have to construct back the words and phrases which the person is thinking.
I find it all too complex as I like things easy, but the reason I do not perform easily is God has other growth which must occur in this person, and it makes it hard so the ability becomes more refined.
I regret not having enough time to play in this, as I did enjoy sneaking up on people as they slept as one could really read them from top to bottom for a complete profile. Now the majority of my efforts are focused upon God in hearing for this blog, in that the blog serves a purpose of a tuning of this vessel to the God mindset. It is exhausting, but the focal point in this is, the things which exhausted me a decade ago, are mere child's play now as the Spirit in me grows.
It really is like Patrick Swayze in Ghost with that coin...........I have no idea how that writer knew what they did, but they "knew" the hidden knowledge to some extent.
When I state the Lame Cherry Concentrate, it is just that in this blog in one posting has more concentrated information to sort through than most writers produce in a year who are at the top of this field.
There are more Bob Woodward exclusives here in one week, than the entire Mockingbird press has come up with in 50 years. No one human could accomplish this and I give all credit to God.........I do puzzle on it though in I do not know how a human body can deal with this type of taxing force operating through it. It must be that supernatural feature of the Israelites in Sinai in their clothing never wore out in God being regenerative, as what is taking place in me should have killed me a thousand times over and with the attacks I suffer from the satanic and cartels, it is a threefold weight, and yet in God's Grace I seem to ride the crest of the wave instead of be engulfed by it.
It is easier to dismiss the facets of what goes on here, than to invest the lifework to compete on the same journey. While others were being self indulgent children whoring in the world, I was stuck in the wilderness of Thought having my soul raped and the Spirit in me stretched to things which I only take comfort in the Promise, "all these things will pass away", and I will not remember them when time ends.
So in the future when you get frustrated in your little minds of those who are stuck on this dimension, try adding water, Living Water, to the Lame Cherry concentrate, and concentrating on that, you may be able to sip of things most are missing.........as I admit in humility, I re read some of the things here and am surprised in what was hidden.
Some little troll will probably try to use that to mount me....is what the little trolls always do in
trying to put trinket of me on their person to make themselves more pretty in their ugly insides.