Wednesday, September 7, 2011

messianic morons

The definition of the messianic moron is the current messiah Obama followers and the fringe group of doomsday espousers of slapping Jesus on Mark Levin slaps God on everything and wouldn't know God from a demon.........gee maybe that is why he is down at sodom Limbaughs with Elton John in not being able to discern things.

Our subject though children is a messianic montana moron, who this blog has conducted psychological experimenting on..........which Steve Quayle was clueless on, as the reason he is defined a moron, as a moron is someone uniformed, an ignorant.

For the majority who do not know what this unibomber looking Quayle is about, he sounds a great deal like a cat in heat, at about 3 o'clock in the morning on his radio program and interviews.......his latest interview was with Obama award winner George Nouri.

Qualyes new huckster files, as he has all sorts of fringe gimmickry which he focuses upon in giants, aliens, pretends he knows economics...........blah, blah, snake oil, and now he is on 9 11 EMP attacks and "the yellow horde invasion".......which Quayle is now predicting will come from Alaska, the west coast and the east coast in America.

As I heard a well meaning Canuck Christan who apparently was a follower of the snake oil Quayle, it is therefore time to educate the dupes by exposing Quayle's non logic.

Let us take his 9 11 EMP attack for example..............

Let us say it happens in 2 months, just like Quayle is predicting........

Alright, so the EMP is national and takes out the American power grid..........yes Quayle thinks the world will be cheering.............some dolts in the Levin back seat slouchers group who smirk and think they are brighter than teacher will bite on this in the Obama circles, fortunately Obama is not involved in real decisions and only carries cartel water.
But even say that, in Obama is willing to get elected this way with EMP from his Marxists........

Project it out........

EMP fries circuits which paralyzes infrastructure. That means no power to shut down nuclear plants, it means the electric grid is shot, so that means, no oil pumping or refinement..........

What is that you say children, no oil would be bad?

Well let us look at no oil for a no oil means oil would go to a thousand dollar a barrel, and gee that would mean the price would be too expensive to buy, so terrorists or Chicoms would price themselves out of their market........and Europeans would just swoop in with nukes and take the terror oil and kill the populace off.............sort of is a bad deal for terrorists and Chicoms now, and the Chicoms comprehend this.

Oh that is too farfetched I suppose, so let us project this out in an autumn strike of EMP, which means no soybean or corn harvest............which means the Chicoms and the world markets face an immense price spike, because American harvest will rot in the combines, no trains, no grain terminals, no ports food for Chicom pigs and chickens.

Projected out, an EMP attack on America kills more Muslims and Chicoms than it does Americans in the long run.

Not saying some insane group might not attempt it, but when Berlin, Pekin, Moscow and Tehran are all joined at the Obama hip, some bright FSU agent is going to inform some bright PLA planner, "Hey you dumb ass what are you going to do with no food and energy now that you crippled America?"

Let us just forget about things that matter to despot Marxists who would be facing literally 3.5 billion starving, furious hordes locked in Eurasia battling down their elite gates for the elite food supply............
Some people call that civil war......but let us forget this as we are dealing with Steve Quayle who likes throwing firebombs often and sometimes connects which he repeats over and over as proof he is a Nouri Expert.

Note to Nouri............George your putting these idiots on really makes you look idiot. I can hear in your voice you know what Quayle is and you have no respect for the time filler.

Meanwhile back at the yellow horde invasion............

So America is rotting in the EMP blast according to Quayle.......sometime in his sometime projection he speaks of a yellow horde....................

Do you know what color Asians are in majority?

They are not yellow.

The Yellow phase of "Chinese" are mainly the Cantonese group, and most of them are turning darker by the year too. The Manchurian, Chin, Han, Uighurs, Mandarans are all dark skinned like American Indians. Not comprehending that simple fact about China or east Asians is quite racist of Quayle and if he does not have it in his facts what color his invaders are, then it reveals the level of his absolute stupidity. that doesn't matter that only Cantonese are doing the invading according to Quayle.

Let us visit his invasion.

How many PLA troops are going to invade a nation of over 300 million as Quayle tosses in Canada too?
Well, I suppose according to Quayle facts that the EMP has crippled America and bodies are laying around so it should be easye eh?

They still have to deal with remnant US or NATO forces, which would be hammering it probably would be more than just the 150,000 Don Rumsfeld sent in Iraq huh?

Got a question here, how does this military get here?


Well answer the question in how does this yellow horde..........horde is a great number, so say China having to face 1 million armed US military and 70 million armed Citizens.............they show up with 1 million troops for the do they get here?

Fly them over? No it would take too long and fuel would ........well you remember that is in no supply from Quayle's EMP on 9 11 or 10 11 0r 11 11 or enough of these numbers.

So you say they come in ships..........

What ships?

Cosco ships as that is all China has.................ok so the Chicoms take these Cosco ships and ............well that is what runs their immense world trade, and that would mean their world trade would stop as China DOES NOT HAVE ANY INVASION FORCE FLEET to transport a military, so China would implode and it's masses would once again start rioting at the gates.

So the Cosco fleet is a gambit Quayle still believes the Chicoms will invade with...........

What are the Chicoms going to eat and drink?

Huh? Sure food and water, but Quayle scorched the grid, and you remember that water plants need electricity to run and food needs transportation, so the Chicoms are not going to be living off the land............more Cosco ships would be needed for food, water, and infrastructure.

See what Quayle in his fantasy world has no idea of, the reason America can invade as it does, is it has logistical support from Combat Engineers to the infamous Haliburton which literally can build nations from power grids to water plants.

Ok, here comes another bubble buster here, and this is a big one.

Americans do not have attrition in their military units because they have a food and water supply, but still have losses. Losses are meant as dysentery, various local illness from bacteria, drowning in water and being run over by stray cows............invading militaries lose from ten to twenty percent of their forces........and some will be paralyzed at 50 to 70 percent levels.
It is why for the astute it was placed here in the American invasion of what is now Oklahoma. Almost that entire expedition was wiped out because of disease that was local.

If China puts an invasion army into America, on two how in the hell is China going to get all the way from Hong Kong to Virginia with a phantom fleet, with the Panama Canal bombed and sealed, trying to invade and resupply, come on now reason this out and tell me and the world how this is going to take place?

That is the reason America needed Liberty ships in World War II and thousands of them to simply supply their invasion forces. America has bread, munitions and manpower in a secure zone to run this long supply route which quantities were lost by German U Boats.
The Chicom or Quayles yellow hordes have no food, no transportation, no ability to Haliburton transform and no energy...........they do have allot of people, but that people structure is what consumes China or any Peking invasion of America to death.

In normal conditions, 10% of a million man division will be sick and die........or be depressed and won't fight in being malcontents. 10% more are going to get shot, lost or Quayle is down to 800,000 troops.
These numbers project out at another 10% in winter, bug bites and just stupidity.............losing 300,000 troops means someone has to deal with the dead, so that takes out another 100,000 in morgue we are dwindling fast the thing Quayle never figured out in, as he has never been part of invasion planning in it requires at least 1 soldier for every invading soldier in quartermaster supply and at bare minium, the same work force in a secure nation not being attacked.

Wars eat up through attrition equipment. This is not pajama clad VC or wool coat PLA in Korea just across the border, subsisting on rice. This is a two ocean trip for a Chicom military, and that means China needs an American supply, perhaps Brazil, but is Brazil really going to be be stupid as communists in not figuring out..........."Gee Pedro there is no America up north and now the Chicoms are there, and America can only hold about 300 million Chicoms.............and the Chicoms have 400 million more.........maybe the Chicoms when they are done with America they will be in South America eradicating us Brazilians, Argentineans and Chileans?"

Wow they Latinos figure that out, and all of as sudden no China trade, and China will need another military to steal the supplies there.

That is just the top of the iceberg in this, and not the small things like American Patriots getting their hands on WMD's to use on Chicom invaders........things like nuke plants melting down blowing pollution on Chicoms.........and all of a sudden without American markets to fuel the Muslim oil and Chicom pans, it all starts imploding fast in Eurasia.

This blog has pointed out the reality of the Chicom invasion and all these Marxists know it, in Putin needs it in Alaska to pin down America for his European invasion......but it is not a total smashing of America, as Putin knows China has no invasion fleet or structure and all it could ever be was like Japan in World War II on the islands.
If China could get into the Indian their Idaho slave cities, or gain a beachhead in Mexico, then it would have a chance.........but even in that, Chicoms after they got done raping and rampaging Americans girls and boys, would find out, that freedom from Peking to rape and steal was a pretty good deal, and in time they would just like King George found out, that the new Chicoms in succeeding would become competitors and better at it than Peking.

The PLA, FSB, Muslim intel all knows this stuff in being projected out, as they have hacked into the American war games which project all of this out in numbers and results.

Quayle is one of these types who keeps saying an event will occur and eventually some earthquake will pop up, but like all hucksters he never notes the 5000 times he was wrong.

Quayle has his use by the cartels, because he is an anarchist. No he doesn't send unibombs, but he puts out that propaganda which sends waves through the herd class who believe this stuff in messianic frenzy and when it does not come about, they ignore it and become worked up over something else and Obama steals another election.

One question from the above from George Nouri would have had Quayle stuttering like Obama does, as the lights are on and no one is home in reason. George Nouri should be ashamed of his radio malpractice in putting such an ignorant on the air just to fill a time slot "in case".
It is unprofessional and a disservice to his audience and taints all he does.

As this blog pointed out, if the EMP destroys American infrastructure it implodes the world, and the world has no invasion capability on mass scale, and the only invasion which would occur was a Putin pinning operation as the Japanese accomplished for short term.

These hucksters are never challenged into real numbers in what it would require from Hong Kong in one invasion fleet to Charleston, to be resupplied, fight a war, occupy that ground for 10 years and hold it.........the costs would bankrupt Eurasia and they would have their own civil wars projecting out.

Would nano genocide virus' be more feasible...most certainly as has been covered here exclusively, but Quayle has not been search engine enough bright to figure this out for his flame thrower press.
The Americans though have the same technology to release like Asian genocide protocols.......if one bothers to look at the exclusives on SAARS which started this blog, one notes those were germ warfare unleashed to remind the Chicoms to behave.

There are vast dangers to America, but Peking, Moscow, Berlin and Tehran are not going to kill themselves to strike America. They are third world, but not that stupid as Rand has projected this all out to educate them.

Minuteman yourselves in preparation with a Bible, food, water, heat, firearms and snares, but use some sense in projecting things out and stop being led around by fools.
